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So I was watching a TYT Interview with Legendary Pornstar Nina Hartley. She mentioned something called the 'Fish Hook'. I was like WTF? So I had to goole it. Came across this website called "Weird sex acts and their names.... which do you know?" I was reading some of the stuff and it had me cracking up so hard I had to grab my side at times. ROTFLMAO!!!
So me and this unknown female person was having a debate about giving an Ex a second chance. Now you know my rule is 'H' to the Naw! So she says, ok, minus the ones with mental problems or the ones that cheated, if there was one very minute chance, minus the two of you being the only humans left on Earth, that you would take that Ex back, what would be the stipulation? I thought so hard that I thought a bead of sweat would roll down my face and then I said, "She would have to sign a contract to become my Sex Slave for one year. Also get a tattoo of my choice in a location of my choice." If she survives being a Sex Slave for one a year, I'll promote her to the position of Permanent Sub for the duration of our relationship." All I got back was a reply that said...."Men!" LMAO!
I always laugh when I see videos or read articles covering this topic. The bottom line is people have personal preferences. A guy has what he has. Period. Work with what you have because it's there for life. A woman can do Kegel to tighten it up, but really, most guys are just happy to be in there.
Also remember, mean people attack people on a personal level to achieve their goal of having them develop low self-esteem. They want others to feel just as bad about themselves in some way as they already feel bad or inferior about themselves. So, if you allow them to win...That's your CHOICE.
15:57 Jan 30 2013
Said no man
16:08 Jan 30 2013