Ok...Let's get this trip over with.
Who is this post for?
This post is for those folks whose mission in life is to stomp out the happiness in others by wanting to start some shit just because they themselves are not happy and misery wants company or starting drama is just something they enjoy doing. Like a Hobby.
It goes something like this for the 'Profesional Instigator'...
Went to sleep lonely and sad.
Woke up lonely and angry.
Sees someone posts their undying love for each other on social media.
Makes plans to cause drama and shut that shit down ASAP because they got rejected by that guy at one time or didn't get the guy's attention, they don't like that chick for any number of reasons, and at least on a social media site such as VR, one can even become popular being the 'Bad Guy'. They can make it to the top of the Bottom Honor or have everyone posting about their antics and if they go too far, they can always self-delete, make another profile and carry on.
Its all Yin Yang to me.
You can't have the Positive without the Negative and quite frankly, being hated on is all the attention some people feel they will ever get and if you have Energy Vampyres that feed on Positivity....There must be those that feed on the Negativity.
Everyone can't be so-called, 'Good'. The Universe won't allow it.
Everyone can't be so-called, 'Evil'. The Univers won't allow it.
Some people are because that's how The Universe designed it to be so. Their life experiences that have shaped, molded, and transformed them into who they are today was accomplished by Universal Design as much as by choice.
Can people change their pre-determined fate? Sure, but the Universe will correct the equation somehow.
It's called Universal Balance.
As LZAPERVERT is stating in her Kismet...#FreeTommyRobinson
I just watched over an hour-long video of his live stream as well as some other video commentary and that just seems like an abusive of power.
To be arrested on some trumped (no pun intended) up charges and thrown in jail is what can happen to citizens not particularly approved of by their government.
People, especially people of color, have had to deal with this over generations for trying to bring light to some sort of injustice.
Preach Brother Preach. Tommy did nothing but since th
the left on his side of the world hold power, boom rights get crushed and people are whisked off gestappo style.
Don't shoot yourself and then blame the gun...LOL!
Right..sheesh.. :/
Good point Mogy.....
It just keeps happening...
I speak multiple languages. Nothing throws people off more than when you order lunch in Mandarin Chinese and you look like a Mexican lol. People try to speak Spanish to me so to mess with them, I speak French lmao. My favorite is when I speak Spanish to people when they think I am white LMAO. Speaking multiple languages has nothing to do with skin color. Hell I even speak American sign language. These languages helped me at work hence why I learned them.
I had an Ex who is part Mexican and is fluent in Spanish and would indeed speak Spanish to family members or friends who also spoke Spanish when they were talking trash about someone thinking that they wouldn't understand it. I don't speak it fluently, but I took 2 years of it and understand some words, but it was hilarious when her Sister tried to say something unflattering about a friend of my Ex who had gone shopping with them only to be reminded by my Ex that her friend is Mexican and speak Spanish too. LMAO!
I was asked once while on active duty was speaking another language among people who understood it allowed in the military? One Marine was adamant that it wasn't allowed. However, when asked to provide policy reference, that Marine couldn't do it. So I just assured everyone that when conducting business with someone, obviously they need to be able to understand you so you speak that language, however, when just socializing, speak the language you choose to no matter if others feel uncomfortable. You're not speaking to them anyway so it's their issue and not yours. It is also not disrespectful or rude. It's ruder to try to be in a conversation that clearly wasn't meant for you to be in. If people feel bad about not understanding what is being said, people are welcome to learn the language.
Well, all the bills for June have been paid so now for the 2nd Mission.
Today, I'm down to only 3 frozen T.V. Dinners in the house and this fact has contributed strongly to my desire to do 2 things that I do not enjoy doing. #1, Leaving My House & #2 Grocery Shopping. I also have to pick up some pool chemicals.
Oh, you know I'll be medicating when I return home. LOL!
Have fun running errands lol.
I'm waiting around for a special delivery so it'll be late afternoon before this monumental event kicks off. LOL!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all the females that wear so much makeup that people file "Missing Persons" Reports when they wear it and throw "Home Coming" Celebration Parties for them when they take it off.
