Kiara's Journal


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46 entries this month

Bad morning

15:13 Mar 31 2006
Times Read: 625

Ugh I had a bad morning so far...I spent the entire morning looking for Chris...and didn't find him. That really pissed me off. But we got bagels in Chem, so that made my morning better. I wanna go to Panera now...that honey oat bagel with honey walnut cream cheese was really good. But I was forced to watch this weird Cane toad movie,,,Meh. So maybe we can go to the mall tonight and go over to Panera. That'd be nice, and then can go in and see what they got a Spencer's. :p I love Spencer's. They've got the best stuff. I specially love the back of the store. ;) OK well I don't know what I'm gonna do for 15 but I'll find simething.






04:47 Mar 31 2006
Times Read: 626

Yeah I've been spazing the last few days. Meh can't help it...PMS, stress....ugh. Major thing stressin me right now is Prom...and what the hell Chris is going to wear...please call around for a suit or tux...I'd like to get some sleep between now and Prom. And aonther reason for me to be going to the drinking party. Stress reliever! And for some 'fun'. ;p





Not a squid anymore!

03:37 Mar 31 2006
Times Read: 628

Well she's nine weeks and one day! Go Stehpy, one 216 more days of silence with your kid...then the screaming begins. LOL. Hey girl, I envy you. I know I'd never had handled this as well as you. I would have spazed...and I've been spazing a lot lately.

And no I"m not sorry for going off on Ethan in Chem. He pissed me off...AGAIN....ugh. I can't wait til Prom! I found out about an unoffical after prom party, since I can't take Chris to After Prom. It's a drinking party at a hotel! wOOtness. Bobby is the designated driver so Korey and I can drink, and Chris to if he wants to. I'll try not to get wasted...but I am curious as to what I'll be like drunk. :p

Well yeah, I'm gonna go read some more Pagan Humor.





Busy time!

21:56 Mar 30 2006
Times Read: 629

I've got a lot of work to do in half an hour. I'm tryin to clean the corner of my dresser off and set up a perment Altar...I hate not having one. All the peices just sit in my trunk day in and day out. And when I need them I can never find them. So now they're gonna be sitting out. And if my mom has a problem...well she can kiss my witch ass. :p Cuz frankly I don't give a shit over her religious views. I believe in what I believe in. And I believe in this. So tough mom. I hate you, you hate me, live with it!





I found this funny!

04:38 Mar 30 2006
Times Read: 631

They Lost Him Again!

So, I'm standing at a bus stop and they pull up. A car load of well meaning, bible thumping nut cases that are just frantic! The middle aged professionally dressed woman rushes forward...She takes my arm and with trembling voices she asks...."Have you found Jesus?" Her

eyes plead with an urgency that is out of proportion to a bus stop.

Now normally I just politely decline the sermon, and free religious paperwork that such folk pawn off on unsuspecting by-standers. But, unfortunately for her, she is the fourth car to accost me in the last 9 minutes. So by now I'm beginning to wonder what the heck is wrong with these people. I mean if its not Christians it is the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Can a simple Druid get no peace?

So calmly as I can muster, without being sarcastic I reply, "You people lost him, again??"

The woman looks confused. This is not the response she was hoping for and she needs to regroup. She takes a deep breath intending to launch into her sales pitch for her God, and church, paying no heed to the concept that I might not be into being converted. I decide to not let her get going so I launch into a speech of my own...

"What is wrong with you Christians? Every time I turn around you've lost Him!" I hit her with a glare of accusation. "I mean really..." I take a measured breath. "How do you expect to have anyone follow a deity that you can't even find!"

The poor woman looks stunned. This isn't going so good. Panicked she looks desperately to the car... Surely one of the men can help.... Undaunted I press on... "Maybe the problem is with you people... I mean Muslims never seem to loose there deity. Come to think of it neither do Jews, or Pagans of any kind."

I look at the man getting out of the car. He's all smiles. "I realize you people used to burn people like me at the stake... What was that about... deity even? I may be a Pagan-heathen, but I have never ever woke up panicked that I couldn't find my Goddess or God. They are always right where they should be... In the fire of my candle, in the air that I breath, in the earth that I stand on, in the water of my spring. I never feel abandoned by my deity(ies)."

