I've just come away from sahahria's Journal.
I started to leave a comment but changed my mind, I wanted to write something that wasn't deep or profound but to reassure her that she is not alone with her feelings.
I wanted to wish her a happy Thanksgiving but was affraid that it may stir memories of being with those she truly misses.
There is no 'art' in journal writing but I guess there is when deciding to leave a comment or not.
Hers is not the only journal I deliberate about, there are many of you that question your life decisions but you still always seem to do so without regrets .... you all have my total respect.
I have no doubt at all in my mind that sahahria will be fine ... just fine.
A very happy Thanksgiving my friends.
Well our local firework display was cancelled, it was disappointing but they are guaranteeing that Saturday's carnival and finale will still go ahead .... so roll on Saturday.
Some mornings if my daughter is early enough I have the pleasure of being on cam before she goes to school.
I was told directly that my t-shirt (bright yellow) made me look like a canary. There is quite a lot of me and I guess it did look a little bright but 'come on' gimme a break. I now have a complex and have put a jumper on!
out of the mouths of babes!
They hold nothing back and are terribly honest
And lo...a new nick-name is born....tweety pie lmao
15:03 Nov 27 2008
Thank you. And that is the primary reason why I write what I'm feeling and keep it public. Because I agree that most of us have common emotions in similar situations. Unfortunately unless it is expressed- people tend to isolate themselves in these times, and so they feel even worse. The more we explore ourselves around others, while some would argue that opens us up to ridicule, I would say that it opens us up to our potential.
Wish you as well a wondrous day since I know you are in the UK :)