Profile for NikkiAidyn
Sire (103)
Jul 15 2013
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No problem. I owed you an apology anyhow.
Thank you for putting it behind yourself:)
I hope you will have a wonderful day as well.
On 00:51:38 Jul 16 2013 (-0 GMT) KenziMeowMeow wrote:
Thank you I am glad this is behind us. I am pleased if you would have a wonderful day.
On 18:59:49 Jul 14 2013 (-0 GMT) NikkiAidyn wrote:
I mean it this time when I'm saying sorry.
I am not the type of person to just snap at people like that, so I do apologize sincerely.
I just wanted to say that you do seem to be a pretty cool person and that I am glad that you are in the same coven.
I hope that we will find some way to get along. I am even-natured and open 98% of the time. The other 2% must be the anger issues you speak of.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that. Oh, and your Finnish skills are rather impressive. :)
This is another message from this woman.
Profile for NikkiAidyn
Sire (103)
Jul 14 2013
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Okay I apologize.
I do know how difficult it is sometimes to correctly translate languages and I wrongfully pointed you out over something that wasn't a big deal in the first place.
On 14:36:39 Jul 14 2013 (-0 GMT) KenziMeowMeow wrote:
What you are saying is you are sorry you are not sorry. I do not accept this rude attempt making another insult of me.
When translating from another language you have to translate thoughts not word for word translations or it could out sounding like a garbled mess. Each language has it's own format and sentence structure and that is why that translator does not work.
You take a sentence from me in french and it will translate wrong most times.
You may have been right that in translating it using that program it ended sounded wrong. If you had said that verbatim to someone that speaks the actual language in a native dialect it would have sounded perfect.
On 19:33:53 Jul 13 2013 (-0 GMT) NikkiAidyn wrote:
You're right, I do have anger issues. I apologize that I insulted you, because we all are trying to learn something.
Although, I wasn't incorrect, because your grammar was wrong, sorry.
I do apologize for being insensitive though.
On 04:09:50 Jul 13 2013 (-0 GMT) KenziMeowMeow wrote:
The Grammar was incorrect because you used that thing. I just went onto the thing to see what you were speaking about and I typed in a few sentences and a few sentence fragments and it translated them incorrectly. In fact it got them so wrong it was saying the opposite. In some cases it didn't even translate the words at all.
I resent the implication. I have studied years you acquire the skills I have and to be doubted or down right accused of lying... You madam has anger issues. And need to take your own advice and admit gracefully when you are incorrect.
After all this she attacks me again my camera. then she doesn't just lie about it, she lies about ever being rude to me before.
She is now telling her friends a lie to illicit sympathy so they will attack me. I have forwarded the conversations to the alliance master. And now will be forwarding the messages to my coven master.
And one of them is directly connected to the person that Attacked my son. I will return all those given.