It may be really difficult to accept that often times your pain will be the sacrifice you make for the Personal Growth of another, but in the end if you make it through you are rewarded with more Strength to withstand that level of pain when and if it ever comes around again.
My God wants me to enjoy my gift of life, treat those as they treat me, know that he is always there for me, do what brings me joy and harm no one that has brought no harm to me and doesn't require me to convert anyone since my life and actions will speak for themselves, Buttttttt another God of a religion I will not name...yeah, what's up with him? Bipolar & Paranoid much?
In my study of humans, I find it interesting the power society has over the perception of so many. For example, some females in their youth find it very hard to spit and not hit a male that wants to have sex with them. However, prior to them showing signs of aging they try very hard to mate up with someone who will love them into their older years. Why? Because even though males show signs of aging, females are the ones that society stress more on appearance. Once signs of aging appears although they've fought tooth and nail to prevent it, some females give up searching for a mate due to the fact that they see that society has already programmed males to pursue youthful beauty even as some males themselves have long lost their youthful looks and vitality. In fact I wonder is there really any truth that women find that they are in their sexual prime during their older years or is it that they feel they no longer have the choice to be selective. I've known a few females who had very high libidos in their youth and waiting for them to be in their prime made no sense at all. Everybody is different and each, both female and male, approach aging and all that comes with that process differently. Females with plastic surgery, botox and hair coloring and males with Cialis, Viagra, Levitra, hair restoration aids and coloring. All I can ever hope for the human race is that with age comes less focus on looks and more focus on wisdom because to be old and ignorant must be such a sad fate. However, no matter how old one gets, they can always appreciate and admire the beauty of youth. I know I do. ^_^
So our neighborhood Subway now delivers. Free delivery over $10. So guess what's for dinner? I'm not driving the Hummer a few blocks up the road just to have females make me my sandwich. ^_^
Get some exercise work for that god damned sandwich those Subway Ladies make you!
I remember as a child, my mother telling my brother and I not to leave the house since we often stayed trapped in the house for long periods of time not having anyone to watch us or anything to do as she worked. One day the opportunity came up for some fun and excitement. The son of a friend of the family had started up a little Air Force club and wanted to go on a walk with our BB Guns like a little training event. So my brother called and asked my mother could we go and then got off the phone and told me that she said it was ok. Believing my brother, I left with him to go have fun. Needless to say that he had lied. This resulted in him getting a beating as well as me. My beating was because I believed my brother, failed to not trust him and call my mother just to make sure he wasn't lying. Of course my beating only taught me not to trust everything my brother tells me in the future. Not the parenting choice I would have made, but oh well. This story reminds me of the Adam and Eve Christian story. The Father says not to do something. The brother convinces the sister to do something who then turns and convinces hubby to do something and then Dad punishes EVERYBODY! End result.....Chris Brown making a song called "Loyal" LMAO!!!!
She looks sweet.
Aww you got a new lady friend to play ball with hehehe So, if I lived in CA would you let me pet your dog if I passed by? People in upstate yank their dogs away from me and look at me like Im crazy XD I just wanna pet a puppy!
She's not mine, she belongs to a friend of mine. She loves to be pet though.
What I listen to most in the world are my own thoughts...So I have to make sure that they are POSITIVE!
Wow! Four people in my life encountered drama in their life just this week alone and I'm over here like....Cool, True Blood starts Sunday!!!! ^_^
Pick a place....Any place in the world. I bet I've traveled there or just returned from traveling there.....In my mind. It's cheaper! ^_^
When someone judges your life's goals and determines that you are not living up to your full potential even though you are "HAPPY", what they are actually saying is that you are not living up to THEIR full potential that THEY desire for you.
Allowing OTHERS to dictate what YOU should define as 'success' or 'goal achieved' will only produce a warped version of THEM and not the original version of YOU and who you choose to be.
I know I can tell some people it took me only 24 years of sacrifice and hard work to achieve my life's goal and now I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor in 'HAPPINESS', it's as though the word 'Happiness' is foreign to them as they tell me I'm too young to be retired and that I should pursue a second career. LMAO!!! Seriously! This sometimes happens to me.
