Last week (Friday) marked the final time I needed to attend physical therapy for my arm. I am now on my own to build up my strength in my right arm. I will continue to life light weights, but I will make an effort to lift them more often. By July I should be able to start lifting heavier weights.
For now I have my 4lb mallet which I use to strengthen my injured bicep. What I do is tip the mallet back and forth. This is what the bicep muscle actually does and that is what I need to rebuild. The atrophied has taken most of my strength for twisting. Like a doorknob, for example. If it is hard to turn, I couldn't open it right now with my right arm, I'd have to use my left. But soon I hope to have my strength regained, probably by the end of the year. :) That is of course if I can keep up excercising it.
Gotta get into a routine somehow. Just have to! :) Other than that, I have my flexibility back and that's what counts. I can lift my camera again and that's another good thing, but if it tips, I cannot hold it, I will let it fall. So the strap will become my saviour for that. LOL
*sigh* Recovery is slow, but thankfully I have patience.
13:04 Jun 22 2009
Glad things are moving along well with your healing process. Hope to see that continue on while you work on rebuilding it somemore.
07:12 Jun 23 2009
i'm so glad things are going better 4 you hun.
19:31 Mar 14 2011
Patiance is a virture