"Of course, you Christians aren't much fun..." I continue. By now they are all out of the car.

Befuddled, aghast, and at a loss for words.

"Of course," I offer trying to give them some defense for losing Jesus. "He could have left due to religious differences. If I remember correctly He was Jewish. So if you are really so eager to find him..." I smile gently to soften the blow. "Check the nearest synagogue. He's probably in there. Also you folks should try and remember that this is America... Where freedom of religion means ALL religions."

Slowly they climb back into their car and drive away. I stand at the bus stop... No pamphlets, no bible, no dogma. I haven't found Jesus, but I haven't lost him either:)

Someone sent this to you because they believe no one can have to much Deity.

It is a blessing in disguise. You can keep it to your self or pass it on.

Oh, and if you've found Jesus, please get his face on the evening news A.S.A.P so the Christians can stop looking for him.





03:19 Mar 30 2006
Times Read: 632

Kinda depressed a little right now...I would love someone to talk to right...I'd give my right ovary to talk to someone right now not just this comp screen. But no, no one is on at the moment. Hopefully that will change soon. Chris isn't on, Fiz isn't one, Robs not even on, Gaz is still comp less, Krysta is watching TV, Joshys busy....the world seem dead...cept for the radio. Well I"m gonna go hunting for some of my old stories and add them to my journal, in the story section obviously. Hope ya like them...






15:17 Mar 29 2006
Times Read: 635

Yeah, last night I was a bit crazy...lol. Sorry if I scared anyone! The new moon drives me insane for some odd reason.

And as I've said before, and it has been written for centuries...

'Hell hath no fury like a witch scorned.'

Well I feel a lot better this morning than I did last night. For one, the suns up. Second, got rid of a lot of pent up agression and feelings...ggrrrr Ethan pissin me off to no end on the bus and in Chem. If he would just freaking lay off I wouldn't get so angry and spaz like I did last night. OK well gettin ready for the class change and hist class. Were playin Monopoly! wOOtness. Hehe. Nothing better than playing board games and doing nothing all class period. Huh? Can't wait.

But I'm kinda pissed, I was gonna bring my sharpies and do a drawing or too. But I forgot my sharpies and pens. Meh, next B day maybe or even tonight...if I can deceide what the heck to draw. Or maybe just enlarge and redo one of my pen drawings in my portfolio. Either the locker or the halway one...hall way one. I love that one. I've got a few more words to add to the background now and maybe rearange a few. LOL...did anyone even see the words in the background? Or even care to read them? Prolly not. OK well I'm bored.





Randon superhero quiz!

01:53 Mar 29 2006
Times Read: 638

Your results:
You are Catwoman

Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
You have had a tough childhood,
you know how to be a thief and exploit others
but you stand up for society's cast-offs.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz




Bored as hell

02:42 Mar 28 2006
Times Read: 641

I'm bored as hell...had a day off today! wOOt. Wonder when we have off school again, today was fun. ;p I think there's one in less than a month. It's the fri before the week of prom and maybe the mon too. Not to sure though...ok so bored can't even type this...






22:17 Mar 26 2006
Times Read: 647

Bored as hell today...got up at ten...went back to sleep at 1030....got up at 1130 had perogies went back to bed at 2...got up at 3 and been sitting here hunting for anime wallpapers for my comp. I've found a lot of good ones. Later





Battle of the Bands!!

21:12 Mar 24 2006
Times Read: 651

There's battle of the bands tonight and I'm goin with Chris...hopefully. It's gonna rock I can't wait for it. Leavin in about an hour...can't wait. Then after that goin back to his house ;) Hehe. OK gonna go get somethin to eat peoples!!





Mornin all!

14:09 Mar 24 2006
Times Read: 653

OK well as usual for every other morning I'm sitting here in chem...and bored as heck! *yawn* So bored...and my eyes are all dried out. Stupid contacts. Still pissed at my mom for last night though....gggrrrrrr. And pissed that she's coming home early again tonight. UGH!!! Hopefully Chris's mom is going out this weekend. Then all we gotta worry about is his sisters. Glad I don't have any siblings. Hehe. Perks of being an only child. :p OK well...BORED!!!





