I envy people like Andrew Zimmern and Anthony Bourdain.
Payed to travel and experience different cultures and foods. It sounds like a dream thing to me.
China is such a beautiful country. I think that would be one of the main countries I'd love to travel to, if not live in, later in life.
Ahh, the dreams.
I don't think I could have asked for a better end to 2011, or a better start to 2012.
I went over to Nicole's around 5PM, where we were joined by Joy and Molly. We watched soooo many episodes of Adventure Time, which was enjoyable as well.
A little side-trip a bit later to let out someone's corgis, it was back to get some food and watch more Adventure Time.
Around 11:30, Christa and Hilly showed up, along with another person. Some conversations were had, and some laughs.
After midnight struck, we all went for a drive in Molly's car, just having fun and listening to music. When Molly had to go we did it all over again, although with Hilly's car.
It was a great night. Didn't get home til 3AM. One of my favorite nights.