To my coven The Guardians of Darkness, for your support and well wishes during this time of deployment.
Thank you to LadyC and LordV for the care packages they are appreciated. Your moral support is a blessing and very welcome to not just myself but to my family. We could not ask for better friends.
*Edit* For those that do not know. V/r stands for Very respectfully. It's a military thing.
To all of the people that have asked me for a re-rate. I simply do not have the time or connection to do so currently and will not until I return from my Afghanistan deployment sometime in Jan-Feb 2010.
If you wish you can respond to this journal entry with requests for re-rates. I will take care of what I can when I come home on leave or return from the deployment. It will all depend on my schedule then.
Know that my family will take priority over online things during my leave time, I only get 15 days of it after spending many months away from home.
Getting pissy with me because I have not responded to any messages that you may have sent me in the past about any issues *you* may be having, is not going to help get your issues resolved. It will however get you ignored, which for me is very easy at this point.
VR deletes messages after so many days regardless of if they are read or not, I have no control over that. If you feel you still need to send me messages asking me to re-rate, well by all means please do. If I can get online to read them I will, if I can't well you will have to try again after 30 days or so.
20:47 May 05 2009
08:38 May 06 2009
I'm glad it could brighten your day. :)
18:51 May 06 2009
Hope you're doin' alright, neh? You're welcome for the wishes, though I shouldn't really be saying that. Be safe.
22:34 May 06 2009
19:13 May 11 2009
KO, Come home safe to us!
10:45 May 14 2009
This is the least we could do from where we are. We do what we do best, taking care of one of our own. And you are doing what you do best, taking care of the whole USA.
Just know that I am very greatful to you and your squad for what you are all going through and doing for us.
Come home safe. Many wishes, blessings and hugs are being sent your way.
From my family to you and your squad,
23:56 Jun 06 2009
Come home safe. ^_^