Ok Payne, that may have had staggering power, but it was no knock-out. However, here is a mic drop!
NO YOU DINT..watching Arsenio!!!
bahahahahahahahaha...I FOLD
Do it again guys. This has been AWESOME!!!!!!
I'm too High.....Video coming soon....lol
Dayum! You went there on me huh Payne? Well, try these on for size.
OMG I love Flashdance!!!
Hey Payne, I will give you $5.00 if you do the whole wet routine ;}
Payne, let's not forget another classic from 'On A Clear Day'. Talk about a guy begging....LOL!
Bring It Payne, what do you know about Barbra?
So my Daughter tells me she has to be a Mother and sometimes a Father to her boys.
I told her, "Never disrespect your gender like that. You don't have to be a Father....Being a Great "Parent" is enough. Whatever a Father brings to the table just because he has a penis is something no Mother will ever be able to bring. So why try? She doesn't have a penis. lol....A Parent is a Parent regardless of Gender....So I'm hoping you don't allow people to wish you a Happy Father's Day. If I remember correctly, you weren't born with a penis. LMAO!!!"
Ok xXxPaynexXx, let's.
I still have this on VHS LMAO.
My Son and his Sister (my now Surrogate Daughter/former Step-Daughter) kills me whenever they refer to their Mom as "My Mom". Like when they say, "I'll let my Mom know".
I'm like, ummm.....I know she's your Mom.
I was there for both your freaking births. LOL!
LMAO, Gawd said that I need a new car lol.
Roseanne blames Ambien for rant: I'm not a racist, just an idiot
Ambien maker: 'Racism is not a known side effect'
Dude, she has always been an asshole. Why people thought she would change is beyond me.
So I've read....lol
My husband taught me a great word when I first met him. Edit. Great word, I use it everyday lol.
Warning: I have awakened. Expect AWESOMENESS.....As usual.
And remember.....It's just a social site....It's NEVER that serious.
Laugh, Cry, Touch Yourself...Whatever...Do You!
lol, let the jack assery commence :)
Who is this Jack and what is his ass doing to you? LOL!
Jack is the donkey's ass lol.
I am cool with you *passes you a packed bowl* I am cool with most people. Just not liars. I don't like liars. I like tacos. Tacos are awesome :}
Ditto my friend. ^_^
Who is this post for?
This post is for the creators of the Internet, Google and valid, respected and factual Content Providers. Proving daily how ignorant some people and their family and friends are.
The Human Brain is amazing and even after all the progress made in science, it's still a mystery.
For example, a doctor scans a brain and says it appears to be a normal and healthy brain. Then that same person does or says things that are considered outside of what mainstream society considers "normal" and new tests are ordered because something just isn't right. The same doctor or a different one with a deeper study of the human brain then points out a spot on that person's brain and tells them it must be the cause of them being "Batshit Crazy", but that there is no cure, they can't operate and that there is no real effective treatment, but good luck in life.
I've been exposed to many and I do mean MANY different personalities.
All I have to say is what I have already stated, the human brain is both amazing and still a mystery.
Have you had your Brain Scanned lately?
I'm just asking for a friend.....
Her: Is your necklace real gold.
Me: It's gold-plated.
Her: Well, since you can afford real gold, why are you wearing gold-plated?
Me: Well, since you have the ability to chew real meat, why are you eating faux meat products?
Her: Umm, hello.....I'm Vegan.
Me: Umm, hello....At least I'm not trying to convince myself that I'm wearing "real" gold.
Who is this post for?
This post is for the first female that decided to shave her eyebrows and then have some tattooed on.
She was like, Fuck It! YOLO! LOL!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those females that send an angry text message to the guy they're breaking up with and including in the text telling him not to reply back.
Wait, What?! They were probably mad that their guys didn't do something they asked or demanded them to so why would they feel those guys would suddenly then obey their request? In fact, the guys probably replied with an entire chapter of why he's happy they're no longer together.
