Time tics on ever never it would seem. To move but push the arrow of the fabric of a clock in woods so old then new in year of days. Unholy confessions of my lies keep thorns in monkeys of the backs of the world. Follow me my tiny feline companion, to a place so full of weeds of flowers blooming in the snows of sands to come. How the grains fall so light in the wondrous thrills of honest lives. Herein of the facts of genius hidden amongst the babblings of the mental states of the many films of interest. It you're still reading this remember the ducky. Duckys ate the very threads of existence in the evolution of my fluffy clouds in head of one like so. Skin them you dirty hobo! Steal the hearts of virgins and deflower matters of dolphins and things of such nature. Tails of the wolf are so attractive to the curious kind. Well soon my sweet murderer shall we seek the hiding place of plants so many. Then to see the moon for her night beauty. Goddess of the star of eight, the time has come for wolves to mate. Kings and crowns are the jester of the broken glass of spaces between. Look to the heart! Look to the heart to find the key to deaths brave cloak. Taken from the sword of the ruby droplets of blood. Let the bleeding commence! Speak now my holy father if my madness is unlikable to your ears. Crows feathers are a comfort of forshadowing to the grim of nightmares. Speak to me unholy bloodsuckers of the night, lead me to your mother darkness. Let one as i be nutured by her ladies gestures of kindness in the outlandish debut. Loving birds or cardinals reach, to snatch the creaves of her flowing meadow. They say that cherries grow from a magical fountain in a keep, way in the mountains of Romania. I've been there a few times in my search for reality away from my comatose stage. I remember it like it was yesterday.
Turning words to spit in death when angels show their wings. A spinning darkness in red and black will come until it stings with pain it lingers still. For when it comes to demons light a sightless nothing proceeds like daggers when they kill. In speaking with the reaper, the knowledge of euphoria makes the fives calm, to which it comes to this. To spell in common non-sense, and hear it tolds in mouth, the devil creeps in softly, while bats come out to feast on nightly dreams. Come little rabbit down the pretty hole. Show me what the lamb did to the lion. Why is it so sad in here? Making doggy noises is a quiet thing. Oh, how the madness follows. In my telling of the cruel realities, like a toy of things to pass, I've lost my mind somehow. To feel this beast inside here, tests to pieces the remnants of my process to aspire in good dealings. Like to unspiraling mistakes in tragic music, to see such special colors. A reddish fluid begins my journey to the questing of my influence in global theatrics. Oh what a time it was to be seen in blackness and stars. How the moon sky fills the wind with talking in rhymes not heard, yet, often in my research into my illusions of life, i like to take a quaint, little break for recreational uses. So good morrow my little pets in mind. May you watch me feed the insanity of not the sane of stuff in the big one of the universe.
As the sunlight hits my eyes through the slightest crack in the windows glass, i awoke in a most bitter of moods. After the fairness of the night just past i find myself once again amount this site. Navigation through the pages is a slow, yet fruitful learning process. Still my ability to capture myself in good form on camera proves annoying. The sunlight really does not flatter my complexion. Rambling is a thing I've often done well, however. To those who can't make sense of it, i suppose you're not supposed to. I can't expect my mind to simplify itself for you people, and neither should you. So if my entries seem like random nonsense to you, please just move on.