I'm definitely smelling it now. Because I'm a little more inland, it's not terribly strong, but at night, the air smells like the old kerosene lamps my grandmother pulled out during hurricane season.
For all things, there is a cost.
This is my state bird, only just removed from the endangered list 6 months ago. The brown pelican. The island is in Barataria Bay and it is exceptionally narrow. Hundreds of pelicans nest there, are nesting there. This guy is covered in oil, trying to fly.
That's one species of animal impacted...imagine the impact on our wetlands, still not recovered from Katrina. It's not like there's an abundance of coastal wetlands in our country. We're watching this treasure disappear...
Sometimes the cost is just too great. When?
Stabb and I spent yesterday loading and unloading trucks filled with the food that people donated during the Stamp Out Hunger food drive that the letter carriers sponsor each year. It is a HUGE drive and we were on the Post Office dock from noon until 6:30 PM.
We collected 5 and a half TONS of food. Really. We could not sort it fast enough. It was mind-blowing. In the course of ONE day, we went from nearly empty shelves to abundance.
It sounds like food enough to last nearly forever, but that food will be gone before summer is out. It's such an important drive because food banks don't have school food drives to help sustain them during the summer. It is a day that makes the difference for us.
I hope you guys participated locally. If not, I hope you'll do so next year. The letter carriers are so fun to see, too. They are competitive with the others, trying to bring in the most. There's a spirit of fun competition as we get all the food unloaded, then roll the cart to the huge scale and weigh it.
After that, our volunteers and staff sort it right there on the dock, load pickup trucks and haul it to the Center. It's hot work and the boxes are sometimes pretty heavy, but everyone is so helpful and in a good mood. You can't help it when you see so much food growing around you that will help so many.
I have some pictures I'll try to post soon. If you have a girl or boy scout troop, a youth group, ladies' or men's group, or just your own kids and you'd like to be involved next year (great for service hours,) call your local food bank in April and I know they'll plug you in!
I'm so grateful to everyone who took the time to bag up a few cans and place them beside their mailbox. This is a classic example of everyone doing a little and seeing it add up to a LOT. 5 and a half TONS!!! How amazing people can be.
Sounds like a wonderful day! Here we drop it off at a local grocery store since we're so country. But it's one of the best ways ever come thought up to make donating easy. Thank you for the great work you do.
Do they do this every year on your birthday?
Every year that my birthday falls on a Saturday. It makes for a cool and memorable birthday, though!
People can be so beautiful.
Yes, they certainly can!
The smell of coffee brewing. I'm not even much of a coffee drinker, but it always smells like my grandfather's house.
Also, baking bread...what an aroma!
Envelopes in the mailbox with real human handwriting on them. The kind with your name on it and not "or current resident."
lol, mortalized in blue .. hehe
..and I just noticed my typos! What a way to go down!
Here, I'll joyn you with my oun typpos so you won't feel alown. :)
I'm in the best company, 'ever'!
The smell of wild honeysuckles on a wafty breeze while you're in a hurry to get in your car. Who can resist a little pause to breathe in extra deep just for a second? It's a mini vacation.
Walking out the front door and not knowing what the day will bring. Who will I meet? What will make me laugh today? What unexpected human act will affirm my hope in mankind, elevate my soul, or disappoint me and make me ashamed to be counted in their number? I get off on the mystery of it all, even if one day is only distinguished from the next by the tiniest of details...I'm looking for those details. I don't want to miss even one.
My dad with a paintbrush in his hand and the smell of mineral spirits and acrylic paint which always somersaults me back to childhood at his elbow in the studio where he transformed paper, canvas, and clay into the mysterious stories dwelling inside his mind.
My dog, Meatball on a freshly mowed lawn, rolling and rolling and rolling in doggy abandon.
When Morri laughs. It's a sound of everything good and happy in the world. Her laugh is unbound, healthy and real. If we amplified it across the world, we might have a way to end war. No way you could hurt someone with a pure sound like that fresh in your ears.
Stabb in the garden. He's never had his own garden before and each day he babies his tomato plant, peppers, herbs, citrus trees, and even the new grass seeds he planted. It's joy to watch him enjoying it so much, especially when he stands at the window and looks out at them.
He needs... chickens.
He agrees. He even wants a cow, but I'm afraid he'd chase it with a fork so we'll maybe start with chickens when we get some property and move where farm animals are allowed.
Urban chicken raising is becoming more popular. They're really pretty low maintenance once they're adults and don't require a lot of room. And fresh eggs are so much better than the eggs sold in supermarkets...
There's an ordinance against it in our neighborhood, sadly.
See, ordinance ought to go in your list of outlandish words. Or am I the only person for whom the above sentence or similar always first resolves as something like "Sadly, in our neighborhood, people who try that are fired on with the howitzer."?
I want pictures!
When you make my sister laugh hard enough, she snorts. when she snorts, it makes her laugh harder at herself. It's so human, real and delightful. I can never resist an opportunity to make her laughsnort.
Last night Stabb and I watched "I Am Legend." There was a scene where Will Smith tells another character about Bob Marley:
"...two days before bob marley was supposed to perform he was shot. "two days later he walked on stage and performed" and they asked him in a interview why didn't he rest, and he said"the people that are trying to make the world worse never take a day off , why should i. light up the darkness"
I've been thinking about that quote all day. I want to honor that philosophy here. I'm going to do a month's worth of short entries about what brings me joy about people and the world around us.
It's good to know people have these kinds of relationships with their mothers. I have never known it, myself. But I try to make sure my son knows it with me.
You are very lucky indeed, and that swings both ways.
Very moving, and as always, genuine and from your heart. You are a very fortunate family to have each other and I know you cherish it. The appreciation of these parts of life is lost by so many - it's heart warming to see someone express it as you do.
19:33 May 25 2010
I can't smell it yet. I moved from the Northshore into New Orleans 10 days ago... I am right on the bank of the Mississppi, Algiers Point area- the Naval Support Activity.
20:17 May 25 2010
I think it's all in the wind. I never smell it during the day, but around 10 or 10:30 at night, it's unmistakable - an ozone-like, kerosene smell. I'd imagine you will notice it even more distinctly where you are.
20:20 May 25 2010
A terrible accident has to remind us just how fragile our planet is.
23:28 May 25 2010
I think the oil company are handling this very badly, and also very slowly. I even wonder was the cause of the accident established so we can prevent it from happening again?
04:44 May 26 2010
No, Bloodlife, the planet is hardly fragile - not to us and what we can do. At any moment, this planet can rear-up and kick our fat asses.
This is just human failure having a terrible impact on an ecosystem. Life will be destroyed - sea life, plant life, birds.. everything that relies on the waters and coastlines we just made a shambles of.
But in time, it will all come back - it always does.
We just might not be here to see it if we don't smarten up. That is the ever looming question; what mistake will we make that will eliminate US from the ecosystem?
17:56 May 26 2010
Birra just said with passion what I wanted to convey. We take so much for granted for our own wants and we hum along fat and happy until we get a solid kick to the face that INSISTS that we pay attention. I feel kicked. Louisiana feels kicked. We all should.
I am making changes.