These females need to shove a quarter up their ass because congratulations...they played themselves. LOL!
So I've spent the last 6 hours reading over political candidate's platforms and other pertinent information and have concluded my Primary Voting Right and mailed it off.
Groovy. I want tacos.
Awesome...Me too. lol
tacos and chimichangas vote for Deadpool..lol
Time to take a few minutes out of my leisure living to mail in my Primary Ballot.
Can I convince you to vote for my canadite?
I don't know since you have not yet made the attempt, therefore, the out come is still in question.
Yes, I'm a smart-ass and Sarcasm is 1 of 5 languages I'm fluent in. Lol
I am going to call you now
So Bandit went to my Buddha Gardin and took a shit directly in front of the Buddha Statue. That was mad disrespectful Bruh....But, hella funny. I kept thinking to myself, maybe to Bandit, Serenity & Happiness is a warm shit on a cool morning. LMAO!
Who is this post for?
This post is for those people who thought A.D.D. stood for 'All De'em Donuts'.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for those guys whose girls attend Mardi Gras with their girls and return home with two fists full of one dollar bills instead of beads.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for those people who had Pig's Blood found in their urine test.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people whose breath smells like their tongue has been sitting on the side of the road in the hot sun all day.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for girls in High School sporting full beards.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people who skate to the Liquor Store.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people who probably got a G-Spot in their bellybutton.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people who bite the holes into waffles.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those guys who were born Step-Fathers.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people who chew candy that's still in the wrapper.
Wait, What?! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for people whose outfit came on one hanger. Including the shoes.
Now Binge Watching 'Roast Me' on YouTube.
He said, 'Why does it look like you have two full mustaches for eyebrows?'
LMAO! I'm dead! They are going in on each other.
VR is going so slow and kicking me off I'm just waiting for some sort of a PSA.
You are the PSA lol.
Oh...Well....You're Welcome! lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for me because I didn't know. I thought people were just being overly sensitive.
lol, feel free to roast my carcass any time ;)
And that's why we're friends....You get the levity. And you throw it back harder....Wait, that sounded different in my head....((Hugs)) LOL!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people who love sarcasm, roasting, banter, jokes, teasing and know when it comes from a friend, to return as good as you get.
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people that low-key kicks puppies in private and pet them in public.
How could you?! I'm calling PETA. LOL!
Serenity, how can you "Quietly, walk into the darkness" when you keep tripping over everything? LMAO!!!!
I'm about to medicate.
Whatever I post, I can not be held accountable for.....typos. What? You thought I was going to say don't hold me accountable for what I post? Ha! Nahhh....I'll be High....not Drunk! Even then, they meant what they said. There was just a lack of a Sober-Filter. LOL!
I hate typos. If you see one, let me know, I have to edit typos.
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people that don't mind eating generic brand cereal knowing that it tastes just like the more expensive name brand cereal.
Fuck, I want to pay to eat your food, not your brand name. Fuck your brand name. I don't get a check from it. LOL!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those self-proclaimed Occultists who don't know the difference between a Pentacle and a Pentagram.
IJS, one has a circle. Hint, Hint!
You members must have much to redeem yourselves for to be subjected daily to my form of Pervy, For-Shock-Value, Sarcastic, Dark, Shenanigans and Humor.
If you've missed it. Just wait, I have such sights to show you. Hahahaha!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people that are lurking on VR and reading journal entries off-line until someone posts your name.
Some of you have a very colorful way with words. I like that shit! lol
LMAO. I have something like that. Flip the numbers around and you have my fire arm.
I have a deadly family of 3 myself....lol
Freaking sweet. My hubby built mine for my birthday one year so it's super special to me :) Also my hubby's gun I hate shooting at the range. Holy kick back batman. Hey do you watch Demolition Ranch on Youtube? I love the firearms that guy gets to shoot. Lucky!!!!
No, but I watch a few others.
Did someone say firearms???