Night again peoples

03:51 Mar 24 2006
Times Read: 655

Well I'm getting read to get in the shower. Kris got off a little while ago...and there's nothing to do really.I don't feel like reading forums, read updated journals, took a few polls and I'm sleepy.

I am so pissed at my mom right now. I invited Chris over for dinner tonight since I was making stir fry. Well she says ok, but we have to stay upstairs since she was going to be in her room. So we ate, and did the dishes and went into the living room...and she almost caught us. That was so close...never doing anything upstairs again! EVER!!!!!!!!!! Downstairs, thats ok you get a few sec warning before she comes down. Upsairs you got nothing. Now if she had been a few min earier...we'd be dead about now...not joking. She ruined my night!! I had a perfect night all planed out and I'd been looking forward to it all day. I get home after havin to go to the doctor and flute choir...and she ruins my night!!! DAMN YOU MOM! GGgggrrrr....you better not ruin my weekend.

I'm seriously reconsidering living here while in college. And seriously considering being the only girl livin in a hosue full of guys for over a year and a half...not the best situation. But better than here. Pff I'd rather live outta a car outside a friends house than here with her. She ruins all my plans for a fun night.


...Mutti, ich hassen Sie...




Night peoples

03:09 Mar 23 2006
Times Read: 659

I know what I want for my birthday this year!! A VR thong and tank top. Perfect outfit. LOL. Kidding bout the outfit part, but stil want them.

OK so we did go to the store today. I got dark chocolate...yummy. And I ate half of it. :p I love dark chocolate...its my weakness. Hehe. I wanna eat the rest...but I'll save it for breakfast tomorrow.

OK bored...what to put can't think of anything now...could have typed all day this morning kept going on and on. LOL. Rambling a bit though. Bored as...fuck. Hehe. *sigh* Is it the weekend yet!!! Meh. Well Chris is coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I'm making stir fry. Hope he likes my stir fry.





Second time...

14:19 Mar 22 2006
Times Read: 662

Thats the secod time this morning that explorer has crashed...ugh! I hate this stupid little Mac...I hate Macs. First period is still slowly dragging on...

But atleast my CD player has batteries today. =) My favorite Billy Talent song! Lies. XD But I want my Blink CD...I really want a blank disk so I can burn my play list from my comp, so I can take it everywhere. Its a really good play list to...but I still wanna steal that Rammstein song off Chris's comp. Du Spielst? or something like that. All I have is Du Hast and I've been craving german music and Debra won't burn me a copy of her german techno music!!! DAMMIT...ggggrrrrrr. Maybe I'll just go out and buy a Rammstein CD...nah I'm cheap. LOL. Plus all I have is $13 and I need it for the store after school. Mybe Steph has it...she's two months pregnant now. Good lucky Stephy I love you!!

That reminds me of the loud discussion we were havein at the lunch table. We talked loudly about condom brands. LOL. Korey argued the side of Durex and Greg argued the side of Trojan. And the new Trojan vibrating ring. He bought one for him and his girl friend. Korey and I sat there and though about it for a moment. LOL. Told him to tell us howe much his girlfriend liked it. Ha the weird talks you get at lunch between three people who have little to no shame. I have none. LOL. I'll do anything in public, mwahaha.

Yet a second long entry this morning.





Shopping Day!

13:47 Mar 22 2006
Times Read: 663

Today I just dragging on and on! Ugh....first period is never gonig ot end...bands gonna be the worst. Half the time we don't even play so its bad enough...nah Holocaust will be the worst. He just sits there for the first half hour and does nothing. Teaches then gives us the end of class to do nothing. I just want school to end for today! GGrrrrr....hope ot doesn't snow I need to walk home.

Well last night I got ot talk to Bryan! I havn't talked to him for a long time, or seen him! Last time I saw him was over the summer, we went to the Subway by my house to play cards. He's gonna try and stop over at my house tonight to play cards again. I don't know if I'll have time t hang out with him. He gets off work at 430 and I have ot get ready to leave by 5. Hmmm...it'd be nice to see him again. He's like my big bro. He gave me some good advice last night. Hehehhee. I'm excited. wOOt. Couldn' sleep much last night so I'm really tired. But hyperness is kicking in so I'll be awake all day. LOL. Well hopefully I'll be awake for most of my class. Holocaust is ok to sleep in. Granchi will wake you up if you've been sleeping to long. Darn him sometimes. Meh. OK enough for one entry I shall return for a second!






