Anything louder than the problem
Something that won't allow me to think
With a bass line heavier than the ache in my chest
And a paced nearly as fast as I stormed away.
Unfinished- To be edited later
Is there anyone more confused than me?
Maybe someone more lost than I...
Perhaps a girl of 18 who feels dismay
Everyday she continued on her path
Is there anyone else with a map in hand
A map they they can not read and
in there hands- of all things to possess-
they carry the broken compass.
"Excuse me, passerby, help me please.
Could you point me in the right direction?
You see, I think I'm on the wrong path.
Look here, they said this direction."
"They said this, and they said that.
What is it that you say? For any path,
you choose that is not your own
will only make you more lost than I
or more confused than me.