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people who never feel quite clean enough after taking a shit and the tissue comes back white after wiping your ass, but you still feel the need to jump in the shower, if at all possible, just to make sure.
I mean, if you're wiping so hard that you begin to see spots of blood on the tissue and you're still seeing brown, give up the fight and wash your shitty asshole and crack! Dayum!
Who is this post for?
This post is for all the IG Strippers posting videos of themselves working out in the Gym, drinking slim tea, hacking up mountains and wearing clothes too tight to breathe or hardly anything at all......and then posting a pic eating fatty foods.
I suppose a sandwich does a body good....lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people that have so many flavors to choose from.....But they choose to be "Salty".
Why You Mad Though?! LOL!
Is it me or is the day going by extra slow today?
I feel like it should be later than noon, but it's only 10:22 a.m. (PST).
I should get some reading in today. I think I've got my fill of YouTube for an hour or two. lol
Who is this post for?
This post is for all the single people who sleep in the same spot in bed almost every night and now there is an indentation (dip) in your mattress and on that rare occasion when you do roll over to the other side, you feel a little light-headed from the change in altitude.
"I hope I can get a couple likes and find a badder bitch
With nice tits
A nice ass
Some nice lips
A nice rack
She said, "you're coming too quick"
I said bitch you define fast
I look up at the clock, how much time pass?
One minute
Oh yeah, you know a minute was straight drillin' that fine ass"
Witt Lowry - "Tried To Be Nice"
Wait, What?! LMAO!
LMAO awwwwww you brought those a-holes to me. How sweet. *makes a big grin and pulls out a blowtorch* Time for a bbq :)
Fck them bitches. Roast their asses on a spit over a very large fire :)
Who is this post for?
This post is for all those people that patiently wait until the ad playing prior to running your chosen video counts down to the moment the "skip" option is reflected and then you can't click on it fast enough.
You ever get the feeling that one of your Ex's joined VR, made a profile using someone else's picture and friended you just to prove they can be friends with you as long as you guys are not living together? LMAO!!!
Fuck! Got High last night and ordered shit off of eBay again....LMAO!!!
WTF did you buy dingle?
You bought all of that?
Nahhh...I just like posting pictures......Of course I did. LOL!
lol, I always buy stuff for my kitchen and then my husband complains because I never want anything like jewlery or expensive stuff like that. I would love a sou ve machine. Or a freeze dryer. I like expensive things but not for wearing.
VR, where all of your multiple Personalities can become their own online Avatar.
That moment you realize that two different profiles have the same writing pattern. Making the same grammatical errors every time. The funny thing is, this one person is using the two profiles to fight each other.
Talk about Multiple Personalities.
Play on people....Play on.
Make it stop Mogy....:::facepalm::
LMAO. Now that is funny.
Bandit's exam went well. Other than needing to increase his weight and the frequency of cleaning his teeth, he's healthy and well. Time to go pick him up and bring him back home.
Another YouTube Couple has broken up (I suppose for real) due to one of them living with a form of Mental Illness. She 'allegedly' brought so much drama into her relationship and the lives of those around her that her BF just had enough and the relationship ended. They actually broke up many times before, but she had always threatened to commit suicide so he kept taking her back. However, she was caught in what seemed to have been an Emotional Affair with someone else via the internet.
Let's make this simple.....If you are having problems in your intimate relationship and you turn to the opposite sex for some sort of support, more than likely you have 'Just Ended Your Relationship'. So congratulations, you just played yourself.
There are 'functional' mental illness people all around us. They do well in school. They may even do well at a job. However, they are fighting a fight within themselves that everyone else around them can only witness the outer real-life repercussions, aftereffects, consequences, etc., of their inner war. Some battles they win, but many they lose.
For those living with some form of Mental/Emotional Illness........Don't Give Up. Keep Fighting! Find a way to either Heal or Manage in a safe and healthy way.
For those that don't understand what it's like.....I understand. It's not YOUR reality.
I am mentally ill but today I have sinusitus so I will deal with that little gem first lol.