02:31 Mar 22 2006
Times Read: 666

I'm a green eyed freak! LOL. Or better stated horny green eyed bitch. Yeah that works better. LOL. So I've got my cash and I'm goin shopping tomorrow. wOOt. Also had a tlak with my boyfriend today, that went VERY well. Didn't think it would go that well, cept for my beatin round the bush. LOL. OKies...bored, hyper, and horny. Bad combo...random grabbing happened on the bus...and no one saw. How the hell didn't they! Ethan was sitting right there, I know why Joe didn't see. He's always semi high and not paying attention...oh well.






03:17 Mar 21 2006
Times Read: 672

...I'm...fill in the blank. LOL. The suns down, its night...yeah. ALmost shower time...meh. I can't find my 10...but I found a 5 and some change so I'm good. Maybe I should walk home tomorrow so I can stop at the store and buy it. Or wait til the weekend...but then still not be able to get it. I don't know. I'll get it eventually...the sooner the better though. No school mon!!! *wink* Mwahahahaha...*pulls mind forcfully outta the gutter*...*slip* ok fine stay in the gutter!






02:08 Mar 21 2006
Times Read: 675

Blah finished making my mom her birthday card. I found a pic of a parrot that looked like hers and put it on. I really hate that parrot it always bites me.

OK so Chris is gonig to get a suit, or a tux. Yeah! No jeans and T-shirt. Pinstripe suit, chucks and hat would be so HOTT though. Oh well. LOL. Well off to do...something. LOL. Don't know what yet.





Happy Ostara Everyone!

14:29 Mar 20 2006
Times Read: 679

Well for those who don't know today is Ostara. So Happy Ostara! Don't know what Ostara is? Well go look it up on google I don't fell like explaining at the moment. LOL. Or go to Fizbop's profile and look for it, he put it up there somewhere. *yawn* Well I finished my Holocaust homework a while ago. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonig to be. Thats a good thing I guess. But now I have to go take a quiz I didn't study for. Meh like I really care! Senioritis! Ah I have it! LOL Had it since Freshman year...I hate Froshys sometimes...Off to cram!





Mornin peoples!!

13:26 Mar 20 2006
Times Read: 681

Well this proxy isn't working as well as it use to...maybe its time to find a new one. I'll talk to Chris later to find a new one...I should be doing my Holocaust homework that I didn't do last night. Y? Cuz I'm lazy when it comes to most things. LOL. Well I've got half of the first part done, thats good enough for now I guess. It's not due until 1:30. Meh. Well I did get a new bruise this weekend...and I thought I didn't. It's on the side of my left arm. But the two on my right arm are gone now...but there's still that other one. Going on three weeks now...its so gross...I just want it to go away!!

Well Proms coming up soon. 33 days t obe exact. I just gotta get Krysta's shoes from Marcia, clean my dress and figure out what the hell to do with my hair. Other than that I have everything for prom...but Chris doesn't. Ugh. Come on Chris, about a month till prom. Please get a suit! And if you seriously think your going in jeans and a T-shirt that looks like a suit...your not. So please, please get a suit.






03:32 Mar 20 2006
Times Read: 684

I got on to talk to Chris...and he's not on...meh. I need $8...where am I going to find $8...*checks pokets*...nope...*checks wallet*...zero...*checks bedroom floor* wOOt found $10. I'm good. LOL. OK now just need to get back to Wal Mart...or Marc's...

I'm tired and there's no one on to talk to so I'm gonna go take my shower, do Holocaust homework and try and go to bed...if I can get myself to shut up! All these random thoughts about the SAME DAMN THING keep popping into my head. SHUT UP DAMMIT!...hhmmmm maybe some caffine...nah...or this...*ponder*





Chris's house...again

03:43 Mar 19 2006
Times Read: 687

Blah...hes stabing me!....eep...owe...STOP IT! DOn't punch me bitch! Mwahahaha...I don't care if you weren't punching me. :p Well you were hitting me...hey a new bruise! There's one on my left are, three on my right and one on my left hand. Bad Chris....*smack* Delayed smackness. Haha...ok byz. Yes I know I'm insane.





