Joli's Journal

Joli's Journal


Honor: 174    [ Give / Take ]


3 entries this month

18:47 Oct 15 2010
Times Read: 742

Today I was invited to speak to a local Jr. High. I love getting to speak in schools. One of my greatest passions is to inspire young people to think about solutions to problems in the world around them. We need to be teaching kids to be problem-solvers, not just people who can memorize facts for tests.

I spoke about hunger and need in their community, but emphasized that I'm interested in THEIR ideas. I'm tired of my own. I gave them two examples of kid ideas that have impacted and made a difference in our community:

Two young sisters decided to take paper bags they asked for from a grocery store and place them on their neighbors' door steps. On each bag they stapled a note introducing themselves and the following:

"If you are interested in helping, please place food in these bags. We will come by in the morning and if you have left out a bag, we will collect it and take it to the food bank. Thank you."

They collected 20 bags filled with food. They didn't ring one doorbell or dial one phone, but they made it very easy for others to help by donating. Their idea is so simple, many kids have been inspired and have adopted it.

Another favorite was the child who had a birthday party and invited 80 friends. She asked that no presents be given, only food and money donations made out to the center. What a tremendous idea.

At the school today, we brainstormed ideas that they had: car washes, bake sales, collecting mardi gras beads from friends and families (we sell them back to the krewes). Their school committed their art classes to make and fire bowls to sell at the Empty Bowl fundraiser next month that seeks to raise awareness about hunger in our communities.

I'm proud of them. I really, really am. I feel like I met with honored officials and came away confident that the future is in good hands. We should never underestimate the potential of a young person's fresh eyes and ideas for solutions to the problems around them.



22:51 Oct 17 2010

I am sure you did a marvellous job Joli :) i remember when I spoke to school children in morning assembly once, about "waste" and construction dangers in their area and it really moved me when 200 plus kids said goodmorning Mrs. @@@@ all at once :). More importantly that the message got across by inviting the kids to participate in a question and answer time. I believe I know exactly how you felt.. I felt so honoured to be there and share the eagerness of the childrens' awareness. :)


04:04 Oct 07 2010
Times Read: 792

The last 2 years, a number of you have enjoyed donating to the charity where I work. In fact, Vampire Rave members have pretty much blown me away. If you're interested, it's that time again...our annual fundraiser gala is scheduled for November 19. If you would like to make a contribution, we need financial donations or items we might be able to put in our silent auction. Maybe you even work for a company that has gift cards or services that could be redeemed in our area that people might want to bid on.

100% of proceeds go into programs that fund our food bank, transportation help, school supplies and uniforms, rent/housing, medical help, utilities assistance, and many more. Many charities cannot say that.

It's been a really tough year with the effects of the economy, but we're still plugging away! I made a vow this year that no matter how tough it got, nobody would ever be turned away for food. the staff and volunteers have worked very hard to help me keep that promise!

If you want to donate or are interested in more information, please indicate that in comments or message me and I'll message you. Thank you for even being interested. Like all charities, we could not do the work we do without the generosity of others. Because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit charity, all donations are tax deductible and you will receive a letter for your taxes.



14:30 Oct 07 2010

You are a kind soul Joli......and I applaud the work you do!!! I'm sorry I can't donate......but my heart is donating in spirt

17:16 Oct 07 2010

I sure agree with you BGC.

Joli,your address is in my other computer ,which I cannot use at my location.Would you please resend it to me?

Thank you.

19:05 Oct 07 2010

Thoughts and prayers are always appropriate!

Oceanne, you've got mail! Thanks again :)

00:21 Oct 08 2010

I do my little bit onna Thursday and I'm shatterd like Now ~ you do it full-time Ma'am: Kudos, to you.

I have a short-list of 'nice people, you're waaay up there.


00:58 Oct 05 2010
Times Read: 799

A hiding place...damn that sounds good sometimes. I had them as a kid. My favorite was in a tiny closet built into my bed. I'd drag a lamp in there and my parents could never find me because it didn't occur to them that I could be in there. It was perfect.

As an adult, we are supposed to be a bit more inured to the world than a child. But how many of us still have a hiding place? I found this scripture, and while I remembered the "shelter" metaphor, I didn't remember this one.

A hiding place is more than a shelter. It is a place where your enemies cannot gain access to you. It is safety from more than the elements. It is a place to fortify, regroup, and ready yourself for what's out there. I'm going to hold onto this verse for a while.

"You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." - Psalm 32:7



00:11 Oct 12 2010

I have a hiding place. It's in my head.

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