Does anyone know how to make the Zune add on for xbox live connect with my Zune account? I dun got one of the handhelds so that's out... suppose I could USB cable it... idk il keep giving this a shot.
If anyone knows anything gimme a ring..err... message me... w/e you know what i mean lol
Blessed Be.
I am just like you know.. looking at the clock.. here at 4:40 am ... and I think... if I would just sleep right i wouldn't fall asleep during class and stuff so much... somebody hit me with a brick if i keep this up lol.
that was your random moment from Kuro of the day
Blessed Be.
If anyone has ever CONSIDERED the Assassin's Creed games.
I'd just go ahead and buy them both and play them fully
even if you don't like the game-play the storyline is TOTALLY worth it
IMHO anyway.
Blessed Be.
Yeah I put the date as the headline.
It was my birthday yesterday, so it fits just fine in my eyes.
I turned 15 for anyone who cares. lol
Spent all the night before (Saturday) in a bar (Wild West) at the Papa Roach concert and now i have no voice from all the smoke. Not fun yo.
The concert however was amazing and totally worth it all.
That's all i really have to put in other than Tuesday is my last day till Thanksgiving break. Hurray for a half day.
Gotta love them vacations.
Blessed Be.
I decided that my first entry was completely insufficient, so i wish to make a better first Journal Entry.
Well having nothing else to talk about i might as well just give my thoughts on the site so far and the people...
lots of covens and a hard to max out leveling system ... seems like it could easily be fun.
Haven't been on here very long and i have already met nice people so i know the community is good.
Good number of the friendly neighborhood Doubter of magicks though. Yet at the same time a good number who don't doubt ... fun community... i guess I'll just have to add my hand to the number who have some experience and offer my words and opinions to those who wish to hear them.
Blessed Be.
That's a fact. I never did like Journals but if that's what it takes to get recognized and level up then by all means I cannot deny that i shall oblige.
Yup this is the first entry to my Journal as it would appear. I do not know how often I will update this thing, but I'm starting it.
Today i heard and joined this site and it made me make a Journal so I did lol.
I am all about talking about random things and speaking out at random if you give me prompting though.
blessed be anyone who reads it