Made it

15:45 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 692

OK made it through this again. LOL. Bored as hell...ugh. Atleast it's Fri and I don't have to go through this again! wOOt. LOL. So off to Pre Calc in ten min, then German....*dies*, then Chem and lastly English. And I didn't do my speech! LOL. And you know what? I don't give a fuck. I hate getting up infront of people and talking for five min. Liskey can kiss my white ass. So ha! So really the only class I have is German, since all the others are only 40 min long. Like what the hell can you get done in 40 min with high students...NOTHING!!! Sullivan tried yesterday...LOL. He was yellin every other min for someone to shut up. I was loving it. Seein him get all frustrated...haha. But I don't wanna go to German...Frau's gonna make us do work...all I wanna do is sleep. 5 min till bell. Later.






15:10 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 693

Ugh I'm going to go insane I have no one to talk to...sure there's plenty of people on VR to talk to...but with this stupid proxy freezing up everytime I try and send a message out what am I supose to do!? Ugh....*wines* Its so silent in her its going to drive me mad if I don't find something to do soon!





Dammit to HELL!

14:09 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 694

Dammit I fucking hate this damned proxy! It keeps freezing on me everytime I try to go to the message center. Hello stupid proxy! I am trying to talk to people here! GRRRRRRR...*grumbles*






13:10 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 695

Man I've got to sit here for about three more hours...and my eye burns like hell! I got soap on my contact last night and I tried to put it in this morning but it burned....so I got nw ones out. But it still burns...meh. *yawn* Mr Shoop yelled at us this morning in the hallway. LOL....Steph didn't come to school early to show me her ultra sound :( Maybe we can meet at the mall and the four of us can hang out. Oh idea! After she has her baby I'll get it baby clothes from Hot Topic. Something with Jack Skellington on it. Hehe. Well off to do something middly interesting.






03:17 Mar 17 2006
Times Read: 699

My best friend is gonig to be a mommy! And I get to be godmommy. LOL. I'm so happy for her! You go Steph, lead the way, be the first of the group to have a kid. Me, meh...But now that puts me in the minority...outta my circle of friends there's only two virgins left. Me and my other best friend...But hey I've still got a year and a few months of high school to fix that statistic! Mwahaha. LOL. Me and Korey need to go shopping when her car gets fixed. ;p





I survived!

15:48 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 703

wOOt I lived through sitting here during the OGT. Mwahahaha. OK now it is off to history...oh joy. What fun. Bleh. Later.





OK nvm

14:30 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 705

Yeah nevermind. I can't rate pros for an hour...I have a short attention spand. And it just died after rating 15 pros. LOL. I'm bored ass hell...Jade and John left...bitches. So I'm all alone in the comp lab with nothing else ot do. I'm just gonna die plain and simple as that. Theres still and hour and 20 min til class...damned OGT...






14:01 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 706

Ugh I'm actually out rating profiles right now...I'll still be here kinda. But focused on rating for like the next hour. There's nothing else to do.





I have one thing to say

13:11 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 707

It rocks to have hackers as friends! wOOt. See yeah on VR now and will be for teh next two hours or so...stupid OGT. Ugh. I hate the OGT...had to take it last year and Chris is taking it now. Somethings bee nbugging me though...meh. Oh well. Off to find something to do on VR.





OK feeling better after that...

02:23 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 709

OK I feel a bit better after that rant...and you know who you are.*glare*

OK so yeah...on me being sick, I'm feeling great compared to this morning. So its back to school for me tomorrow. Yeah! I get to see people. LOL. I'm a social beast, I love and hate people. Yeah I know, my personality contradics itself. But hey that just me, Kiara, Kris, Bitch whatever ya wanna call me. Laundry time...oh joy....






02:18 Mar 16 2006
Times Read: 711

I really fucking hate people sometimes...ya just wanna talk to someone and they start yellin at you and biting your head off. Geez...and sometimes I wonder why I don't keep that many close friends. And here is why. Tada! Cuz some people are ass holes when you just need someone to talk to. Well whatever I don't need to talk to you anymore.

Bite me bitch!






