The first time you complain to me about something, I listen. The second time, I'm going to offer advice or try to help you solve it. If you get angry at me for trying to help but then later complain to me about the same problem again, DO NOT expect me to listen. I will ignore you; you are wasting my time with all of you repetitive negativity.
23. So old, I'm gathering pyramid dust and I still don't have my life together.
I have a college degree, a job in fast food, student loans, and dwindling hope. I still live with my parents. I feel like a failure, and every effort I make to change is always thwarted.
I must be more like Naruto. I must decide my fate. I must never give up.
But not tonight. Exhausted.
The same set of events can occur and one person can claim a good day and another a bad day. It's all about perspective. That being said, I had a good day.
It is my birthday; I lived to see 23. I spent some time with the people that matter most to me. Ate some good food. Had some cake. I went to work this morning, but I don't dislike my job.
I feel so overwhelmed. I went from no free time to a ton of free time. I suppose I should be feeling relieved, but I don't know what to do with the extra time just yet and this makes me feel anxious.