Seriously, I say that too much, but this really is the best video ever.
Seriously, you must watch this video!!!
Member Name: xXAlicEXx
Does anyone else get the impression that the new Liz Vicious profile is a fake?
Someone else has got a picture of the same girl, claiming to be that same girl. Vampirepuppy687 or whatever. It's mentioned in the LV profile.
To me, it's nuts that someone would project a fake persona. I know it happens all the time, but I guess I'm just naïve about it. One of these people is obviously lying.
I'll keep my comments about the photos themselves to myself. For now. . . . Hee hee.
I don't think it's fake....
However, I believe the person is an ego-maniac....
believing she is entitled to something she is not.....
She wants everything right now, without paying the appropiate dues....
She believes because she is famous within here circle, that fame and privelege should follow her here.... and be allowed to do as she pleases regardless of her actual VR level.
it's a shame... she IS a very pretty girl, but her attitude is only making her ugly and unappealing.
I was standing outside work today and saw a bumper sticker that pissed me off. It said, "I drive like a Cullen." They have fucking Twilight bumper stickers out. God-fucking-dammit. It's such a pointless thing to get pissed about, but shit! I'm tired of seeing all this twilight merchandise. What's even more ridiculous about it is that there are probably hundreds if not thousands of these things on cars across the country, and people continue to buy them like it's original or something. At least it helps me to avoid people who like to read shitty books...
There's one out that says: "My other car is a silver Volvo" as well. *sigh*
I love you.
I had a dream that someone rated me a 1, and so I got pissed and re-rated them a 1.
Seriously, I need to stop dreaming about real life. It gets confusing after a while.
i once had a dream that someone on vr was trying to curse me, over the net, and make me sick. i woke up and got sick. Quite ironic, i thought.
Dreams about vr though, i thought that was so unhealthy.
That's hilarious.
I've only dreamed of meeting certain people.
And this isn't a dream, but when I am sleeping, and there are people on here that really need to talk to me. I can hear them, and I get woken up. I say out loud, ALRIGHT! I'M AWAKE! Log on and then they all attack me. lol
Sometimes I wish they would just shut up. @.@
Heh, I had a dream I got into an argument with, Sevenn, and she suspended me for infinity.... But, I'm still here, lol.
Hey, don't sweat it. It's NOT real life.
Here's another video that I laughed at.
i'm not sure what bothers me more about this, the fact that someone was willing to make THIS speach eight minutes long, or the fact that he needs a card to read and still digresses.
Not really, but this guy thinks they do.
...that I can't help but laugh at:
I keep watching this -- and it never STOPS being funny. I just can't figure out how the car flips over so quickly. It doesn't seem possible. And yet, it is.
Member Name: Allegra47
Quote: Only barbarians are not curious about where they come from, how they came to be where they are, where they appear to be going, whether they wish to go there, and if so, why, and if not, why not.
Actually, barbarians had their own myths about where they came from, where they were going, and why. I can't help but feel that this is an attack on those of us who don't subscribe to religious nonsense. Educated people know that we evolved from the same ape that chimpanzees evolved from. We appear to be going to our deaths, once this short life is over. We will ultimately end up in the ground, eerily preserved by a cocktail of embalming fluids. I'm sure most people of sane mind do not wish to go there, which is why the idea of the soul and continued life after death is so popular. No one wants to die, since death is inevitably the end, and such a prospect is terrifying for any individual, human or not. Lesser animals don't contemplate their mortality, they just try to survive.
This was inspired by an entry in Blackheresy's journal, which linked to an article in Discover Magazine about a study that was performed in which robots "evolved" the ability to lie. However, the actual study (which is available here, from Science Direct) wasn't quite as spectacular sounding.
The test was designed to study "how the kin structure and the level of selection jointly
influence the evolution of cooperative communication." Only under one condition did "deceptive signaling" evolve, and it was when selection was reduced to the level of the individual (aka survival of the fittest individual rather than the fittest colony). In most cases (if I've interpreted the conclusions correctly, the cooperative communication had a greater benefit to colony performance than deceptive signaling. It is also worth noting that it was only suggested that deceptive signaling was "intentional" and meant for the robots' personal benefit.
My mother has her prayer group over, and they're downstairs saying the rosary. From here, all I can hear is this low chanting, and I have to say, it sounds incredibly creepy. They might as well be saying "double, double, toil and trouble," or sacrificing a small child. They could be blessing their ritual dagger before they come upstairs to murder me for being an apostate. I'm not sure what it is, but behind the silliness of prayer groups in the first place, there just seems to be something horribly sinister behind it. Maybe the knowledge that they're guided by the same blind faith as the people who happily burned witches alive, stoned people to death, and massacred entire civilizations because they worshiped the wrong deity.
There's something inherently dangerous about the sort of religious fervor demonstrated by these highly motivated individuals, who take time out of their busy lives to chant nonsense over and over in hopes that one day they'll be rewarded for it. People who get angry and defensive when their unfounded beliefs are questioned, who are only too willing to slander me to other members of the family, right in front of me. It's as if they're begging me to speak up, and challenge them. They think they're so untouchable in their faith. As if the ability to wholeheartedly believe in something not just despite there being no evidence for it, but because there's no evidence for it, is something to be respected.
Something Catholics are particularly annoying in is the idea that the pope is the infallible mouth of God. Every one of them feels that anything and everything the Pope says is divinely inspired, and inerrant because of it. My question to them is why, if the pope is the infallible mouth of God, are the newer popes so quick to correct the mistakes of the past ones? Either they're entirely infallible because they speak the word of God, or they're not infallible. You can't just take one thing a pope said, correct it, and then continue assuming that everything else he said was inerrant. That is, up until the next correction is made. "Oops, guess that part wasn't really God's word, but the rest still is." How can the divinely inspired word make a mistake? Something just doesn't add up...
Reminds me of a John Saul book i've read. Blackstone Chronicles. In one of the stories, the protagonist's lover's mother was a religious fanatic like that. Burning pillars of incense and praying day in and day out. She met an interesting end.
This is why i like to read. Fiction is sometimes a pleasant escape from reality. Haha.
Maybe we could appreciate actual prayer instead of trashing it considering the alternative COULD be coming upstairs and challenging their beliefs.
A peaceful gathering in prayer could be as calming and healthy for them as a yoga session for other people.
I'm happy to see people practicing their faith, and we don't always know their reasons why and even if we do know, who cares? It's their faith. Whether they invite you to join or not doesn't matter.
And really... If it's that annoying... Move out :)
Yes, well, I believe one would have the right to doubt or 'trash' any religion, since all it does it mostly trash other people's lives, countries, cultures, even. I don't mind it being trashed at all, considering the fact that because of it my father tried to kill me, and, many others were killed in the name of some book that some people put together and 'claimed' it to be god's word. honestly.... and the fact that so many misinterpret it and/or twist it to convenience them or their belief or possibly twisted and sadistic minds only makes matters worse. "Oh, lets kill what we don't understand or can't control..." yes, meanwhile in the same book "thou shalt not kill".
I'd not be surprised if how they spoke was sinister... I know many of them to be very negative people indeed.