It has been two days since House Moteva`s leader was murdered in his private chambers. Since then, little evidence has been found, and even fewer clues.
With a non exsistant suspect list, the temporary head of he house, Krimzon, has released the following request to all members of the vampire nation:
"I, Krimzon, aka Salene Moteva, am requesting the aid of all who are willing to give it. Our house needs to have justice for our head. We need to be sure that our house will never again be plagued by the person, or people that did this, and that no one else will either. If you have any information about the murder, or want to help, please let me know."
The following threat was issued to the murderer as well:
"If you are hiding, you will be found. If someone else is hiding you, you will be found. It is only a matter of time before you WILL be located. Until then, the full power and resources of House Moteva will be brought to bear in this hunt. I give my solomn vow as a vampire, and as House Moteva´s Mistress, and temporary master."
Weather this threat will work, or simply drive the murderer furthur into hiding is not known, but it is obvious that House Moteva will stop at nothing until justice is served.