The more I research diabetes, the more confused I get. Some recommend low-carb and others plant-based high-carb. I don't know who to listen to or what foods to be putting in my body. I was a pescetarian for 11 years. I was diagnosed type 2, but with normal blood pressure and cholesterol. My A1c was 7.9. I started taking metformin and eating low carb diet with lean meat(chicken and turkey) and limited dairy (I'm intolerant), and my A1c is now 6.6 (roughly 6 months later). However, now I have low vitamin D and high cholesterol. The vitamin D supplement makes me feel fatigued and its hard to stay motivated to keep working out. I feel like I am always hungry and always tired, but theoretically I am healthier than I was before?
My health is in the toilet. Am I knocking on death's door? I read some frightening studies associating low vitamin D to cancer and cardiovascular problems (which just happens to be in my family history.) It killed my mother's parents and her brother, for example. I am genuinely frightened.
I am going to transition to vegan. Well, why not? What could it hurt? We all die anyway.
Mood: somber
Maybe I am an awful friend, but I cannot afford to pay for most everything (movies, food, etc.) all the time. I offered to recommend her for a job at my workplace. My sister recommended her to workplace. Still, my friend refused the offers and won't get a job on her own; she was fired from her last job a couple years ago. Every time she brings it up, there is a new story why she was fired. I still don't know the truth. She hardly ever calls, and when she does it is for a favor. We are friends yes, but no one is borrowing my car, especially people without a full license. I am not a qualified driving instructor in accordance with state law, so definitely no. Lastly, when we make plans, who backs out at the last minute to "sweep behind the refrigerator?"
We were good friends in high school, but now I don't feel so close anymore. Things are different. Am I cruel?
04:40 Jan 18 2018
Go watch Forks over Knives on Netflix if you haven't already.