I saw a face-
void of emotion,
lacking happiness,
and compassion for life-
gazing at me though the mirror,
and I became afraid.
Afraid of the words
that unfamiliar face
might utter to another
unhappy face that is
lacking compassion for life.
Afraid of the chain of events
that might to place
due to a lack of smile
and an inability to cage irritation.
Fists at my sides
Squeezing tight
Nails breaking skin.
I just might
Be losing my mind
To the disorder
I have always
known. Need water
Mouth dry and
The words I think
Are never loud
And never enough
To confirm my
Passive existence.
I might as well be
Dead, and not angry.
Do a better me do you make?
Without you, do I suffer?
Or make the same mistakes?
Do I need you?