I will tell you a little more about I. Starting with the basics.
+Joey is not my birth name. My actual birth name is Tiffany. Call me what you will, I don't mind. Joey was a nickname given to me by an old best friend of mine. The story is; when she and I met [I was 12, she was 13], I was then 5'3'', I drummed [still do ;D], and I love[d] Nathan Jonas Jordison and Slipknot, thus, giving me the nickname Joey.
+I am bisexual, AND, I have been my entire life. For most people their sexual preferance and orientation IS a choice, but there are people out there who were indeed born to like/love both genders. For me, I did not convert because it's the "in" trend. If I may say.. FUCK you little fuckas' who hopped on the gay train because of it's trendyness. You all need to be exterminated. .. :3.
+For the most part, I do prefer the ladies over the mens. But then again I don't .. Women are just as bad as men are. Women are always bitching and complaining about how men are lying, cheating, women using swine, blank blank etc.. Really, women are just as bad, if not worse. I can say that because I've learned from experience ;D.
+I do not like genitalia, which is the main reason why I don't like boys all that much. The penis is a disgusting thing.. As is the cave of wonder us women got going on, but at least our shit isn't dangling too and fro. .. For the most part .. There are some nasty vaginas out there .. You know where I'm going with this.
+I'm a total fag hag! I love me some fags! Most of my friends are gay. Seriously, I can name off at least 10 people that are gay/lesbian. .. Birds of a feather ;3. I also love the trannies and dragqueens. Especially the ones that are old and fat and rock the stage in sparkly fairy wings, hot pink wigs and matching booty shorts, sparkly rainbow tube tops and 10 inch stilletos with gold fish and glitter bits in the heels. I know, amazing, is it not? Yes. The answer you're looking for is "yes". Very good :3.
+I'm very open-minded and left winged. Some think I'm a little TOO open minded, but it's all good.
+I have a morbid, disgusting, twisted, deranged sense of humor. I'm a sick human being, really, I am.
+I curse worse than a drunken sailor. It's a horrible habit.
+I was born August 26th, 1992. I wish I was born in 1979 :c. I'm too young. I hate it.
+I'm short and fat and I could give a damn, but I don't. Imperfections are a necessity in today's society. Everybody is too set on what they think perfection is and if they see anybody with flaws, forget the fact that this person can be the sweetest most genuine person anyone could ever meet, but if they have any external flaws then fuck them. And that to me is just horrible. Everybody needs to be different. Nobody should expect anybody to be perfect because no matter how hard one tries and no matter what one thinks, nobody, I repeat, n o b o d y is perfect.
+I'm an animal lover. I l o v e animals. My favorite animal is dogs. I had 8 dogs and a cat, but unfortunatly I lost 3 dogs to parvo, 2 are currently infected and have been/are being treated for it, and my kitty ran away. My poor babies.. But that's another story for another time.
+I don't have many friends. I don't like people and I'm not very social. Out of the many people I've met and known not once have I gone up to them and introduced myself to them. I have always met them through other people or they have come up to me and introduced themselves to me. I'm anti-social and I have social anxiety and it really effects my social life :/. It's easier for me to text/message/IM etc. people than it is to actually speak to them. It's horrible.
+I'm polyphobic.
+I'm brutally honest and I don't lie to anyone.. Ever. I'm incapable of lying.
+Music is my God and art is my religion. I would rather have my sketch pad, some pens and my iPod/old school 8-track rather than having a companion. Music and art don't stress me out, music and art doesn't piss me off, so on and so on.. Music/Art > your entire existence. For me, they're my outlets, my stress relievers, and without them I would probably be lying face down in a happy house, having a splendid heart felt conversation with the invisible mice living in my room and the mold monsters manifesting in between the cracks of my walls :].
+I dress in all black.. All the time. If you look in my closet you will see 3 colored shirts. A red Motley Crue shirt, a white Misfits shirt, and a white Spiderman shirt.. [Spiderman = brutal].. Oh.. And a pink HIM shirt.. Which I use for a nighty shirt.. So I guess four. .. Shut up ..
+I prefer wearing old tattered clothing than new cardboard-like clothing, so, most of the jeans I own are holy. Quite holy.
+I only wear chucks and boots. Chucks, mostly.
This is getting random, but oh well, you're still reading ;D.
+Technically, I'm still a virgin. Technically, I don't really give a fuck.
+I write poetry and play music. I've been playing drums for 3 years now. I'm learning blast beats. I promise you, one day I will make it in the music industry and tour the world :]. It's gonna happen.
I guess I should throw in some negatives now ? ..
-I hold grudges like no other.
-I can judge.. Sometimes quite harshly.
-I'm vicious when I'm angry. I will not hesitate to skin your genitalia and staple it onto your eyelids :3.
-I really don't like people.. It's ridiculous.
-I have obsessive compulsive disorder and I'm a germaphobe. I don't know if you would consider that to be a positive thing or a negative thing?
-I'm stubborn and hard-headed and most of the time you will not win an argument with me.
-I'll call you out on your wrongs and grind them into your face. Most people don't like that.
-I speak my mind and say how I feel no matter the consequences or circumstances. That usually gets me into trouble.
-I'm fat :/. That was mentioned above.. But now it's being mentioned again ;x. .. And if it compensates in any way I'm short and I have braces :3.
-I have very little shame and very little pride. Again, I don't know if you would consider that to be a positive thing or a negative thing?
-I'm very self-conscious and insecure. I have been since I was 3 years old. That's no lie.
I don't know what else to say right now. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'll answer honestly.