19:27 Mar 15 2006
Times Read: 715

Today I am feling MUCH better. I finished my pro for now. Only took me last night and this morning. I've had a little to much free time if I was able to recode all of that...what do you think? What else is there for me to do when I am sick? Nothing really. But hopefully I'll be back at school tomorrow. I miss everyone! And I gotta kick Ethans ass for getting me sick. Nah I won't I'll be to tried by the end fo the day. I have three new drawings I did at school last week that I am adding to my portfolio. go check 'em out please! Let me know what you think.





Back for the night

00:35 Mar 15 2006
Times Read: 718

Meh back for now...I'm kinda tired so I won't be on for to long. I was feeling better but now I'm feeling kinda worse. I'm not as congested anymore in my head, but its moving all to my lungs. Asthma and chest congestion don't mix very well...*cough* Atleast my mom bought me a new box of tissues I was almost out. Kinda sad how many tissues I use when I'm sick. Meh off to surf teh web and look up stuff for that dumb parrot...which bite the hell outta my fingers earlier. Dumb Sunny.






17:50 Mar 14 2006
Times Read: 720

Meh sorry Chris I've waited around long enough I'm tired. Going back to sleep on the couch. Night peoples! *yawn* Yeah plus I should get away from the comp for a little while. Been here all morning and the tissues are pileing up next to it...they're everywhere! LOL. Kinda overflowing form the trash can and onto the floor...I should clean that up...maybe later. OK now off to watch Holy Grail and get some sleep. And maybe play some DDR...nah I shouldn't I have like no balance right now I'll fall over again...like when I went into teh kitchen last night. I fell over. LOL. Not fun...

Night night





Its been...

16:09 Mar 14 2006
Times Read: 723

Lets see if Chris knows what today is....*ponders* Will he remeber? I hope so I'll be a bit upset if he doesn't

Well again I'm home sick and I feel like crap...can't breath...the stupid medicine my mom got me thats supose to help me breath isn't working. Kinda making it worse really. But meh. What else can I do? Not much really. I'll stick around for a little bit longer and see if Chris gets on. If not I think I'm gonna go back to sleep...





In a better but still sick mood

23:41 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 727

LOL. Sorry bout the last entry...I was in a bad mood. In a much better mood now...but still feeling like shit...uuuhhhhh...*wines* meine hals, und nase tut weg...Allas tut weg!!! LOL. Just got back from Chris's a little bit ago. Needed to borrow his german book. I did (not) go inside and I was (not) on the floor with him for like 45 min. LOL. Yeah kinda sick and kinda outta it...Heheheh. Ugh throat hurts...I don't wanna go to bed Fiz!!! *yawn*





Ass hole

17:24 Mar 13 2006
Times Read: 731

Yeah I've been being harassed by a new user. OK I hate this, stupid new people join just to harass people. Well you know what you dumb fuck, you can just fuck off! Call me fucken ugly will you...bastard...Here's the ass hole Kinda ruined my day off of school. Stayed home sick and just tryin to feel better and what do I get? Some dumb ass hole...ugh. Todays not my day.





Guten Tag!

13:15 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 735

Good morning people! Wow I'm in a really good mood today I have no idea why though. LOL...since I'm tired as hell. So yeah bored now, I don't get to go home til like 7 tonight...stuck at school for 12 hours!! AAaaahhhhhhh!!!! Then I go home for like half an hour and its off to Hoover again to watch the other two bands. Yeah I forgot, we have OMEA large band contest today. Hence why I don'y get to go home til 7. We perform at like 430 I think. Not to sure. So I don't get to ride the bus with Chris tonight... :( Maybe he'll come to Hoover with me. Then next Thurs night I am havin Dessie sleep over! The sophmores have testing in the mornings sorry Chris, so she's gonna sleep over and were gonna ride the bus early in the morning and go to Palaties class. And maybe tibo, it'll be fun. Were gonna stay up all night and play DDR! Fun fun, I can't wait.

She's my best friend and we don't ever really hang out that much together, so its gonna rock! And she will most likely kick my butt at DDR...Meh we'll still have fun. And we gotta bug Irwin(our band director) to let us play piccolo for marching band next year. All we need for a band our size is 2 piccs, me and Dessie. We'd be our own section, co-section leader and not have to put with flute drama for once! It would be so cool. Then are own shirt...its gonna rock! Irwin you better let us!!!





