I usually don't rant about my personal life in a negative way here, cuz I really hate it when people do nothing but whine and bitch......
I needed a way to release this grip on my chest and writing is my passion, and this felt like the perfect way to do just that.
Without giving too much details...here is my rant!
Why is it that when it rains, it pours?! Why can't fate just let me deal and handle with one problem at a time?
why is it that I bombarded with problems and stress that hit me from ALL directions...work/home/family!!!
and when I think the problems are almost over....here comes another one to kick me while I am down! I am ALWAYS kicked forcefully while I am down! never fails!
just saying!
19:59 Jul 15 2013
I do not know the answer of why but I do know the feelings you are going through. Hope all gets better
21:37 Jul 16 2013
I do too! thank you.