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6 entries this month

I should spend more time sick!

15:41 Jan 24 2006
Times Read: 576

Whooo.. I should spend more time sick!

LOL slept from 8 am Monday to 8 am Tuesday!

But somewhere in "Dreamland" I remembered a comment made by Bruce Lee ( no relation to the karate guy) my grade 13 art teacher, that I had forgotten.


"Remember, the be all and end all to art is to EVOKE EMOTIONS.

Even if someone comes out of nowhere and HATES your art. You are a sucess. You evoked a strong emotion..HATE. The same goes if someone comes out of nowhere and LOVES your art,  it's a strong emotion, and you succeeded.

The only time you're a failure is if you evoke indifference..if the stranger comes up and says "Oh, I could take it or leave it." Or the dreaded "That's nice."

When this statement is INVALID is when you are dealing with people who know you. For they will either love the art because they love you, or hate it because they hate YOU. NOT the art, but YOU. So their strong emotions are a false judgment. The same goes for friends of friends and friends of enemies.

Judge your successes by strangers and NOT those who know you."



Damn. I guess I can't count Leslie Carol's opinion as a success then! :P




I'm told to quit Painting!

15:13 Jan 22 2006
Times Read: 578

Edit: I figured out how to check the dates.. THIS one was left during the dustup w. Lennon and Mary! My Bad.. Not Oui-ja_monkey's flunkies at all!

Due to the dust-up with Ouija_monkey ( in Lj land) I had a few trolls pop up outta the woodwork and sign nasty shit on Ragen_cagin's and my art website (http://www.angelfire.com/falcon/ondisplay/mainpage.html). I kept two in the shoutbox because one left her e-mail the other was at LEAST somewhat constructive. :D

Anyways here's Leslie Carrol's first comment left in our "shoutbox"..

the knot work is excellent, but the paintings and candle holders are horrible..

So being me, I sent her back the following e-mail.. :P

From: "Erika =D~"

To: acrid_lampshade@hotmail.com

Subject: Thank you.

Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:43:57

Many thanks for visiting our website, and signing our guestbook.

We are always looking for honest and truthful crtiques, and thank you for pointing out the "horrible" things. Have you any suggestions to make things better? They will considered and, if possible, implemented.

Thank you for visiting and taking your time to comment.

Well. THIS is the reply.. LOL

To answer your question as to how to make things better I'll begin by telling you what's wrong.

The candle holders you have are simple dollar store candle holders with child-like flowers and cates drawn on them, I honestly think I could get something better AT the dollar store. There are not creative, they are simply kitch, and not the nice kind of kitch.

Your paintings are very amature, they show that you have obviously taken one or two art classes in your lifetime but never really got the whole concept down. Your proportions are off, your layouts are horrible, and you seem to enjoy making paintings that look like a 5 year olds.

I suggest a) taking some more art classes, possibly start from the very beginning and aquire some actual skills

b) take some sort of craft course, honestly, anything is better than what you are doing, learn to do some macrame even.

or c) just give it up, because your obviously old enough to realize that your doing shit and that anyone who buys it only does so because they think that you have some sort of handi-cap.

leslie carol

Well at LEAST it's well thought out.. if wrong in some points.. The candle holders are from Micheals, and they're SCULPTED, not painted. And I took over 8 years of art classes. ;)

But there ya go. I SHOULD quit now... ONE troll TOLD me to! LMAO!





15:05 Jan 17 2006
Times Read: 583

I'm sitting here surrounded by sorted piles of Laundry...

Ah the JOYS of Laundry day! :P Pithiiiibbbbbbbtttt!

I SWEAR this stuff keep breeding when I'm not looking! THese piles keep GROWING!!


SEE! SEee! That pile just moved! It's BREEDING I tell you! BREEDING!

Oh, wait. Nope. that was just one of the cats Burrowing after something.

I SWEAR the other pile jsut moved! It DID! i'm not kiddingyou!

Arrrrgghhh! IT's eating me alive!!!




Friday the thirteenth... well not anymore!

08:21 Jan 14 2006
Times Read: 584

IT was so quiet I figured for a full moon night AND a friday the thriteeth it would be WILD in my city.. nope. the bar was busier than the streets! o_O Yet is was so mild.. but pple were INSIDE not out beating each other up, and letting the pretty blood fall to amuse me. :( *pouts*

Oh, well there's tomorrow/today..Saturday night!




Apologies Probably OWED...

15:45 Jan 13 2006
Times Read: 587

To the Zombie, Abominable Snowman, or Mummy who pounded on the Bus Window Sunday Jan. 8th at 10 pm...

Between the salt/grime/window tint, the lights in the interior of the bus and the LACK of lights outside the bus, I could NOT see who you were. So my apologies for NOT Leaping up, racing off the bus to treat you like my long, lost friend/cousin/pet and chattering you ear off until I had to get back on the bus to go to work.

All I could see was a tallish person wearing a dark "puffy" parka type coat with a dark hat..(maybe a knit watchcap?) and a white blob for a face. With that to go on; and having been hit up EIGHT TIMES tonight for "spare change?"; I was NOT getting off the bus to see who was knocking. Sorry friend. Maybe another night I'll get up. :D

EDIT I was going to post this Monday Am, but comp problems prevented me from posting it before now!




This year is gonna be FUN!!

23:10 Jan 08 2006
Times Read: 591

I've got oodles on my plate..going back to school, wedding, AND work to keep me hopping.

LOL got my wedding goblets from a store that caters to the goths.. got a gargoyle lamp there, and got some kick ass goblets dragon patterns in tribal, and knotwork with a red gem on the foot of the goblet.. and silver linings.

*evil grin* mother-dearest is going ot plotz.. but damnit after al she's mucked up it's time I gave her shit. ;) I wanted a costume ball for the reception/ceremony. Mom insisted she WOULDN'T SHOW if it was dress-up.. so I had to change it to a masquerade to "satisfy" her, had to change the date from Hallowee'en to earlier in the fall.. grumbles. no balck either.. but that was a strike on the seamstress' part. :P Pithibbiiitt.

Godsdamnit I HATE weddings, but my other half's the one who wants the tuxes and all..and siiigh.. he's definetly YUMMY in a tux. ( with tails. :P)



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