02:56 Mar 09 2006
Times Read: 741

I'm looking at car again. Theres this Red car or this Silver car then theres this black one and lastly this dark red one. I don't know which to get...lol.





-_- I'm bored...

21:14 Mar 08 2006
Times Read: 745

Yeah I'm bored...havn't add an entry in a while. And no I didn't die again I've just been really lazy. Sorry. :P Super lazy on my part really. Well I'm off to sleep I am SO tired and I have practice in an hour and then a pile of pre calc homework to do along with some chem and I forget my book...-_- ugh!!!! And I'm really "frustrated" right now! GGRRRrrrrrrrrrr....





Research paper finished!

04:14 Mar 07 2006
Times Read: 748

here's my research paper due tomorrow morning that won't fucking print...*cries*

Mr. Liskey/English

Research paper

March 5, 2006

Witch-hunts of Europe

The Witch-hunts of Europe were mass gendercides, brought on by the Orthodox Christian Church. This massive gendercide was brought on by fear and misunderstandings of others beliefs and way of life. From the 15th century to the present, witch-hunts claimed and still claim the lives of many witches and the innocent. They were captured and submitted to many forms of unspeakable tortures. When a confession of deeds they may or may not have done, they were sent to the stake. The witch-hunts of then and now are mass gendercides of the women of the world set forth by the Christian Orthodox Church.

The witch hunts clamed many thousands of lives from 1450 to 1700. Of the hundreds of thousands of trial conducted, only 48 percent of them ended in death, killing an estimated 60,000 witches (The European Witch-Hunts). The witch-hunts were usually a part of religious campaign to oppress the unruly and force their views upon the people of the area, and take them away from their polytheistic views. Of the tens of thousands killed during the witch-hunts, an overwhelming majority were women. Women were more likely in the trials as the accused and the accusers than men (Miesel). It was said by Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English that midwives were most likely of all women to be targeted as witches during the witch-hunts (The European Witch-Hunts). Through research, the opposite has proven to be true; midwives were less likely to be charged and were found to be helping the witch-hunters (The European Witch-Hunts). Robin Briggs calculates that only 20 to 25 percent of all who were executed were actually male, leaving 80 to 75 percent to be women (The European Witch-Hunts). Proving that the overwhelming majority killed were indeed women. Women were suspected especially if they lived into their fifties, sixties, or even their seventies. In addition, if a woman was older and no longer either useful or able to bear children she was much more likely to be charged with witchcraft, because she was no longer useful to the community. Many women were pressured into confession that they had been dealing with the devil. While if I man confessed of dealing with the Devil he was called a liar and dismissed more often than not, while the women were taken for their word. Along with being taken for their word over the men, women were treated harshly when compared to the few men that were also convicted.

Throughout medieval times, men and women were tortured into giving confession of their acts of witchcraft, even if they were innocent or not. The English used other less violent methods than Germany, to gain their confessions, such as sleep-deprivation (Miesel). Throughout Europe, France gained fewer confessions through their limited torture while Germany gained the most confessions through unlimited means (Miesel). The torture in Europe was the bloodiest in two cities in Bayern (or Bavaria) Germany, Bamberg and Wurzberg (Parent). Of the thousands of witches killed and tortured in Germany, most came from these to cities in Bayern. Witches were put through as many as 17 different kinds of unspeakable tortures, all of which were authorized by “the Saxon lawgiver,” Benedikt Carpzov (Miesel). Many confessions were gained “without torture,” which meant without drawing blood, in Germany. Even the blameless that went through this torture, along with nearly all who were subjected to this broke. Witches were kept in dungeons until they were to be tortured by some means. When they through torturing them, many witches would confess to anything suggested to them to avoid being sent back to the dungeons and later submitted to the same torture repeatedly. Then if the witch did not die during torture, they were to be burned. Most were publicly executed or burned, so to keep them from speaking with the crowd wither their tongues were cut out or wooden gags were placed in their mouths. Even the children of accused witches were not out of harms way. Many of the children were brutally treated by the Church. The children were tortured for witchcraft as early as nine and a half for girls and ten and a half for the boys. Even younger children could be tortured to gain a testimony to use against the child’s parents.

