I told myself I wasn't going to shoot back. Though, these thoughts are running more ramped than I would like them to.
Looking at the logical and not emotional side of this entire situation. Yes, I let you go of my own accord and free will. Was I pissed after what I had seen? Sure, I was was. Was I venting frustrations? Yes. That's how I deal, is by venting to others about how I am feeling. Its one of the ways I clear my head. Now, to the other part. Did I post things on another site? Yes. Did I bring the drama over here and retaliate out of anger and annoyance and down rate you originally with a 1 like you did me? No. Did I hit you with my sire account? Yes. Why? Because, a sire account hurts more than a lvl 70 account would.
Now...Another portion of this...
Have I gone on your profile and given you negative honor? No. Why? Because, I am not going to stoop to that level that you are going. I get it, you are tired of me running my mouth to people. Yet, my way of dealing with frustration is different from your own. Am I in the wrong? Sure. I'll admit that. Yet, I do not play the petty games of retaliating in other ways just to get the attention of the other. Will I remove the block from my sire account? No. Why? Because, until you learn that down rating and giving negative honor does absolutely nothing to stir any reaction out of me, it will remain and it will hinder you from leveling quickly. Now, I could have hit you with all of my accounts and down rated you, but I didn't. -Rubs temples- I don't retaliate to get even with people just because I am mad at them over some internet stuff.
Now, if you wanna talk to me, like a normal human being and stop being petty, please, message me here. If not, then I ask you, to move on and stop paying attention to my accounts on here and go your merry way. I really don't have the time or patience to deal with you anymore. Now. Bye.
Minus the fact that Onyx Storm came out...
Which was a good thing...
But I swear...This week alone has been hell on earth for me at work. Monday and Tuesday was okayish for the most part. Weds is where it goes downhill to begin with. I swear. If it wasn't one thing, it was another that day. First, I had trouble with the rice cooker at work. I think I either put too much rice or too much water in the cooker to begin with. Anyway. The rice ended up under cooked. First mistake of the night. Okay, cool, not a problem. I fixed it with some beans and rice we had in the cooler. So, the night progressively got worse though. I kid you not..I was so ready to walk. So, my husband comes into the cafeteria where I work, to pick me up and to see me. Not a problem, right? WRONG. Oh, I am so very wrong with that one. So, I got pulled into the office today and boy....Was I ready to walk even more after that.
So, I get told about the rice, which I told her, in my defense that I fixed it. Yeah, she didn't want to hear it. It should have been done right away apparently. For fuck sake, lay off of me already. Nights are already hard as it is. Then I get told that my husband isn't supposed to be in the kitchen. Okay, that's an easy fix. So, apparently I'm not allowed to give him my free meal while on the clock? EXCUSE ME. There has been ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING ISSUES WITH IT UNTIL NOW. Ever since the Food Service Director we had stepped down, everything has gone to fucking hell. The kitchen manager/acting FSD [Food Service Director] has been so stressed out she takes it out on us. I got an ear full today as it stands. Especially from that situation and the other dealing with me snapping at my line people. If they would FUCKING LISTEN TO ME I wouldn't have snapped. I literally told them what was in the warmer. They went and told on me as well the following day too. About the entire thing. So, what happens today?
Oh...man...Oh...Man...I get told I will be demoted if any of the above happens again. How about you tell your fucking line people to listen to me then! I get so sick of being ignored and disrespected. I'm supposed to be in charge? Yeah fucking right. *Rolls eyes* I literally told them to give my husband my free meal for the night, because I don't eat pork due to how sensitive my stomach is when it comes to certain pork items. Just...ugh...Yeah....I'm just so close to quitting at this point. I'm tired of the bullshit and the favoritism. I get it, they like my sister in law better than me. They've even expressed that. I'm just over it at this point....