What do you do when you have a problem and no one to turn to for advise or help? You dont know what to do about it how to handle it and it weighs down more everyday............. I don't know how to handle this on my own..............
After a long stressful day what i wouldn't give for some peace and quiet in a room lit only with candles and the smell of burning incense listening to the sounds of silence........ ah that would be nice..... too bad a day like that hasn't happened in longer than i can remember.......
Wow its been a really long time since i have been on here i plan on updating my profile making it better once i figure out how to do so. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. I hope to meet new people and make some friends along the way. I will return all ratings as well.
15:00 Mar 25 2012
When I have no one to turn to, I figure it out myself.
You probably know your options at the very least but are unsure which one to take.
20:17 Feb 18 2013
This is why individualism is dangerous........then again life is all about what you make it.=)
One: Remain calm, breathe. Let your mind settle& try to see some positivity in whatever it is.
Two: find out what your options & long term consequences are. It's difficult & may require self-studying, exploring ect. Keep searching until you at least have some kind of answer.
last: find the option that works for you. by method of deduction: Again decide which consequences you want to live with based on this decision.
Hope this works for you=)