I've levelled up - how sweet. Can't for the life of me remember where I sit in the scheme of things (compared with the old level system)
I've not been on here in a long time - being a parent is somewhat more of a priority these days. Best thing in the world really.
This is my daughter (she looks exactly like this - not putting real pix on here!)
VR taught me how to code websites and now I build them for money. Thanks Cancer.
00:13 Jun 14 2013
Heh, I think I must be the only member who got to the top of the levelling mountain three times, to yet again have another Everest on front of me! I have now lost interest in levelling up as I just ain't got the time to gIve into vampire rave. Well maybe when I retire will make it to Royal Sire LMAOzzzzzz!