I arrived very early in the hope they would see me quicker … no chance!
So I was sitting in a small waiting area of a department at the hospital waiting to have my pre op tests done which include being weighed and have my blood pressure read.
I was obviously looking worried and in deep thought not really taking notice of the feet walking back and fourth or stopping to chat to a colleague when a nurse suddenly stopped in front of me. This is it I thought, my turn, but she just said, ‘’worried? That’s not the Steve I remember’’.
I slowly looked up to study her face and blurted out a name, ‘’Tina King? Wow, how are you? and what the hell are you doing in this place on the edge of the universe?’’ I had so many questions …
This was a girl I lost touch with just after school, she went off to Scotland, to Dundee University and I stayed in London. We had been at the same school from 11 to 18, I had a crush on her, few didn’t!
‘’It’s not King anymore, I had been married and have three children,’’ at this point she smiled and repeated the word ‘’children’’ and said that her eldest was now 18!!
She went on to outline the past 20 or so years in minuets………
She majored in social science and met a guy up there and at the age of 26 was married, a year later her first babe was born.
I outlined my life with the same sort of tempo and then as we were about to go into reminiscing mode another nurse came out totting a folder and asking for me. I signed the consent form!
Both Tina and I spoke at the same time as I asked if she was working today and said she’d pop in to the day stay ward.
So they weighed me, I had lost 9lb, probably mainly through worry. Then out came the needle… wtf! I told her straight I was not having any blood taken and was previously assured of this. I was told it wasn’t to remove blood but to have a plastic thingy (cant remember the name) attached to my arm in case they need to …….. let’s not go there … I wasn’t happy, but I stayed cool as I didn’t know if Tina was still around!
I don’t remember a thing as I was under general anaesthetic. I had such a pleasant sleep.
I remember being told that the results from last week’s operation and this one would go directly to the doctors and to wait for an appointment to discuss any findings.
In the recovery ward I was in and out of sleep, at one of my waking moments I spotted Tina, she was talking to a ward nurse.
On seeing my smile she came over.
I felt drunk, and remained smiling as not wanting to say something foolish.
Apparently you did well in there, she said.
Giving her a brief outline of my last few years we quickly got back to reminiscing.
She then said that I pissed her off back then too (join the cue I thought) as I never asked her for a date. The truth was that I felt intimidated by her intelligence and beauty … and I told her so.
We spoke some more about everything, then she insisted I should rest some.
I have her number!!
12:15 Nov 15 2009
Wow, wicked tale. You have her number...so is she still married or now single...
So the Pre op was ok as well?
I love the sleep on a general anaesthetic...I have problems waking up though...I just love sleep, so much!
12:50 Nov 15 2009
Good grief man, there's no stopping you is there ? lmao...treat yourself to a SMALL bar of choccy for being brave *hugs*.