Do you ever have days where you think you've awakened in Bizarro World? That some other dimension has your real life just waiting for you? Today I used a power tool and installed a toilet seat, all while wearing a skirt, heels, and a Santa hat.
*Checks job description* Oh, there it is: "and any other necessary duties." For a moment there, I was worried!
By the way, for those asking about the warehouse saga...the article ran and a gentleman with cold storage has offered us free of charge all the freezer space we need! He knew a volunteer who has recently passed. That volunteer had been a mentor to him in his life and he knew that the Center was a charity he had loved. WOW, huh? I called the volunteer's widow and left a message telling her how Jim is still helping us!
I still need the regular warehouse space for canned goods, but I know that will happen!
Today, the Center is literally bursting at the seams. We have food and gifts piled to the ceiling. People are receiving with gratitude and donors keep flocking in with blessings. I am so overwhelmed. My chest knows the pain our building feels because it is suddenly a little too small to hold my heart. Here are a few images.
Peace and new beginnings! I am SO happy. You know I am...and proud of you.
"The single clenched fist lifted and ready,
Or the open hand held out and waiting.
For we meet by one or the other."
-Carl Sandburg
Thank all deities!
Let it be known that an out-stretched open hand is always preferable to a fist. No one ever mistakenly slips a dollar bill into a fist. :-P
I choose the hand clenched tight upon the grip of a flamethrower; civility always loses in a fight with fire, and why choose a lesser armament?
Open hand for me...just don't slap my face again, okay ? lol
I am thankful for a warm house and pipes that deliver hot water to me in seconds. It's really cold out there. I worry...
You do a great job hun :)
Hot water? It's a bit over-rated. Nice, but not critical. The rest? Well, I don't deal well with the cold. Without a warm place to live, other things just seem massively cold.
You worry too much.
I'm thankful too, but try not to worry, it does no and your people do as much as you can.
Hunni, you do more than worry. Not only do you 'care' your deeds are not unnoticed.
You may be thankful for the simple things like a roof and hot water but I would also say there are plenty who are simply thankful for 'just you'.
Thank you. You make me feel encouraged, but this isn't about me. I'm warm and safe.
That maybe so, but without you being at 100% how will you help?!!
But my heart does go out to all those throughout the world that are in need.
You know what worry get you right? Yup, corns on your feet. :P
So many people take the little things for granted. If we have a roof over our heads, blankets to keep us warm, food, and water- we are in a far better place than most of the global human population.
Good for my heart
A great way to end my w/end, brilliant.
Even more reason I come to visit so often...adorable ♥
A great heart warming story. I love reading things like that, they are incredibly uplifting.
The Christmas spirit isn't dead it's just quieter. :)
Thanks for sharing.
Warms the cockles of my heart......(anyone know what cockles are?) lol
that really is awesome!
20:11 Dec 16 2008
you rock, you know.
20:25 Dec 16 2008
Is there any question why we love you?
You give and add so much to this world, it is astounding at times.
I've said it before, this world needs more people like you.
20:28 Dec 16 2008
You make my heart go all tingly and warm...
btw, ''a skirt, heels, and a Santa hat'' ... no top? lol
20:46 Dec 16 2008
Yep, you got me, Bloodlife. I moonlight as a Topless Mrs. Claus plumber for the holidays! ;)
20:49 Dec 16 2008
Well that's one for the calendar .. please be October :-p
23:08 Dec 16 2008
.. do you want to help with the dishes, on Thursday mayhap??
07:09 Dec 17 2008
The generosity of people really has brought tears to my eyes tonight. Thank you for sharing this with us:)
19:25 Dec 17 2008
I've had one or two days when I didn't wake up in bizarro-world. Fortunately, for those days I can go to work and little in this world is more bizarre than that. I can't imagine what it would be like to go to work and actually help people. It must provide such a wonderful feeling at the end of the day.
You didn't say where you were wearing the Santa hat but the idea of being topless provides an interesting visual for one possibility.
22:38 Jan 08 2009
you are amazing some read my journal
and are glad
i read yours and am lifted up
keep going ever forward