Hello everyone this is my first journal i know im not the greatest speller. But anyways my name is amber maclarren but plz call me Ambie all my friends do.... Im a juggalette but dont judge me im a very nice person and can get along with pretty much anyone. Im 20 gunna be 21 on June 4, 2011 :) not shure what im doin for my bday might be goin to a rave theyre really fun and lots of cool sexy people. I live with my boyfriend who is also a juggalo we've been together for a year on 4-20-11 and i love him very much even though we have our arruments but everyone does.
I do have soe family but i dont really talk to them all that much my friends are more of a family then my 3 brothers theyre all i have and i only talk to one of em. He used to be pretty much like me but he changed alot when he went into the army and got married and had a kid.
My likes lets see i like alot of things. 2 of my favorite book series would have to be Vampire kisses and Harry potter Ive read them all alot of times and know alot about both series. i love to watch the hary potter movies n know them by heart thats how much of a life a have. I love all types of music except country, christain, jazz, scremo, oldies, old rock, heavy metal, and thats about it everything else I like and listen to on the daily. My favorite musice would have to be anything that has to do with psychopathic records.
Well thats it for now if you would like to know anyhting else feel free to ask :) Whoop Whoop