Kiara's Journal


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47 entries this month

At Chris's house! :p

01:31 Apr 30 2006
Times Read: 608

Obviously at Chris's house right now...quit laughin bitch!....*grumble* And don't stick poptart in my face....or diet Dr. Pepper...I will kill you...nah I'm to lazy...






04:08 Apr 29 2006
Times Read: 610

The one time someone listens to me...and I was kidding. Why does that happen?....gggrrrrr....*grumble*






03:35 Apr 28 2006
Times Read: 613

I wanna play the demo! But its on Chris's comp....and its 1030 at night and I can't come over til Sat...X_X its not working...*collpases*NNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its not allowed to do that!!! *sobs*






15:41 Apr 27 2006
Times Read: 616

I hate it when I try to get a hold of people through messages on online communitys...and you can see that they are on and they won't fucking respond...bitches. Bite me...





NOt much to say

03:49 Apr 27 2006
Times Read: 617

Not much for me to say for today. LOL. Thats like a first. Kinda adicted to a new games. Torn City. I love it. LOL. I gets kinda boring sometimes though. Well off to shower and then off to sleep I've been so tired lately.






13:50 Apr 26 2006
Times Read: 621

You have no idea how long it has taken me to get here. It seems that ROFL is down. So I had to dig through my bag to find another proxy. Atleast I found it. wOOt. OK well now that I'm here...I'm tired. Gonna go back to sleep before Mad Mad GlenOak. What's that you say? LOL. Its basically our senior drama students making fun of how lame our school is. And I love it!!






13:31 Apr 24 2006
Times Read: 627

Prom was great! Got up Sat...sat around for a while. Got up and went to the store and bought some sandals so I wouldn't have to wear heels all night. Then off to ger my hair cut...which took a little longer than I would have liked. Had to rush home and only had like an hour to get ready...then we tried to leave. Had to come back cuz I forgot my lipstick...then tried again....forgot his flower. XD Made it to his house and got attacked by cameras! Then it was off to Papa Bears for dinner with Kelsey and Eric. That was a lot of fun! Petal test!! We were done with dinner really early so went off to dollar general to buy stuff. I got pixie sticks...hope Kelsey remembers them tomorrow. When we got to the CC there were already a lot of people there early. And the teachers were parking cars! XD It was so amazing. I love Prom, I had a great time! There were smoothies! :) I love smoothies. Spent a lot of time layin on the floor with Chris, Steph, Jermey, Kayla and Melissa. Just layed around and talked for a long time...cuz I couldn't breath in my dress. O_o Got Chris to dance a bit for the last half hour. Then had to go home...mom wouldn't let me go to after Prom. :(

Over all Prom was AMAZING Ioved it and can't wait til next year!


Chris, you looked so HOTT in the pinstripe tux! ;)




Gettin ready

18:41 Apr 22 2006
Times Read: 633

Well off to start getting ready for Prom! :p Can't wait, tonight is gonna be so much fun!! *dances* wOOtness Not gona let anything get to me today.





Prom tomorrow!

04:47 Apr 22 2006
Times Read: 641

Well Prom night is tomorrow night. Kinda upset that we don't have a limo anymore. That would have been so much fun. Also pissed that I can't go to After Prom. Well there's next year. wOOt. Still gotta paint my nails and toes. Blah. But atleast I get to sleep in tomorrow so I'll have plenty of time. Gettin my hair done at 430, then gota pick up Chris's flower, get into my dress and do my makeup. Then it's off to dinner at 630. Can't wait for the dance though! I'm so excited, its gonna be so much fun!





Chris's house

23:13 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 647

At Chris's...ran over here my left lung hurts. LOL. Worth it I getto see him in his tux!! :p






21:25 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 649

Well got to go and clean the house a bit so that Chris can come over for our movie night! But before that I'm heading to his house to see his tux! I can't wait to see it....black pinstripe...*drools* SO sexyy mmmm *wipes drool off keyboard* ;p I can't wait. Hehee. Well better go wash those dishes!





Performance tonight!

