So I actually bought a car today? It's not new, it's a used car but still. I bought car! Honestly I never thought I'd own my own vehicle. I've always been really anxious about driving. I'm probably going to end up running over some old guy or a bird and then I'll hide myself a way in a hole and cry about it or something to be honest but I have a car now. So if I ever muster up the courage to learn to drive I actually have something to learn with. I mean in all reality that's the first step anyway isn't it? Having a reliable car to learn with in order to get your license? I still have to get plates for it and of course insurance but I own a car. It's a red '06 Pontiac Grand Prix. It drives really well. It was a 45 min drive back to my house and while I didn't actually drive it, it was smooth and quiet and it handled really well. It needs tires but that's easy because I get a 10% discount where I work on brand new tires and honestly I don't need racing tires. Just driving back to work and home or gamestop and stuff tires. So yay! Go me! Woot! *high fives himself*