I wonder.... Can someone from your past still make you feel like that school girl? Make your lungs lose their breath when you see them logged in??
That's what I felt like today, someone from my past that I've been keeping tabs on, made me feel like that. I thought I would always miss him when I hop on.... not today.
I lost my breath when I saw him on and I felt like that school girl talking to her crush all over again.... He's known me since mine or our first coven together.
Guess what I'm asking is.... can something, once thought lost, burn again and make everything feel at peace inside of me...
Yes, it can. Feelings like that can be buried over time, but when they emerge again, the flame shines again.
What I'm saying is that sometimes feelings don't dull at all over time, but they're just a bit passive for awhile.
Yes it is the age old saying "If you love something set it free, if it comes back it was meant to be"
I do not know the whole story or why things went bad the last time. So re-evaluate those things and try to determine if the past is bound to repeat itself or have you both changed enough that maybe it was just wrong time before.