My job title is Merchandising Execution Associate (MEA). I am part of the Merchandising Execution Team (MET), under a Merchandising Execution Mananger (MEM) and he's under a Merchandising Execution Regional Manager (MERM) whom we jokingly call a "MERman" lol.
What I do now is maintain the product sets in bays at all the 8 stores in the district. This means making sure the shelves are full, the product is neatly placed on the shelves and that the price signs are up-to-date and accurate. We also have to help find places to put new product and assist the Returns Associate by ordering parts for returned merchandise missing parts. Give proper training to Associates for new products and their features and benefits, etc.
We will be in one store on a particular day of the week, and each store will see us once every 2 weeks, except the high-volume stores which will see us every week. So there is a bit of travel involved, but they pay per mile and also travel time on top of what I make in 40 hours.
I work 6am - 2:30pm every day, Mon-Fri. The set schedule I believe will be good for me in the long run - I am sure my cats will agree.
They provided 5 shirts for us so every week I will have 5 orange MET shirts I have to wash, but at least those come gratis from the company.
Nearly 50 years of research has revealed that people operate with four distinct styles of interaction, or SOCIAL STYLEs: Analytical, Amiable, Driving and Expressive.
Analyticals value facts above all, and may appear uncommunicative, cool and independent. They have a strong time discipline coupled with a slow pace to action. They value accuracy, competency and logic over opinions, often avoiding risk in favor of cautious, deliberate decisions. Analyticals are usually cooperative, providing they have some freedom to organize their own efforts. Power often arises suspicion in Analyticals, but if they come to see it as necessary for achieving goals and objectives, they may seek power themselves. In relationships, Analyticals are initially more careful and reserved, but once trust is earned they can become dedicated and loyal.
Amiables are people-oriented, and care more about close relationships than results or influence. They usually appear warm, friendly and cooperative. Amiables tend to move slowly with a low time discipline, minimizing risk and often using personal opinions to arrive at decisions. Belonging to a group is a primary need, and Amiables may make every effort to gain acceptance. They typically seek to uncover common ground, preferring to achieve objectives through understanding and mutual respect rather than force and authority. When managed by force without relationship, Amiables appear to cooperate initially but will likely lack commitment to the objectives and may later resist implementation.
Expressives are motivated by recognition, approval and prestige. They tend to appear communicative and approachable, often sharing their feelings and thoughts. They move quickly, continually excited about the next big idea, but they often don’t commit to specific plans or see things through to completion. Expressives enjoy taking risks. When making decisions, they tend to place more stock in the opinions of prominent or successful people than in logic or research. Though they consider relationships important, the Expressive’s competitive nature leads them to seek quieter friends who are supportive of their dreams and ideas, often making relationships shallow or short-lived.
Driving styles are results-oriented, tending to initiate action and give clear direction. They seek control over their environment. In decision-making, Driving styles want to know the estimated outcome of each option. They are willing to accept risks, but want to move quickly and have the final say. In relationships, they may appear uncommunicative, independent and competitive. Driving styles tend to focus on efficiency or productivity rather than devoting time and attention to casual relationships. They seldom see a need to share personal motives or feelings.
Each of the categories represent roughly 25 percent of the population, which means only about one-fourth of the people you work with prefer to interact in the same way you do. This provides a plethora of opportunities for workplace conflict to manifest. What are you doing to manage your relationships?
Social Style | Body Language | Tone of Speech | Fashion Style |
Analytical |
Driver |
Amiable |
Expressive |
Freudian Inventory Results |
Oral (36%) you appear to be stubbornly and irrationally against receiving help even when it might be the more intelligent option. Anal (43%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity, order and chaos, variety and selectivity. Phallic (40%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure. Latency (53%) you appear to have a good balance of abstract knowledge seeking and practicality, dealing with real world responsibilities while still cultivating your abstract and creative faculties and interests. Genital (63%) you appear to have a progressive and openminded outlook on life unbeholden to regressive forces like traditional authority and convention. |
Found on this website
A mutation. Simple and to the point. Created for one purpose and one purpose only. To protect their fathers from the wrath of Caine and the attacks of those that might have struck while during the hours the Pure Bloods slept.
Physical descriptions vary from parental lineage of the creature in question though in most cases the offspring are human in appearance or half elven. The half elven racial mixing of these creatures tend to prove to be more imbalanced then anything else. Unable to coincide the unnatural part of themselves with the part connected to the very delicate balance of earth and life. In very few cases the mixing of the species has gone so far as to result in mass suicides of once larger numbers of elvish children. Unsurprisingly it was found the best species of elf to use for interbreeding were Desert Elves and the more elusive Drow.
Creation and birth:
While often the Pure Bloods (Kindred) are discredited from the idea of having children there comes in every Tremere clan one mage that excells beyond all others in the form of Blood Rites. These mages are taken, trained and used to produce the bastardized off spring of mortal women and immortal men. The need for such children was realized just shortly after the fall of the fabled Carthage many years and many, many worlds and dimensions ago. The best of each clan, Primogens not excluded, were thusly hand picked and sent to differing worlds.. These same Males were taken from world to world with their Mage leader and were charged with one mission:
Impregnant a mortal female. Through use of Blood magics their dead bodies were brought to 'life' for a period of time (normally no more then a week at the very most) and were able to procreate, to help give life to a child. The women were never told of this and had no knowlege of the creatures that grew inside of them. Gestation of the children depended entirely on the normal carrying periods for the species used and were no different. The children would be carried full term and little more then rather violent morning sickness and cravings for bloody (nearly raw) meat would over come the women during their carrying.