I get it, I really do though. My life is so unique to those that have yet to reach this point that it's beyond their comprehension. So I try to slowly explain to them that I'm still living life. I pay taxes, I go shopping, I buy gas for my vehicle, I do house choirs, I pay bills, I visit friends and family, I entertain myself, I enjoy my hobbies, etc, etc, the only thing I no longer do is 'report in' or 'clock in' to a job and 'complete tasks' and/or 'make money' for other people by providing my services. Why? Because now a certain amount of money comes to me monthly and will so for the rest of my life for what I've already done that lasted 24 years and although I'm not rich, I'm Comfortable, Stress Free, Happy and above all else....AWESOME! ^_^
Happy Father's Day To All The Dads Out There That Knows Damn Well You Help Bring Life Into This World And Is Taking Care Of Your Responsibilities And To All The Step-Dads, God-Dads & Surrogate Dads Who Care For Those As If They Were Your Very Own. ^_^
It's so funny how on Mother's Day, you don't see guys posting none sense wishing single Fathers a Happy Mother's Day, but come Father's Day, all those single Moms who chose the wrong man to allow all between their legs or those whose personality chased them away want to wish each other a Happy Father's Day....Yeah, get real people. If you want a Father's Day, grow a penis and impregnate a female! I RESPECT a Woman more who is a great Mother than a female who wants to pretend she's also a child's Father. Sorry, it's not going to ever happen. Choose better or act right next time.
I NEVER pretend to be who I'm not. I can only be me...Being anything other than AWESOME is very difficult for me. ^_^
It's 3:30 AM and I just woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep, but that's never a problem since I'm RETIRED! ^_^
Sometimes I think my CRAZINESS doesn't get any rest. It waits and stares at me as I sleep and when I open my eyes....It's Game On! ^_^
So I'm awake...I know, I know..slow clap right? Well thank you. Anyway, I don't have nightmares, but in a dream my son again asked me if I wanted to go out to one of my favorite restaurants. His treat. I'm sure he asked me that last night prior to me going to sleep, but just like last night and in my dream I found myself PAUSING having to think to ensure that I didn't have anything scheduled for that day. That's what happens when one begins to have more of a social life. However, I'm free for that day so all is good. So between the VA, Angie and him, I find myself having to go out among the masses. Again, with a motorcade nor security detail. People, the struggle is real!
Mogy, your journal is one I always look forward to reading what you share. Keep posting my brother. I think you got one of the best attitudes here on VR.
Thanks! I plan too. I love it! ^_^
gotta steal this
If I haven't made someone pee their panties or spit liquid from their nose yesterday, I'll try harder today. ^_^
So she started singing....."If the neighbors call the cops,
Call the sheriff, call the SWAT ‒ we don't stop,
We keep rocking while they're knocking on our door."
Then she started screaming, "Give it to me baby,
Give it to me motherfucker!"
Well that's when I stopped banging away for a minute. I told her I didn't really need to hear about her being a mom... That's not the image I wanted floating around in my head right at that moment.
Just because I said "with my eyes closed" when asked how did I sleep...I have to be a Smart Ass....Geesh! Hehehehe
That's the sort of thing my dad would say. If you asked him how he felt he would say with his hands. He had a lot of stuff in his repertoire.
Sometimes you just got to stop believing in a Hell or a Heaven and just be AWESOME! ^_^
♪ All these tattoos in my skin, they turn you on...Keep saying you's a freak, you gon' prove it or nah? After we'er done...You gon' make them eggs cheesy with them grits or nah? ♪
I want a fog machine to place in my backyard near the swimming pool... ^_^
I love the Fire, Water and Soft Lightening theme in backyards with nice landscaping and bizarre statues.
I'm so AWESOME that when Jonathan Goldsmith called my phone, I let it go straight to voice mail. ^_^
I've been asked why I love California so much....Well every since I was young I've had a passion for Desert Oasis, Waterfalls, and Earth Colors.
What did I say to my friend who says she's tired of being tired and who has to travel about 1.5 hours to cover three 12 hour Shifts 3 nights each week prior to traveling back 1.5 hours to return home and then spend the next 4 days completing classes on line towards her BSN Degree in which one class will now require her to travel another 1.5 hours for face to face instructions 1 out of the 4 days she has at home?
