Dark Greeting's, To anyone that wish's to know about my Clan and Family.We are a group of misfit's who fit in nowhere,society doesn't understand us so we said Fuck it and made our own.In human years we range in age from 14-62 we have both males and females in our clan.We are various creatures of the night and cross's of such.Vamp's,Vampieals,Were's,even a Windgo and a Demon or two we all get along fine and find the fighting between creatures and clans a waste of time.
We got our name from a fellow creature of the night who came down for one of our party's.It started at 9 am on a Thurs. and ended at 1 am Mon.night. He said "You realy are Lost Boy's of the Desert Wastelands" It stuck.
Our Motto " Sleep all day, Party all Night , Never Die and Live Forever." If you can find us be prepared we accept any who can leave there attitude and predjudice at the door otherwise in the famous word's of Axel Rose" If you can't , why don't you ..,FUCK OFF!!!"( Appitite for Destruction Gun's and Rose's)
I'll be adding more ,Spells,Potion's as all of us practice some form of the Arcane Art's.
Dark Blessing's,Bite's and Kiss's,KA A Founder and Elder of The Lost Boy's of the Desert Wastelands.