Smart, adaptable, you're able to insinuate yourself into any setting and act like you were born there. Sure, sincerity and honesty aren't your strong points, but you can fake them if the need arises. You might feel a little hollow inside, but with so many friends, who cares?
What's your malfunction?
KCRC's Amazing Mental Ability ... ![]() You can stop time. Unfortunately, you're still subject to it, so you can't do much while time is stopped. (Remember ... with great power comes great responsibility!) 'What is your Amazing Mental Ability?' at |
I think I would MUCH rather be a Mountain Troll.
What mythical creature are you? |
![]() ![]() You are a night elf! You are a gifted person and you have the rising sign of the moon. |
How do you compare? Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic |