Krush's Journal

Krush's Journal


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9 entries this month

How will you answer?

05:26 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 618

lets just say you were to die, and you had to answer to GOd wether you believed in him or not, lets just pretend for a second. what would you do/say if everything you never asked for forgivness for think about those things... now upon each of them what would your answer be? i try to live my live in accordence of my beliefs and views... and even still i go against what i feel is right at times, knowingly. and for those "sins" i ask for forgivnes. my answer will be... "I reconize that some if not alot of my views are wrong, i am/was human and in my expierences you hace gracfully alli reconize that some if not alot of my views are wrong, i am/was human and in my expierences you hace gracfully allowed me to expirence i felt these thing were the correct way and being you have set me straight i thank you for showing me the errors of my ways....," now i know that none of that is any excuss but that is the truth and all i can say... no covering up whats the point he knows neways.



05:59 Jul 19 2011

I don't think it matters if you believe or not,god is not a wrathful god but one of love and kindness,whatever we call god or however we are devoted to a god that's good enough as long as we feel content with ourselves at the end of the day,there are many names,many paths but in the end they all lead to the same place.

06:16 Jul 19 2011

though i am a christian i am very open minded and compleatly not traditional with my believes so in so many ways i agree with alot of your comment... more than ud believe


Cristians in the wrong!!!

05:26 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 619

Before now most of my notes have been in the defense of my God and my believes and the other Christians as a whole... now i'm going to get onto my own and probably be shunned from a few over this but oh well... what is our big hang up on certain things we call sin and can over look others. right now im speakin of the gays. now i have a few gay friends male and female. and i see that us as a whole (meaning christians) love to hound on it like a deadly sin... let me ask this to you christains... do any of youhave a drink now and then or get drunk, how bout lie no matter how small or mislead or not tell the whole truth that is all a form of lying... a specified sin... do you smoke ciggeretts or nething else for that matter... have you ever looked at ne1 with a lustful eye, thats adultry... have you ever said or did anything that would dishonor your parents, in anyway... i now i have done all the above and there are some i still do at least one almost on a daily basis. some ill do again in the future... you know why?cause im human and so are you. but the fact is those "SINS" are just as bad/wrong as murder or rape or even being gay. so the next time your so quick to pass judgement on someone for thier sexuality or nething reallyjust remember in Gods eyes you are just as filthy, nasty, and sinful as the next sinner and thats why our christ died for us and by being filled with hate and judgment you are taking away from any use God can put you to which in turn may be the reason why a lost soul my never be found... so while that person does not have to answer to you for their sins you get to answer to yr/our/my God for yoursins against Him and the people/person you have sinfully judged so keep that in your mind the next time you feel like spreadin your hate hoping some picks up on the love that your religon is supposed to be about. i am srry to tell you but things don't work that way. and gives more point to the old saying that you get more flys with honey than vinegar! in my/the christain bible it teaches that in Gods eyes there is no sin greater than the other, and for once thats not how it is in my head but how it is in my/HIS book... look it up




I am no longer a loyal American, Are you?

05:25 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 620

When i say the pledge of allegence to my American flag i say "in God we trust". at funerals i say "God bless this family who is enduring this pain" I will have my Guns no matter what. i will speak of God and Christ at places other than church. i will have my own views and thoughts and i will speak them. I will spank my child when i see fit (not beat them) just spank. I will protect my child at anycost from any person or group at all cost. i will say what i want when i want how i want no matter who doesnt like it. i will not be politically correct but i will be personally correct. and in doin so i will be viewed by higher ups as unloyal and couldnt be prouder. i encourage you to do the same esp. if you want any changes for this country in the direction we need them for the sake of our country's former glory. if i must turn my back on my modern day America to voice what every1 sees but wont say then i will. i will voice what is obviously wrong and what i view as wrong within our country. those of you who stopped by and gave the time to read my notes... or aka as my rants according to some... then please spend just a few more min. to comment on any of my notes. I am loyal to what is right, and standing up for the right. whats right is more of a personal belief that can be changed accordingly to facts. facts cannot change and thats why what appears right may not always be, therefor gather facts from every view you can find process them and draw your own cunclution. once done always be open to new views cuz that new view maybe just the one that can validly assit what you see as right and wrong. according to my life exp. and my beliefs i have acted... and thats how it is in my head




Hello big brother!! How are you???