The Reformation of Europe was not done through preaching and catechisms alone, during this 300-year period the witch-hunts were held (Ellerbe). Witches were seen as Satan worshippers, and followed his commands. This was brought on by the Orthodox Christian Church, and the Pope. In 1320, witchcraft was added to the Churches list of heresies (Parent). Also during the 13th century the Inquisition started by Roman Catholic Church, its purpose was to wipe out all heretics (Parent). The Church used the concept of Satan worship as a way to wipe out all of those they saw as a threat and to “openly denigrate women” (Ellerbe). Orthodox saw women as the season for all sin, and held them responsible (Ellerbe). In Apocrypha in the Bible it states “Of all women came the beginning of all sin/ and thanks to he, we all must die” (Ellerbe). Their goal was to totally wipe out all evidence and influence of witchcraft, and if they could not accomplish this then Satan and evil forces would rein (Parent). In 1486, the great bibles of witch-hunting appeared the Malleus Maleficarum, or also known as Hammer of Witches (Meltzer). At the height of the burning times, the Malleus Maleficarum as surpassed only by the Bible in publication (Lovelace). It was written by two German priests, Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger (Meltzer). Pope Innocent VIII had the two German priests write the book and were then sent to wipe out all witchcraft in Germany (Meltzer). Even today, many of the beliefs set forth by the Malleus Maleficarum are still held by Christians today toward modern day witches (Lovelace).

Even though a quarter of Europe saw trials during the 17th century, its effects still last through to today. Witch-hunts still occur even now in other underdeveloped countries based on fears of the unknown. Along with the stereotypes set over three hundred years ago, that wrongly portrays many witches. Witches have been feared and misunderstood for centuries due to the beliefs of the few, and not on their way of life or their own beliefs. Many witches today and than are innocent of any crime they are tried for. There are witches out there that to practice dark magick, but a vast majority do practice white magick and try to help others, not harm. Therefore, the stereotypes of the past are out dated and witches need to be seen for who they are first, not for what path they choose.

Works Cited

• Ellerbe, Helen. "The Witch Hunts: The End of Magic and Miracles 1450-1750 C.E.." The Witch Hunts: The End of Magic and Miracles. 23 Jan. 2006 .

• "Case Study: The European Witch-Hunts, c. 1450-1750 and Witch-Hunts Today." Gendercide Watch: European Witch-Hunts. 23 Jan. 2006 .

• "History of the Burning Times." The Burning Times. 2002. Crescent Magazine. 23 Jan. 2006 .

• Lovelace, Wicasta. "The Malleus Maleficarum of Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger." The Malleus Maleficarum. 12 Feb. 2006 .

• Meltzer, Milton. Witches and the Witch-hunts: A History of Persecution. First Scholastic paperback printing. October 200

• Miesel, Sandra. "Who Burned the Witches?." Who Burned the Witches?. Oct. 2001. Crisis. 21 Jan. 2006 .

• Parent, Margie. "Information on the Burning times." Information on the Burning times. 2002. >>eSSORTMENT. 23 Jan. 2006 .





01:06 Mar 05 2006
Times Read: 758

At Chris's house and he can't find any videos...so there is nothing to do. I hate this ducking keyvoard...it must DIE!!! Die bitch die!!! Chris is laughing at me...:( hahahahahahahaaa... I still hate this fuckinf keyboard...I can still taste the nasty gum I had 5 min ago...ew. I'm thisty.....*waits*...........yes thank you Chris. LOL. Hahaha...ok bored now...again. Wish we had a movie to watch. We found teh box for sleepy haloow but no movie....:'(But it has Johnny Depp in it!!! I wanna watch it!!! *grumbles* OK done now.





Happy March peoples

13:13 Mar 02 2006
Times Read: 762

Woo it's march...and I really havn't been around much. Sorry people. There's like 10 weeks of school left of so and I've been working on my grades. I need to get them up so hopefully I can get into a college I like. I don't know where yet, somewhere here, somewhere outta state maybe. Still don't know, I can't find a college I like that has the program I need, Massage Theraphy. Hehe. I'm very good with my hands. ;p And my tongue. LOL. So yeah...my lie lately. I've been really tired lately. But I'm semi awake today. And I have 51 days to lose roughly 20lbs for prom. Ugh...I've been dancing my ass off on DDR workout mode lately. My legs are killing me. Blah off ot study for my Holocaut test.




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