Amen...the struggle is real...
PB&J sandwiches are classic.....Yum!
Just enjoying the company of my Niece and her BF on the last day of their visit. Night time spa soaks and swimming in the pool, good food and drinks, few games of pool and listening to only the best songs while candles and incense burn...
The 85 South Comedy Show on YouTube is having me Rolling with Laughter.......I love when people get Roasted. LOL!
So my Niece and her BF will be visiting and spending the weekend with me.
I usually scrub and dust from ceiling to floor, but this time.....Nahhhh....The Guest Bedroom & Bathroom and Kitchen are all the tidying that will be done today.
-busts out laughing-
I want my own flashy thingy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thieves....They never stop trying to take what they didn't earn.
So my debit card was compromised somehow. However, thanks to my banks' Guardian Alert App and the thief attempting to charge more than what was in my account, I was able to have my card blocked after the very first fraudulent purchase attempt was declined. Then they, of course, tried 3 more times using a lesser amount, but too late....Their ass was Blocked from using that card and I hope their identity is discovered and they are arrested.
Of course, now I have to wait a few days for another debit card, but Eh. At least no money had to be reimbursed to me.
Life Lock baby ;)
Ha, even the guy that was advertising it got his identity stolen...LOL! Remember when he kept making that commercial saying how the SSN on the side of the truck was his real SSN and then he was made a victim of Identity Theft?...LMAO!!!
That was some stupid as shit to do.
goodness mogy. You so lucky
@ Lilianat, IKR?! I've been the victim of Identity Theft and had my Debit
I'm awake...You know what that means....SHENANIGANS!!! ^_^
xRobin3x, I ain't scared!!! Why don't you
LMAO. Get him Robin lol.
he's just being a turd. i got things to do....lol
Awwww, no one want to play. *tags Momo and runs* gotcha bitch.
LZAPERVERT......You don't want this smoke! But I'm sure you want to smoke. LOL!
lol *packs a bowl of FI* Oh you wanted me to run in real life. Hahahahaha not unless you have a gun and even then I may debate it.
This is some funny shit! LMAO!!!
The funniest Podcast/YouTube video about Roasting I've ever watch....LMAO!!!
Good Lord you watch weird stuff lol
One's weird is another's source of humor.....lol.....And don't throw rocks living while living in that glass crypt. hahaha
I'm such a fan of All Things Beautiful, of Darkness & Light, Spiritual/Energy, Eccentric & Exotic, Sexy & Sexual.........
So on one website I frequent, after reading member posts I have to say, there are some...ummm..."interesting" souls on there....and I thought I was the strange one.......
Oh, wait...It's VR. Nevermind. LOL!
Alrighty then...Let's start the morning off with encountering Wifi issues requiring me to walk downstairs and plug in the Ethernet Cable to my laptop just to restore whatever is required to connect to the Wifi.
Fixed....Carrying On with my day. *sighs* First World Problems....LOL!
You know what, I'm just going to go ahead and say it.....Fuck Thanos! LOL!
So the local Subway has closed down. Now who is going to prepare my sandwiches? I blame Payne!
*hands you a paddle* Use the force Luke
Party at LZAPERVERT's home.
Message her for her address and get a free boobie pic as a Thank You! ^_^
You want to die today don't you.
Blame it on the Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Ca-Cannabis! LMAO!!!
I am taking your toys away. Someone needs a time out. Breathe air once in a while. Put down the bong.
Looks who's talking.... Jeesh!
Dayum, people on their grind on Instagram and other social media sites.
EVERYONE knows that Sex and Sexual Content sells.
So the winning formula is to post pictures of T&A, build a following and then charge people to advertise their products and services to those that are following.
Not a bad strategy...Especially if you own all the photos you're posting. So Pimp yourself out rather than having someone else Pimp you first. LOL!
Two words a guy says to his girl that makes her very concerned for his welfare....."Challenge, Excepted". LOL!
LMAO. My hair is almost down to my ass.