05:23 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 621

I just wanted to say hi, but i guess all i really had to do is go out side and wave proudly with my favourite finger. I wanted to let you know how i truly feel about you but then i would have to pick up the phone and make a random call, and i can`t think of any1 i feel deserve to hear me say those wonderfly colorful things. i would have checked in but i dont have any credit cards , checks or feel like making a trip to county or to the hospital. I would give you a hand but i have more respect for my fellow man i figured you had it under control, so i guess the only other reasonable thing to do was to hit you up on face book where every1 else is but couldnt find you, so then i had a great idea... where could i go to say hi and thats when it hit me... i shouldnt search for you cuzz yr already watching me as well as every1 else so i figured id just post and you would see... so now here we are! do you think you could just simply say hi so i know my msge in a bottle so to speak reached you, ok well i have to go know abut i hope you enjoy all of my future and past thoughts or at the very least find them intresting!





05:22 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 622

Ok now im freakin pissed off.I just heard on the news that at a veterens cementary the use of the word God has been banned, and any phrase that holds the word. For those of you who have sensitive eyes quit readin NOW there are going to be things I say here that may/will offend you, but guess what I have now been offended so its my turn. Others, Christian particularly...Ok now im freakin pissed off.I just heard on the news that at a veterens cementary the use of the word God has been banned, and any phrase that holds the word. For those of you who have sensitive eyes quit readin NOW there are going to be things I say here that may/will offend you, but guess what I have now been offended so its my turn. Others, Christian particularlyim goin to have words on here that are considerd taboo but its all to make a point. Like I have said b4 I am me, and I and responsable for any and every thing I say and do. including this. I will be damned if I will not mention MY God any...where I feel I want. IN these same places we are not supposed to mention the God, MY God, that this country, MY counrty was founded on, tabbooed words such as SHIT, FUCK, PISS, ASSHOLE< and much more vaulger words and terms are accepted! but you mean to tell me that I cant mention ... (screw the fact its MY God...) the God this country was founded on... NO... I REFUSE THAT OPTION Arrest me, fine me put it on my record, that I have violated the local law for MY countries God in my own country. wow like I have never recieved any of that b4...< (that was sarcasim) at least this time it would be somthing productive... standing up for what is right, instead of greedy personal gain or indulgences. I have a bit of a record, but when it comes down to it I will stand for what I feel is right, even if that means acknowledging my own wrongs. And that is what i'm doing right now. I acknowledge that I was wrong for not standin up and carin sooner. I do not vote. I feel it doesnt matter, I feel its a way for the government to allow us feel that we have say but we dont. And part of that reason we dont is cuz of this kinda stuff. We see somthing wrong but do not stand to confront it, we ignore it hopin some1 else will catch it. Well some else did but they had the same thought and that is how things slip threw the cracks, and now our nations engine has so much sludge its fixin to blow. only it is one engine that we will not be able to salvage or replace. Now I do think some of our tolarence is nessary. But what about tolerance to us, the US.like I said I have many diff, veiws than traditonal Christians but that for another note. the point of this note is that the God of the ages, MY God, Christs God/Father, Satans enemy, even Satans God has as much right if not more to be mentioned/ remembered and praised. praise you Lord my God, and blessed you all be in the name of MY God and in the name of Christ. What do you think would happen if i went over seas and told the muslims tha they could no longer mention Aullah in public, at the work place, in thier schools, or at their burial site, nor make a prayer with out conferming it through thier government? I don't believe id make it more than a few step... and honestly id hope they wouldnt allow me to. Now im not sayin we need to go around being extream to the point of hurtin someone, but if we are goin to send out troops to kill and be killed for us and our believes, why not exercise the rights of freedom they are dying for to give us? Why is it they are being told they can not pray unlimintedly or mention their God? I do not care if they believe that thier god is a freakin troll out in the garden,they have that right as do i to believe and talk about my God, he or she risked their life so that they and i may be free, well i choose to take that freedom and loudly say thank you GOD. so anyone that has a problem with it srew off includin you BARRACK and any other polotictian who doesnt like it! and thats what is in my head!




To set the record straight!

