KRISTIN's Journal

KRISTIN's Journal


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13 entries this month

MASQUERADE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01:08 Oct 30 2011
Times Read: 411

the masquerade ball was great! i actually enjoyed myself. last night all the people who went to the pickwick club last night went home soaking wet with sweat. we all dance from 7:00pm to 12:00am. i met some old friends there and some new friends. my mask was unique from all the girls' mask. after the dance 2 boys just jumped in the pool. they were just idiots. everyone said our Pallotti Masquerade Ball was very good!! the DJ actually enjoyed his own dj. Beside people dancing wild and crazy, and lost their money. they had a lot of drinks for sale. i hate the pina colada because the people didnt make it great.

well i have my fun time there and i cant wait for the Winter Ball!!!!





06:49 Oct 27 2011
Times Read: 417

i actually enjoyed my day even though the hurricane was to hit my country but didnt. i enjoyed my day on VR today. i actually meet some nice friends.





18:31 Oct 26 2011
Times Read: 421

well hurricane is here. but i dont want to go nowhere and i dont think the hurricane will be near us anyway. but its kind of good to be prepare for it though. well i am just here to sitting down and thinking what to write while i watch and wait for the hurricane to come.

do you think the hurricane will hit my country Belize?????




My Day

03:59 Oct 21 2011
Times Read: 425

today i really enjoyed my classes. Lit was ok, i think i pass the test, i hate Principle of accounting!!!!! math was ok we had a few mintues free cause the teacher went out but caught me out of class when he came back. LOL. i didnt get in trouble cause i tell him that i was asking Mr. Evan a question on Physics. after lunch i went to music class and we didnt do anything. i like that. after music everyone went on the volleyball court to watch our different house team play, but when i was playing i twist my ankle, but still play with it swollen. it was very painful. but i still enjoy myself.




My mom's birthday??

10:19 Oct 16 2011
Times Read: 428

well i found out that today is here birthday. and i really didnt really care or not. she sometimes remembers my birthday or remember me that i am alive or not. so why should i give a shit about her? i dont really like her. when i do great at school all of a sudden i am her daughter but with out that i am nothing to her.





07:59 Oct 16 2011
Times Read: 429

well yesterday i thought i was going to enjoyed my day, but it looks like i did not cause i expected to spend time with my boyfriend. i was at classes and he said to text him when i am ready. so i texted him. he didnt even come and pick me up!! i look like a real idiot waiting for him. so one of my friend tell me that i can get a ride with him. Was that the right thing to do? He didnt come and pick me up so does that give me the right not to talk to him since he cant hold one promise with me?





04:59 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 437

today wasnt ok. cause i got 4 pink slip. Pink slip is showing what your failing. well i am failing all my majors. i thought my mom will beat me up, she didn't. that was the good part. i feel so happy that friday is an holiday for our school and i do not know what to do tomarrow. what shall i do?




My New little Sister?

04:52 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 438

she is not really my sister through blood line but its just a event that we have at Pallotti High School. Our school is an ALL GIRL SCHOOL (yuck). Every year we have this program called BIG SISTER LITTLE SISTER. yesterday i have found my little sister and i think i really like her. she's kind of crazy like me. HAHAHA. and i suppose to buy her a gift. But what should i buy her?




yesterday i was ANGRY!!!

04:47 Oct 14 2011
Times Read: 440

yesterday i was very angry! Sr. Clara our principal wanted the 4th Form Science to move to 4th Form Arts class. how in the world that could happen? We are closer to all the Labs and if we move, we have to climb 4 fucking stairs now. i hate that!! why does sr.clara is always picking on our class? i hate her so much. how much can we handle with all her nonsense?What shall we do? Go on Strike? Bring in the Media? HELP!!!!




Retreat(HATE IT)

04:22 Oct 12 2011
Times Read: 445

i know retreat suppose to be fun. this was to be my last year doing retreat at Pallotti High. Yes my school is an all GIRL school and plus on top a CATHOLIC!! the principal of the school is a SISTER, and she is an hipocrite!!!! she like to say that we are lusting after our Father(priest). he is our new religion teacher(he looks so cute). what is wrong in saying that he looks cute? That bitch is the one who is lusting the priest. anyway besides that hipocrite, we did enjoyed ourself by commiting a sin called GLUTTONY. so anyway sr.clara didnt stop us from talking to him and i continue to talk to him and laugh with him, i think she is jelouse that it is not with her that the priest is talking to. SHE IS A FUCKING PAIN IN THE ASS!!





02:48 Oct 11 2011
Times Read: 452

today is my boyfriends birthady and i can not spend sometime with him as i please. that is the first disaster. the second one is that my little niece is sick and the entire family is afraid, she is only 9 months old. the third one is that i do not want wednesday to come because i will get my mid-term report on school and i know that i FAILED!!!! :(






06:51 Oct 06 2011
Times Read: 461

I feel like to scream out my lungs if that is possible. i have a lot of homework to do!!!!! i am really stress out!! i have a lot on my plate and i am so tired that i am always going to bed late at night and plus on saturdays i have Physics classes and i hate get up early. What shall i do?



02:49 Oct 11 2011

Uh... Get off the computer and actually do the homework?

You know, just saying...


My New Boyfriend

06:47 Oct 06 2011
Times Read: 463

its going to be 2 weeks since my new Boyfriend and i are dating. i really like him but he is really older than me. i really want to tell my mom about him but i am so afraid to tell her. My boyfriend is understandable, very tall(6ft), he likes sports like me. we have somethings in common. i really really like him so much but i am trying not to fall really deep in love with him because i am afraid that he might hurt me really bad and i might not recovered. Oh by the way He works with my Dad. we had to keep this relationship in a secret. i hate hide things but now i have to, if i want to keep him for a good while. i think i need to get to know him more before i get really close to him than i am already getting.



04:35 Oct 11 2011

Its nice that the two of you share this connection. Though as you might know already. If your dad finds out---he might just flip out since he works with him and wanna kick his booty a bit for dating his daughter. I've dealt with the whole age gap thing in relationships by others a lot in the past. In reality people are so unexcepting on age gaps. Age has nothing to do with getting to know the true person. Of course, there are always some limitations on how far one pushes the age gap deal. haha! *awesome ways to thy studies* -S-

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