I said, "Wow, that's harsh. But hey, you can be retired like me, that is when you reach age 65 or 67."
So yeah, my MOGY Senses started to tingle so I smiled and slowly took a few steps back to put some distance between her and I. ^_^
So I just saved a trip to the store and the post office. My cell phone service provider FedEx'd me a new phone since my old phone was acting up. However, the return label to ship the old phone back was for USPS. I didn't have enough brown tape to cover up the FedEx markings on the box so I just opened the box and turned it inside out where there was no markings. I then taped it back together. Now all I have to do is hand it to a USPS Driver in my neighborhood. Problem solved! ^_^
mine worked for a short time, then it stopped working, so don't worry you're not alone in this dark time :p
same here, i got it to upload once, then it quit working......
ahh well
works fine for me. But I had to log in on I.E. to make the changes.
I've tried Internet Explorer, Google Chrome & Firefox....Nothing works for me.
same here :(
One good thing about the Christian Religion is that in their dogma to demonize other Religions, sometimes the result is a website that provides some pretty good information on other Religions...Oh it's true. It's damn true.
"Everything in life is in a constant state of flux; in fact, the only thing that you can be sure of is that it will change." ~ Sybil Leek
Happiness is gained by understanding and living in the flow of Chaotic Order, which is the flow of the universe. When one is happy, be wise enough to prepare for the sad days because the Yin Yang principle teaches us that one can not exist without the other. Therefore, when happiness comes, sadness must follow. However, when one is sad, stay strong and smile a little with the understanding that happiness is sure to follow. Through it all, SOTU is the great architect.
So tonight consisted of my friend visiting and having dinner with me as we watched 'Hereafter' in the home theater. Good times... ^_^
So yesterday's road trip with my friend was nice. I had a chance to tease her about her anxiety with driving in an area she's not familiar with. For being her travel buddy, she treated me to dinner at BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse. We then went for a movie to allow the major highway traffic to subside only to find out the movie we wanted to see was sold out and the other movies started too late or we had no desire to watch them. So I noticed a Cold Stone Ice Cream Shop and treated us to some ice cream while getting our parking ticket validated. We ate our ice cream while sitting in the middle of an open plaza area by a pretty nice water fountain. I love waterfalls and water fountains. We also had the opportunity to see some of the HS graduates make their way through the plaza area wearing their gowns all smiles. We returned to her home safely and after spending a little time at her place I left to return to my home 15 minutes away. I only took two wrong turns. One finding her place earlier and one going back home since there are no lights on the country like road that leads to her suburban home area. I'm talking horses, cows and the smell of caca.. LOL!
I got a lot done yesterday and also enjoyed my friend's weekly visit. She has school and works so she tries to make time to visit Sun, Mon, Tue & Wed if she can then she's out of town for work Thur-Sat. I'm looking forward to our road trip today that will also include dinner and a movie. She earned some cool points by bringing me some McDonald fries last night too. They might be toxic, but they are delicious. LOL! Also had a chance to visit her home, played with her dog and looked at all her family pics and stuff. She has a nice home in a gated community. She's good people.
So I have to go to the VA Clinic, The Pool Store, The Grocery Store, The Post Office & a Chinese Restaurant. I really don't always enjoy leaving the estate. It drains me from time to time. People asking for autographs and wanting to talk and I no longer have my motorcade and security detail. The struggle is real folks. :'(
*shakes head*
I'm the complete opposite I get drained just by staying inside the house :'(
Because of my Beliefs and Pagan Hedonistic Eccentric Life Style, I've had Friends as well as Family who because of their own personal Beliefs and Life Style have distance themselves from me or what I wish to do in practicing my belief and that's ok. I can respect that. One must LIVE their Beliefs. However, it is sad that some Beliefs require Judging Others and Discrimination.
My Beliefs and Life Style may be different from yours and it may even be an affront to yours, but remember.....I will ALWAYS treat you the way you treat me. Regardless of your Beliefs or Life Style.
Two things I've learned in this life are (1) Focus more on someone's Actions and less on their Words and (2) When one Won't, there is ALWAYS one that Will.
20:28 Jun 29 2014
Yes, well that is what I tell myself .