05:19 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 623

I want to set the record straight now before if ever i get anyones attention. I represent no one, no group no anything other than my self. as you will learn in the future by readin my notes im not the best speller. thats not the point. the point is some1 needs to quit just winnin about all the screw ups they fell are valid and say somthing about it. and befor the attention is grabbed from anyone out there and when they try to tear my charecter up let me lay it out there for you now, I am a Christain with many diff. baliefs not all are traditional from a Christain, i do have my doubts and believe anything is possible. including that my believes could be wrong, and know some are, what i dont know are which ones are wrong, that why they are MY baliefs. i listen to all types of music from ICP, to BOONDOX really any Psycopathic, to country, george jones Johnny Cash, willy nelson, to mainstream rap, to even the operah and classical. i am not rasist and cant stand the hate it brings, but i find humor in some of the jokes, i am guilty of tellin some of the same. i am morbid and so is my since of humor and alot of what i find fun. i see no problems with pot. i have smoked it when i was younger. and so have alot of others includin some of our own politicans. i am a member of a church and a self preclaimed Juggalo but my actions are always of my own accord. as i cant control some1 elses. same with views and beliefs.i have my problems as well as ne1 of you. i am human i WILL mess up. i WILL have things about me that will not sit well with you and vice versa. thats just life. take it or leave it but you will never change it. for even if you pound som1 into obedience the disloyalty will always bethere, it is better to be able to be yourself and let others as well instead of settin up for sneekyness. i would greatly appreciate ne response on any of my notes good or bad for they are your views and may help me with my own. for in my life i am constantly learnin new facts and ways to look at certain subjects that help me prioritize my own. and that is how it is in my head!!!




Politicaly correct!!!

05:18 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 625

everyone is so woried about what is politicoly correct so let me ask... we as childeren are tought that lying is wrong. that honesty is the only way, if that is true why is it politicol correct to lye to keep from offendin someone or be less than honest to keep on someones good side. there are times when i need to be offended so i am reminded what i believe in and when i am offended it makes me wanna stand up for me and who iam and what i am about, but also, makes me look into myself to find out why it has offended me. and in the course of all that i have found ways to improve on myself and on what i myself beieve in. and thats how it is in my head!




The lack of freedom of speech!!!

05:17 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 626

OK I've had enough about the freakin piolet who was mistakingly over herd voicing his veiws and opinions about random shit in his life.ok the mic was on, accedently. shit happens. he has a right to feel however he does and to be able to speak his mind.i could understand this drama about it if he was tryin to get everyone to hear him, but he thought he was having a private convo.honestly,who here has never accedently butt dialed or thought they hung up and just started rambaling. thinkin your own thoughts and opinions your were expressing or daily life was without broadcast? i know i have. and there were things i didnt want heard honestly. wether it was my mom who may have heard things goin on in my life that neither me or her wanted her to find out about, or a buddy i was upset with that i didnt want to hurt thier feelings and instead of being able to get my anger out and then once calmed down get to discuss my problems with them. my point is shit happens, we have all been over heard when we were not aware. and we did have to deal with certian things from it but we didnt miss out on our source of income over it and i dont think he should have either, but hey thats just me and thats how it is in my head!




Freedom of speech!!!!

05:16 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 627

Man I gotta say its a shame that anything can be said on tv, in the office, in school or ne where else as long as its not God or Christ, but nething bout any other religous being can be spoken, including Satan himself, now i'm the most open minded crhistian I know, i believe in alot of things, even more so then whats in MY bible or maybe even yours, that is between me and MY GOD through CHRIST and I belive in SATAN but I follow GOD and CHRIST, and at times I do give in to SATAN but that is me, and I alone will answer for it. But why can I not speak about my GOD or MY believes publicly, where is MY freedom of speech I was watchin tv today and thought it was so cool that on channel 39 the newsfix one of the reporters said he belives in god and has made comments about it in the past and today on Tyler Perrys they had a CHRISTmas rerun and explained the birth of CHRIST, I loved it even though they know they put thier ratings at stake or even careers they do it neway y cant we? Im tiered of havin to tip toe around every1 elses believes when no1 seems to care about mine, well for now on I WILL hear anyone elses point of veiws on beliefs from aleins to Buddah to even Allah but YOU WILL hear mine as well, I may loose somthing over it even if it goes as far as my freedom but y not my belief is that MY saviour CHRIST lost his life just so I could hopfully one day live true life. Forget about your depts here and remember your debts to your deity you choose to believe in cuz thats what i'm doin for now on to the best of my beliefs and human ability! And i do not claim to have all the answers, i have no anwsers cuz I do not know, all i say is I have FAITH and have expierenced things that have led me to believe what I do.take it or leave it. but thats how it is in my head.



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