22:29 Apr 20 2006
Times Read: 656

Well I've got my performance tonight. I don't really wanna go. No one I know is coming to our one and only Flute Choir concert this season. Dessie isn't allowed to go..and Chris donesn't want to. I was all excited for it this morning thinkin I'd get to hang out with Dessie and Chris again tonight. Then Dessie says she's not allowed. So its ok, I'm not mad at her for not being allowed. So then I thought it'd be me and Chris...nope. He doesn't want to come. Kinda upsetting, just a bit. I've been working on all of this music since Dec and to only have my mom come...upsettting. Oh well what can ya do other than chain people to the car...which I don't feel like doing tonight anyway. Well off to get ready.





Busy, tired and a bit bitchy...

21:00 Apr 20 2006
Times Read: 659

I have two english projects due tomorrow...along with having to type one up thats written. Ugh...just a lot of things pissin me off right now. *glares at screen* everyones getting on my case about english...I KNOW I have an F....I KNOW I need to get it up...I AM doing all my work so fucking LAY OFF! Gawd...then there's my ovary problem pissin me off...my mom. Geez who's not pissin me off this week...Dessie, Stephie and Korey...thats about it. *double checks* yup thats everyone.






14:29 Apr 20 2006
Times Read: 660

Well I had my little rant and I feel a bit better. But now I feel...I don't know...blahish. Not really happy, not sad or upset or anything really. Ampathy really. A nothingness...But meh. Give me a little while I've got my CD player and some sugar in my bag. I'll be sugarly induced happy. XD Not good...but I thinks its just this constant pain. It has me worn out its getting worse and worse every minute. I'm just gonna curl up and cry cuz it hurts so bad....sounds like a plan for the bus.





Morning rant from Xanga....

14:01 Apr 20 2006
Times Read: 661

*Waring* The following in a pain induced rant, which turns into a hate induced rant. *Be warned*

Well it is off to the doctor for me on Mon. I can't take this stabbing pain anymore. It's either give me some pills and not pain killers this is beyond pain killers, surgery which I REALLY don't want or I'm just gonna be a miserable person every other month for the rest of my life.

If you compare how I was at the end of last school year to how I am now...I am miserable. Not with what's been happening in my life, but from all of this pain. My mom said it was nothing to worry about, and that it would go away. As foolsih as I am sometimes, I listened to her. That is one of the few regrets that I have. At first it was just a dull dull ache in my side every other month for a little over a week. Than 4 months later, the pain increased...another 2 months and again an increase in the pain I was havng in my side. Now it is a sharp stabbing pain at random times. Got a good stab in english class while we were getting ready to give our speach. So I am trying to explain everything while doubled over in pain on the floor. My life for the next two weeks will not be fun. I hope the doc will give me something. That means my mom can't come. She always tries to play down the seriousness of everything I have to the doctors. If it hadn't been for her I might have gotten something over the summer and not be in all of this pain right now. She my be my mother but I hate her...NOTHING will ever change that. I smile and bite my tongue when I am around her. The day I move out will be a great day indeed. There will be much yelling and swearing...and a few kicks in the back. See how she likes being kicked in the back, that is NO way to wake someone up in the morning. What the fuck gave her the idea to think it would be a good idea to kick me in the back to wake me up! I have fucking back problems to begin with, and she made them worse. I went the entire day with back pain, took forever to get to sleep last night and it still hurts. To top it off I have a Flute Choir performance tonight, which I have to stand at for over an hour, plus warmup time which is another hour.


The day will come when you will pay, not by my hands...but by HERS mother.





21:09 Apr 19 2006
Times Read: 664

Well my back's been hurting since about 6:34 this morning when my mom decieded to wake me up by kicking me in the back...so thats what? 9 hours of constant pain so for? Then my damned ovaries...I really hate them. The right one hurts like hell...and for some odd reson the left one hurts as well. Feels like the right one did over the summer before it poped. So guess who should be back at the hospital on doctors orders! Me. Doc said to come back if I ever felt any pain in either of my ovaries again. Well I have, as you can see from other entries, I've told my mom but like she gives a fuck. She won't take me. So tomorrow, I am calling the doctors office and making myself an apointment for mon night before practice. So ha mom take that! Birth control here I come!! Getting it sooner than I'd hoped for and now I don't have to pay for it! Booya bitch!






