I was running a little late for work today.
I walked into our lobby at around 8:45AM. Standing in the lobby, much to my surprize, were 3 members of our Board of Directors from Italy. I looked outside and noticed that the U.S. CEO's car was not yet in it's parking place! They were so busy bitching amongst themselves in Italian about him being late that they didn't notice me slip on into the office.
Usually there is a big production made when the Italians are going to show up, and I had not heard a mention of it! (Later I got the scoop that they are over to sort out some details regarding some legal claims we have against the manufacturer of a piece of faulty equipment we had purchased).
Later in the day, during our "Daily Lean Managment Walk", they joined the group. While we are walking through the plant the CEO of the Group (Not our local US CEO, the BIG CHEESE from Italy) pulls me aside and tells me how great our material looks and he knows that I am the main cause of the improvements....OMG, I just about fainted. I have only met with him a few times, with many more people around. I had no clue he even knew my name, much less what I do day to day!
Needless to say, I'm pretty damned pleased with myself!
Members of my church's choir have been invited to apply to be part of a multi church choir festival in November. The festival is part of the Presbytery of Philadelphia's 300th anniversary celebrations.
I sent in my application, along with others from our choir and now have my fingers crossed. The "big deal" about this is that it is limited to 135 singers and it will be held in Verizon Hall of the Kimmel Center in Philadelphia. The Kimmel center is one of the most amazing performace halls I have experiences and, believe me, this is my ONE SHOT to be on stage in Verizon Hall!
I'll post here again once I hear anything.
Every year on Thanksgiving Day, I stop shaving and start to grow a beard for the winter. I started doing this around 25 years ago.
On the first day of spring I shave again...Usually my whole face, but sometimes to mix things up I'll keep a mustache, a goatee etc. This year I went for the full face. It feels so odd to have the air hit the skin of may face.
The most fun is for the next week people will ask me..."Have you lost weight?", "Did you get new glasses?", "Did you just get a haircut?" They know SOMETHING is different, but they can't quite figure it out. I usually don't tell them....I just let them guess until they figure it out.
I got home at 1:00 AM Friday morning from a trip to scenic Red Oak, Iowa.
I had to go to our plant there to help them sort out some problems and also to attend training in HACCP. HACCP is "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points" a food safety system which we use to make sure our packaging can't make any food packed in it cause anyone to become "Sick, Ill or Dead".
Anyway....The airlines SUCK, the seats in the planes are too small for someone who is over 6' tall, and too narrow for anyone. Their customer service sucks, you pay over $1,000.00 for flights and get 1/2 can of soda and now have to PAY $2.00 if you want chips or pretzels! You get loaded in the plane and THEN they tell you the flight is on "Ground hold" and can't take off for at least 30 min.....Why couldn't they just let you stay in the nice comfortable bar in the airport, rather than load you on the plane so you have to breathe everyone elses exhalled air? Then the "1 hour" flight is actually 2 and a half hours, because you have to circle around your destination city for an hour and a half before they let you land!
Like I said, Business travel sucks. I don't mind the delays, ets so much if I'm going somewhere fun for vacation. But if I have to go to some God forsaken spot of the earth to either, help people too dumb to solve a problem or get screamed at by a customer because the dumb people did things exactly opposite they way you told them to do it, makes one very weary!
Sadly tomorrow I must depart my home to travel to my employers plant in Red Oak, Iowa for the rest of the week. There is 1 traffic signal and 1 "4 way flashing light" in this town. The whole town closes at 9:ooPM, and there is NO internet access at the only Motel within 40 miles.
It wouldn't be as bad if this week were not "Spring Break" for my two daughters in college. They are home for the week, but I will miss seeing them. They are changing so much and it's so cool o talk with them as adults.
Oh well, enough with the pity party!
A friend of mine has season tickets for the Philadelphia Flyers. He was busy today and gave me his tickets to the game today and I took my daughter, who is very into sports.
Hockey is the ultamate sport. It combines athletic skill, speed and violence. And Philadelphia is a great place to see a sporting event, as long as you are not rooting for the opposing team!
I love when they announce the line up for the opposing team. After each player's name is announced the fans scream "SUCKS!" Truly the "City of Brotherly Love".
The Flyers beat the Bruins 4-1 and there were a lot of good hard hits and one fight. A very nice afternoon.
My oldest Daughter is a Junior in college. She is a member of her University's concert band. Each year, at the start of Spring break, they go on a trip to perform concerts. Last year they went to Washington,DC. This year they went to Boston. When they got to Boston, they found out that the venue for their concert was unavailable and the concert was cancelled.
So now they are basically just wandering around Boston, no rehersals, no concert, just time to kill in the "Hub of the Universe".
I was at work this afternoon, in a meeting with the 1st and 2nd shift Production Supervisors when my cell phone rings. It was my daugher calling from Boston. "Dad, guess where I am?", I answer "I don't have any idea, where?"................"We're at the Samuel Adams Brewery...It's so cool!" WTF? Why did she feel the need to call me to tell me she's touring a brewery?
I'm just getting around to writting about one of the shittiest days I've had at work for a long time.
This happened last week, I don't even remember what day, as they all seemed to mush together.
I was just getting ready to leave for the day when I heard the beeping of the alarm system from the outer office. I looked at the panel and it said "FIRE BLD2 PRESS5". So I go running out to Press 5 just as the CO2 system stops flooding the entire area. Once the room clears I go in with the crew to try to figure out what happend. It was obvious that one of the adhesive coating stations caught fire. I noticed that one of the static eliminators was out of place. We go some ahnd held extinguishers and held them at the ready as the crew washed down the coating station and removed all of the flammabble adhesive.
One of our maintenance men showed up and began replacing the CO2 tanks so that we could start the machine back up. As he was hooking up the last tank, the great SWOOOOOOSH sound went off, as he had forgotten to re-set the detector that set off all the CO2 during the fire! He THEN re-set it and started to hook up another set of spare tanks. About an hour later we repaired the static eliminator and started back up. 10 minutes latter....another damned fire and SWOOOOOSH CO2 again. At this point we had to order more CO2 tanks which wouldn't get in until the next day, so we cleaned up, reassigned the crew and I went home pissed off.
It turns out someone had a great idea to "save money" and bought a rubber roller with a new rubber compound...which was non-conductive and thus extremely likely to build static.
We were so luck no one was injured.