Freedom is not always available if your force to abide by the rules of life. For example, working eight hours a day to afford to eat in the United States. Enjoy freedom as it comes to you or force the rule of life to abide by your own rules. And never loose freedom again.
Empty in a way can be fulfilling depending on how it rests within it's host. This moment in life feels as if it's faceless in features.
Follow directions as listed below:
1)Start at the dead center of the top of my forehead. Insert the corner edge of the razor blade and proceed to round the sides of my face.
2)Then begin by lifting the sides of my face with your finger tips. Once all finger tips are inserted, close your fists and proceed with taring very slowly the top layer of my featureless face.
Which in return exposes myself and who I truly am. If never in your life did you believe in "it's whats on the inside that counts" you will now. What can be seen now are features of a face man will never be able to explain in full extent. This is what makes who I am. Series of tunnels and muscle valleys that make ME possible. These features are not empty in any way if preserved correctly. The sight of my face removed is something unexplainable in nature.
But at the very least fulfilling.
-Kert Rotten
Wow, I really saw you... and man......... differently...
This was truly, beyond skin deep.
very lovely, m' love
For those of you who have read my last blog Thousands of pieces. Right below on the same piece of paper this is what I wrote. This is how I feel after writing in the style that Thousands of pieces was.
It feels as if I entered an area of my thoughts I wasn't supposed to venture into. And as a result I'm being punished.
Fuck the ability to get so deep in your own head.
I don't want that anymore.
It's driving me to insanity.
-Kert Rotten
If someone were to ask two times while their talking to me if I'm listening.
I would reply with "Yes. You've said enough to fill two full sentences. But those two sentences I've chopped into thousands of pieces and threw each piece in different directions. Each piece upon returning informs me of thousands of different possibilities. One of those possibilities ill use to respond to you with once your done talking. The thousands left unused ill store in a safe place. So the next time I run into this situation ill be prepared."
Take this and run far away, as far as you can see. Till your body no longer functions and your gears stop turning.
Hopefully then, that very second when your life takes it's final decent. Your dissections of happenings (those pieces) will help life be more fulfilling and death less shocking.
If used through out your entire life. One of those billions of pieces you've "chopped", that you threw in billions of different directions will teach you of life and it's many paths. As well as death and what comes with it.
Here is an example. If you had this way of thinking before reading this, you would be able to understand what you just read. Read it through as many times you feel fit. Some may grasp it. But most are not in tuned enough with themselves to understand something so deep.
-Kert Rotten
Forgive me of any spelling errors =D Ok thanks.
You, sir... are truly taking me and leaving me in a place where speech has no meaning... it's almost like you've journeid deep within me and placed my thoughts into a proper place... it's worded... beautifully.
You are a perfect... you.