02:23 Apr 19 2006
Times Read: 667

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.

In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.

But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!

There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.

You've loved, lost, and loved again.

You have had a wide range of love experiences.

And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is medium.

You tend to be the one with more power.

You aren't a total control freak in relationships..

But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is low.

You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.

No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.

You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.

And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is low.

This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..

It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.

In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together.




Evil sites...

01:45 Apr 19 2006
Times Read: 670

Decieded to look up info about ovarian cysts and what my options will be. And it is not looking good for me. I've been getting dizzy a lot lately, thirsty as hell, peein like every hour, puking and a lot of pain on the right side. Yeah I've lied...it really hurts. But I'm not gonna admit it out side of here. Smile and bite your tongue. Well there is sugery...or birth control pills. Ya know what...I think I'll go with the pills. Surgery scares me...childish I know, but it scares the hell outta me.






13:27 Apr 18 2006
Times Read: 674

Yesterday was a busy day...forot to pdate. :p OOps. What'd I do yesterday...Got up early...got online. I was very schocked to see Chris up and online so early...showered...forgot underwear again...Chris came over for a bit, then we went to Arby's. Got some curly fries for Kyle, and threw them down the street a few times...told Kyle I forgot underwaer :p went home and got bitched at...read my book...got online and thats about it. Pretty good way to end Spring Break I guess...






17:09 Apr 17 2006
Times Read: 677

Just got out of the shower...and it's cold in the basement with just a towel on. :p And I don't feel like putting any underwear on today. :p No underwear for me today! wOOt. I have a hard time typing and shivering...forgive the typos today. Off to have some 'fun' today! Can't wait!!






02:52 Apr 17 2006
Times Read: 683

Nothing has beeon going on lately. Disc golf fri was fun...wanna do it again. But I got a diferent Prom dress yesterday I'll have pics up later of it. Also gonna make a new coffin purse. XD Yeah again. :p Bored...well I'm off.






05:30 Apr 15 2006
Times Read: 711

Had a semi boring day. But meh. Hope tomorrow goes better...at least one day this weekend had better go good or I'll be in a bad mood all next week...






00:02 Apr 15 2006
Times Read: 713

At Chris's house again...and bored there is nothing to do at teh moment.......................(and so on) Blah blah blah...he turned the TV on....still boring...teh noise the TV makes bugs me...stupid static sound. I just feel like complaining right now. and all I make is typos......shut up Chris...bite me. :p


he bit me




Busy morning

19:54 Apr 14 2006
Times Read: 714

I've had a busy morning already. Got up early, didi dishes, scrambled to get ready, went disc golfing and then off to Bravo for lunch! We ordered off the kids menu...hehehee. Much cheaper. Seriously, like $4.77 was my bill. That was my morning...I need a nap I'm stuffed from lunch. I hope we go to Bravo for Prom that would rock. Kids menu prices are good. And I drew pictures with the crayons. Hehehee.





Night night

04:26 Apr 14 2006
Times Read: 719

Well had movie night tonight since its the start of spring break. Disc golfing tomorrow! So happy, its gonna be fun. Then taco bell and hopefully some alone time wit Chris tomorrow. wOOtness. Love ya penguin!





Gotta rush

20:54 Apr 13 2006
Times Read: 724

I have like half an hour to get ready to go to flute choir! Eeep! Still gotta eat, get my stuff together and feed the doggies. Kinda pissed that I didn't get to go with Chris to get fitted for his suit...I really wanted to go...*pout*Yeah well gotta go find something to eat.





Goodbye House of Nocturnal Retribution, hello Coven of Murmur!

03:44 Apr 13 2006
Times Read: 726

Goodbye House of Nocturnal Retribution. It was a fun trip, but I'm no good at earring any favors and will soon be kicked out anyway, so I have asked to be traded. And away to The Coven Of Murmur I go! Goodbye everyone of Nocturnal Retribution I will miss those of you I talked too. But, here I come Murmur to rock the house...coven! Mwahahaha. Thank you goes out to NightBlossom for setting up the trade, and DevilsAdvocarte in Murmur for accepting me. *huggles* Well ngiht all.






