This always makes me smile :)
The Duck Song via @youtube
I'm always there for others.
I listen I give advise I try and make em them feel better.
But who is there for me,?
I'm slowly dying inside but no one notices it.
Sorry about that I did not notice you when you entered my cam room.
Hope you'll be okay LadyB. Feel free to message me.
Feel free to message me on this account or my NellMorgan. No one should suffer alone. Sometimes it helps just to vent.
You can always chat with me, I love talking with you and value your friendship very much.
+ sends lots of positive energy to you +
These pics are awesome, I've always wanted to tour some castles :)
We visit many castles but this is one off the best ones :)
Some we visited were just a pile of rock but this one was nearly all there
ok now im jealous :P thats awesome!
ive always been an admire of castles and cathedrals.
OMG I Love this place !!!!! Beautiful pics !
He he yes it's big enough :)
Yes and the pics are amazing thanks to my 14 year old daughter :)
I agree...On most of this
If they are happy with each other...then who are we to judge?
Sometimes (1/100ish) they end up meeting and things end happily ever after...there's always a chance.
Love should never be used when you've never met them....never....ever....ever. Just no, don't further ruin the sanctity of love by spouting about your love for a person you've never met and have only talked to for a month.
:) I agree with what you are saying here.
Sometimes fantasy is all they have when there are obstacles in the way such as money.. age.. fear.. being trapped in a relationship where they can't get out because their partner is abusive and they fear of leaving at that moment... And some online relationships turn into marriages if both are serious and dead set from the very beginning..
So... Don't judge till you really look at all aspects of... Anything..
If you would read my post correctly I clearly stated that I do not mean the ones that later turn into a real life
I am talking bout those who only ever play around online and never intend to meet anyone real time.
i agree 100% any man can seem like the perfect guy when theres a computer between him and his woman...but only a real man will make it real..going to be with her and making her truely happy...fantasies are best left for children...real life is for the grown ups
Oh how blind you are.
Your just a silly little boy.
You can't see when your being played and used.
But I guess that's what turns you on hey
Being the last choice cause there are no guys stupid enough left.
I feel pitty for you I really do lol
If you're going to go and insult someone, use the right form of you're.
Saying, "Your just a silly little boy." makes you look like a silly little girl.
Lycan, is just a silly little bow though...
-grabs a handful of popcorn-
Read VERY carefully, you stupid bitch. I know you're eyes are just soooo full of tears from being "left behind", as your kismets have whined about for quite some time, but grab a bit of cheek fat and wipe it all away, because I will NOT repeat myself.
I already said this once to you. I went back to HER. I chose HER. NOT the other way around. Not that it fucking matters. You're literally nothing, and that means what you SAY means nothing.
I know you just intend to be a troll, because really, if you look like one why not fit the look right? You're going to come in here and start a little fight in fucking journal comments, because you can't be a fucking adult and tell me to fuck off in a message.
This will be the last time I visit your fucking journal. I just felt you needed a little bit of a wake up call, because you don't seem to get the hint now that you've spiraled into this depressed little shit storm you seem to wanna fling toward me and Payne. Just get a god damn life and leave me out of it, and Payne too while you're at it.
Now. Commence with commenting some shit response. You'll only be talking to yourself now, because I won't be here to read it.
FFs this has nothing to do with Lycan lol
You really think your special hey?
I think we shall call for a catered dinner. This is funny as hell.