Member Name: SoulFatesVixen
Status: Whelp (1)
Rank: Regular Member
Affiliation: No affiliations
Account Type: Free Member
Referred By: No data
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 2/8/61
Location: Washington, PA
Quote: Love the Magical hours in a cementary, licks my fang tip.
I am a ageless nomadic wander, artistic and mystical, lover and huntress. An unique individual with varied interests.
ask and i will tell thee more if need be!
I hate it when people tell bold-faced lies like that. You're old and fat. Come to terms with it. And your quote doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Grow up. You're too old to be playing this foolish game...
Happy fucking holidays. What a lovely present for a teenager to get. While other people get clothing, electronics, money, my fiancee gets cancer. It's official. There is no god.
Member Name: saytin666
Quote: just cuz i kill things 4 fun dont make me a bad preson. Perhaps it only makes you mentally disturbed, you're right. However, misspelling a word like "person" makes you a fucking retard...
If i wanna kill you your daed got it. I'm "daed", huh? I'm sorry, but I'm unfamiliar with this word. Did you mean "dead"? I must have misunderstood, since I couldn't possibly think that someone with basic knowledge of a computer keyboard would be so goddamn stupid! Also, your statement not only makes you look childish and stupid, it also makes you look......... well, I think childish and stupid about sums it up. Anyone have another word to describe it?
Member Name: InsaneGuitarist
Quote: Dreams that die always fly but dreams that live kill you.
It's the "1" list for December. Big fucking deal.
Disclaimer: Many of you out there are too dim to figure out that what I write in here is generally not my genuine feeling. The same goes for this list. I make no character judgements beforehand. These people are on here because I decided so, and there is no reasoning with me unless you speak in a civil manner and ask to be taken off the list. All requests must be submitted electronically for convenience (hint: SEND ME A DAMN MESSAGE). If you present me with a reasonable argument as to why you shouldn't be on this list (shouldn't take much) then it will be my pleasure to remove and rerate you.
Finally, the list:
lestatscountess (Sorry Lady Kristalyn. Your pro work was great. lol.)
satyrico Your profile just plain sucks. Fix it.
darious You're just a fucking liar. Vampire clan elder my ass...
bob316 Now you're just lazy as shit. Write something new, ANYTHING new.
sexyone You're just a fucking moron. That's right, I'm messing "wit a princezz."
sveiner You're new, so I can't expect much out of you, but a profile of just "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" is stupid.
darkklord75 Ooh, I'm fucking terrified! Dipshit.
saytin666 Feel special. You get a rant AND this listing...
Daniko You're just pathetic...
Member Name: GothicBabe14
Quote: He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man
He who makes a beast out of himself relieves himself of the responsibilities of being a thinking person. He is a fool, and should be exterminated for his inability to cope with the simple and necessary rules of humanity. If a man instead uses his ability to think to create something new, and to make the world a better place, he gets rid of the pain of being a worthless failure...
Member Name: demoinlover
Quote: i need someone to love...will it be you?