14:16 Apr 12 2006
Times Read: 737

Haha I put one thing in a box. LOL. wOOt didn't have to spend like an hour packing today. I'm happy. :p I rock. Mwahahahaa. Now I just need to go to the mall. Pinstripes with pink, wit red, or a Corpse Bride set...such a hard decision! LOL. Off to Hot Topic. Prolly pinstripes with red. :) But the Corpse Bride one it really really nice...and it has Emily on it...*looks at both side by side* Hmm...which one...

Corpse Bride - http://www.hottopic.com/store/product.asp?LS=0&ITEM=288988&RN=158

Pinstipes with red - http://www.hottopic.com/store/product.asp?LS=0&ITEM=261168&RN=158

So any opnions anyone? ;p






13:07 Apr 12 2006
Times Read: 738

OK in the Chem room...not sure if I'll pack boxes today. My allergies are acting up today from al lteh humidity. Slightly hurts to breath today. I really hope I doesn't rain that much. :( Ugh. Oh well. I'm tired...i Need a NaP! :p I should go find more pics to send Chris from Hot Topic. Hehehehee.






03:43 Apr 12 2006
Times Read: 742

We're goin shopping! Well me and Chris that is, at Hot Topic for... *wink*






02:56 Apr 12 2006
Times Read: 743

My earrings!! They are selling them again. The pair that got stolen a year ago! *cries* I MUST get them. I miss my jack earrings so much...( http://www.hottopic.com/store/product.asp?LS=0&ITEM=262520 )but they don't have the chocker anymore...*pouts&cries* stupid bastard that stole my jewlery...got my coffin earings, choker, dragon head earrings, spikes and nice braclet I bought on the island. Who ever you are, I fucking hate you...

Meh well I'm obviously home from Chris's house. Seems like the bus driver is gonig to let us sit together again. Bitch you better. Meh searching HotTopic.com for some stuff to buy. I've found 2 things, the earrings that I have to replace and a pair of nice gloves. :p Can't wait to go to the mall!






23:52 Apr 11 2006
Times Read: 744

At Chris's house!





Night night

01:55 Apr 11 2006
Times Read: 747

OK well I'm tired people I'm prolly gonna get goin soon. I'm really tired. Again I redid my pro a little. *yawn* Tired cold and blahish. Stupid bus driver ruins my day. She won't let us sit together. Why the fuck not! She pisses me off. What, cuz of all the stupid stuff Kyle was screaming...if that was it...I know where you sleep Kyle and give me three weeks. We all know what time that is. :p Kiddin kiddin. I wouldn't wait three weeks. XD *grumbles* and I had the worst migraine on the bus today. ANd Kyle and Ethan were talking so loud. I'm glad came and sat with me so I could use his lap as a pillow. Thanks Chris *huggles* That ment a lot to me.






23:57 Apr 10 2006
Times Read: 749

I beefed up my pro. And I rock, so says ayw :p Thanks again for the ten!! I added a lot of new icons and a few more things that I've learned. So check them out! And I've updated my myspace if anyone still looks at that oh and my xanga to. I've been no an updating spree. Hehe. So get your butts in gear and check my sites out!





I'm back!

13:54 Apr 10 2006
Times Read: 753

wOOt back on in the mornings on my fav proxy. hug proxy* good little rofl :p I've been packing boxes and they were so dusty...stupid allergies. Allergic to dust and I've been sneezing and my nose was bleeding...not fun. Stupid school moving, y do I have to pack up the chem lab? Its so dusty in there and my lung hurt now...atleast I took my meds today or it would be worse. Atleast I didn;t get any blood on Chris's shirt. :p I like this shurt, it smells good. Hehehee. OK off to talk to peoples!





Didn't do much

03:31 Apr 10 2006
Times Read: 754

Yeah didn't do much today. Got up, ate, went back to sleep, got up, made $50, cleaned & did laundry, had Chris over and he kicked my butt at Halo. Thats about it really. Not in a typin mood again...thinking though.