My husband says I look better with long hair.....so I have long hair.
On a purely physical level, the reason most males are attracted to females is because they look different than males. The more "feminine" a female looks, the more attractive she is to most males.
Dude, that is common sense. I know it's a dying concept but we need to ressurect it.
Truth! As they say, it's no longer common to meet those that use it. LOL
LZAPERVERT complains about people being stupid while Zombies are busy eating Brains.
Seems to me that pretty much explains a lot. LMAO!!!
Yeah dude. I don't want my people to starve lol.
But they're leaving Brainless Meat-Sacks walking the Earth....Eats like eating Edibles because you have the munchies.
Which brings on more munchies.
So don't eat Brains if you don't want Stupid.........LOL!
Why yes, I do love my life. Sorry I'm not sorry to disappoint.
I love your life too. I am jelous of your lung capacity.
Ummm...Thanks?! lol
The sound of a smoke detector chirping annoys the fuck out of me and I hate when I watch a YouTube video and all I can focus on is that chirping noise. I have to click off the video after 2 minutes. I also hate when I'm on the phone with someone and hear it. I'm like, dayum...Change the battery already. How can they tune that out? LOL!
So I have a showerhead that has multiple settings. But how does one of the settings just decide to stop working? I mean, WTF?! It's just plastic and different holes. Now I have to take the thing apart just out of curiosity.
Could be hard water.
Well dayum, didn't know I had that type of effect on water, but I definitely don't swing that way. Now I'm going to feel odd as I'm rinsing off. lol!
Noooo...Stop trying to compare your life with mine. Don't compare my lifetime accomplishments with your own. My life has been 49 years in the making. 24 of those years spent serving in the US Military and attending schools and taking courses. I'm able to do what I want and say what I want because now I answer to No One!
If you're employed, going to school, in an intimate relationship, being supported by someone financially or care what your family, friends and society think of you or feel about you, you won't be able to do the same.
Should I even ask what in the hell this is about. I love ya dude but I don't want to be you. Your tits are too small :)
I love ya too, but I don't want to be you either. A clit does not a dick make. ^_^
Oh lord. What I can do with a statement like that. Oh yeah, snowflakes on here. NM, I will text it to you.
Oh believe me, if you only knew what I choose NOT to post. lol
Well I sent you the tamest thing I could think of :)
I don't know what for yet, but give her time.
Ummm, I've been working sooooo I blame Blue :)
Balls on who?
LMAO, ummmm I got Blue Dream if that helps lol.
Ok....Better! LOL!
So I left a bag of Sunflower Seeds on one of the tables in my backyard for about a month. Birds finally got brave enough to approach it, got the bag opened, made a mess and even took a shit after. I suppose shitting on people and their things is part of their "Hey, I can fly so I'm better than you" nature. Little fuckers!
But, LZAPERVERT....The Dead Feels No Pain...So what's really going on?
I miss my red headed demon of Lurve. I miss Payne.
She's probably sitting quietly somewhere eating a sandwich watching old episodes of The Walking Dead...lol
lol I wish. She is probably still kicking ass on FallOut as we speak.
So I told her, bringing kids into this world is easy, but sustaining an Intimate Relationship is difficult when people are not upfront as to why they feel they want you in their life. If it's just for sex, money, a place to live, etc, etc, I'd like to know that upfront before I allow them out of the Friend Zone.
Really be cautious as to other people's motives for wanting to be in your life in an intimate way or just as friends. They want something from you and obviously, if you allow them in your life like that, you see something in them you want. Just be clear what that is.
I want your weed and your bongs. I'll exchange your weight in edibles :)
You must be High.....And I'm not High enough to agree to that. LOL!
lol, yes I am and you will be. Just smoke more. :}
Come on up to my place. I will show you what 11 feels like lol.
Heck no.....If I'm going to be that High, I want to be in my own home. lol
LMAO, my husband is strong. He can ease you onto our couch as you become a human puddle.
22:46 May 31 2018
I just woke up. Looks like I missed a bit.