01:27 Apr 09 2006
Times Read: 757

My legs are kinda dead right now...Been playin DDR nonstop since I got off. Did my 250 cals like a good little pissed off bitch. I wanted to keep playing but my legs say FUCK NO! Kinda dragged myslef in here and ploped down in the comp chair...So I'll be stuck here for a while since my legs are killing me. Oh well. My mom wanted me to stop and hell her with something for a min. Nope, to busy not punchong you bitch to stop. Haha.






00:33 Apr 09 2006
Times Read: 758

Stupid mom. Chris's mom said I can't come over today, so I'm like *pout* ok you come over here. My mom goe soff and me...so I don't get ot do fucking jack shit today! I hate not doing fucking anything on the weekend. And no I will not fucking calm down. I was having a good weekend, other then my mom bitching at me all last night. She can just go burn in hell...see if I care. Is it wrong to hate your own mom so much? Well to fucking bad because I do! Off to play DDR so I don't punch the wall...punching my mom sounds like a good idea. Get her back for hitting me all those times...





i Robot

03:12 Apr 08 2006
Times Read: 760

Watched i Robot tonight. I like that movie. Nothing else really interesting today. Not to going on lately. Dessie's coming over tomorrow, we gotta practice for Chick-Fil-A night on the 19th. Its gonna be fun. Chris's house tomorrow night for movies...not sure what though. We're running out of movies to watch! :p Well...off to find something to cure this bordom!






03:16 Apr 07 2006
Times Read: 762

Quiz Me
Kiara was
a Disobedient Cult Leader
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me





03:18 Apr 06 2006
Times Read: 764

Did my little poll thing today. 4 on the right arm and 1 on the left. Meh....later not in a joourna mood...*gasp*






03:40 Apr 05 2006
Times Read: 768

Well off to bed after puking my guts and some dark chocolate out. :p Not feeling so hot lately. So night peoples.

I love you Chris.






02:46 Apr 05 2006
Times Read: 772

Never ever give me an entire dark chocolate bar!!! Ask Chris, I get all high like and can't stop laughing. Fell on Chris in the street...almost fell over multiply times...stumbled the whole way home and fell against the house. Then my mom caught us kissing on the steps. Oops. Atleast she wasn't a min earlier. :p

But we went shopping and my mom got me new makeup for Prom. Gonna try it out tomorrow and look all nice...see if anyone notices. No one usually does, cept Dessie. I love you Dessie, thanks. Then Chris is gonna read this and might say something cuz he read this, but he never says anything. Meh. OK bored, off to talk to peoples.





My best friend

13:46 Apr 04 2006
Times Read: 774

I've been reading my best friends journal entries. She's like my sister, my best friend, about to be a mother and I love her VERY much. And every time I read her words they make cry. There is a sadness in her words, but also great happiness. A tug in each direction. Stephy, whatever help you need, I am here for you to do whatever I can. I wanna help. I love you Steph!!! *glomp*






00:29 Apr 04 2006
Times Read: 777

Well I was home today...had really really bad cramps. They woke me up at 6 this morning and I went downstairs and pucked...not fun. Trust me. So I slept in really late. Got up before 3 so I could see my bf....but he didn't stop by. :( I wanted to see him today too...

Well I've been playin FFR and now its time to play DDR! So I am off people, the dance mat calls to me!





Still green eyed

03:13 Apr 03 2006
Times Read: 783

Well today didn't go exactually as hoped, but not to bad either. Slept in really late, had cold pizza, watch comedy slips at Chris's...Carlos Mencia is so funny! Walked around a bit, and got dinner and doughnuts...can't spell! Meh. Tired now gotta write a summary on Cicero's on the laws...so boring I don't understand it. Time for some major bullshit summary writing time! Hehe.





Green eyed

04:49 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 609

Movie night ended kinda early tonight. My moms doing. But she was asleep wouldn't have really mattered that much. But oh well.

Steph and Jeremy are comeing over tomrrow for a movie night with me and Chris! Funness!

OK bored....quiz!

You scored as Kakashi.







Aburame Shino


Akimichi Chouji






Rock Lee




your perfect naruto guy!
created with QuizFarm.com

Kakashi is my fav!




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