Birthing, however, was another matter. The labours were long, hard and painful for the women. Depending on the father clan sometimes they went so far as to leave normal birthing practices and the fetus would devour its way free of the mother. Such problems were found by the coupling of Nosferatu Pure Bloods and Elves. The Children born deformed. As for Malkavian offspring.. Well, the Nosferatu progeny were often prefered.
Later, after the children had been collected, it was found that breeding these offspring had a rather odd after effect. While children of the pureblood were all born with the dhampyr genes.. The grandchildren weren't quite so diverse. As it would have it, the genetics were passed down into the female children only. Male children were often left sterile and quite mortal.
Combat and training:
All Dhampyr are born with the need to hunt and thusly possess hieghtened sense of smell, sight and hearing. With great ease they could track a falcon on a cloudly day and with even greater rip the flesh from its throat and feed upon the crimson vitae they too would need for life.
Combat normally tends to range upon the specific training of each clanned off spring. The only thing they seem to have in common are the enhanced strength, speed and agility inherent to their fathers. Also, they are quite able to contort their bodies to the point of madness.. Many that have seen this ability often have to double take to be sure of just what it was that they have seen.
Also, each child is born with their own natural abilities handed down through the clans. In most cases these abilities can not be used without expending energy and therefore the half breed must feed either before using these abilities or immediately after. Such being the draw back of their breeding and if the feeding is not done shortly after then the chylder tend to break.. Far more prone to frenzy then their patriarchs. Upon Frenzy any stat that is not body will immediately fall to a '20', the body to '8' or '5' depending on the age and control of the half breed. Younger may go no higher then '8' as when the frenzy hits there is no thought, there is no skill. Merely just attacking and feeding.
As a side note, Males tend to be larger then the average men of their breeding as like for the females. Normally towering three to six inches taller and weighing fifty or more pounds on top of the normal mortal average. Despite this fact, the feeding and the set of very small and very sharp teeth in their mouths.. They are still mortal. Mortal wounds will kill these creatures just as easily as it would fall a human or an elf. While long lived and genetically superior.. They are not omnipotent.
Much like the Drow beneath the soil of the worlds the heirarchy tends to fall towards the females. The females reproduce at any generation unlike the males that can not continue after the second gen. Smaller, faster, more agile and all the more deadly then their male counter parts they are much like any mother in the animal kingdom and will go to great lengths to protect their off spring and in some cases mate depending on whether or not the mate has been chosen by the female or by the parent of the female. Given the rarety of female children in most chosen couplings the births are well recieved and often celebrated. Male new borns are just as easily cast aside and forgotten, useless for anything other then 'feeding' their siblings or parent.
Ordainarily the male of the species is left for little more then breeding. Studs to be cast aside at any time and tend to be rather expendable. While the female of the race is able to breed with any other race during their cycles, the Pure Bloods tend to prefer to keep the blood lines from becoming poluted and have not been above pairing siblings from other worlds together to create the ultimate off spring. Pure Bloods are not above trying to mate with the female Dhampyr. Though in all cases to date these children have either been lost during the gestation period or else die shortly after birthing. There have been no reported cases of any child of this coupling living longer then the first week.
While they prefer to live in communes, packs, the Pure Bloods retain their solitary nature while the Dhampyr cling to one another. Not having the resources their parents do for protecting themselves. They are just as likely to be prone to certain diseases and are far more fragile without being nearly as weak as pure mortals. The whole of the race is mostly interdepentant upon each other and the rudimentary belief in family being the only thing one has is often made abundantly clear during the formative years of the children.
They are more then able to live anywhere that food is abundant. Having both the need for mortal food as well as liquid sustence there needs to be an ample supply of both. While they can survive on one while the other is unavailable for a time there are certain draw backs to going without blood for very long. Firstly being that there is pain.. The veins seem to dry from within the body of the half breed and only grows worse with each passing hour, let alone day. Leading to weakness, madness and in some cases after prolong exposure to such malnutrition death can ensue.
While the females tend to stay and protect the young, the male will hunt for 'donors' in nearby encampments for their mates and children to feed. Signs of their vampiric nature do not manifest until a few years into their puberty cycle though the need to feed often start shortly after birth depending on the rate the baby matures.
Found on this site.
House Scarlet Moon defines human living vampirism as a person incapable of producing adequate amounts of prana or pranic energy. Students of metaphysics often call prana by the name of “chi” and it’s defined as the life force or energy source of life. With this definition, we realize that vampiric individuals require additional sources of pranic energy than what their own bodies make. It can be taken either by psychic means and/or by direct ingestion of blood to sustain good health and well-being.
The need for pranic energy is the bottom line to being a vampire. How the individual obtains this energy and best processes it brings us into the two major catagories of psychic vampires (often shortened to “psi’s” or “psi-vamps”) and blood vampires or sanguines. Therefore, pranic energy taken by psychic abilities would label the individual as a psychic vampire.
Pre-Awakening Signs & Early Symptoms of Human Living Vampirism
The following list of similarities are characteristics that tend to be common occurances; however, the lack of any of the traits or the presense of all of the traits does not necessary imply nor deny the status of a vampiric person.
Disclaimer: If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, please do not take any vampiric information on the internet without first seeing a doctor. Doctors deal with illnesses in the physical world, and many of these illnesses may resemble pre-awakening and/or early symtoms of living vampirism. After a battery of tests has been run and certain illnesses such as diabetis, chronic fatique syndrome, anemia, hypoglycemia, have been ruled out by your physician - then, please - and only then - proceed with your personal research, self-analysation and self-diagnosis:
Fluctuation of hormones or hormone medication usually triggers awakenings in teenagers. If not at that age - chances are good for men at age 27 (the Age of Genius) and for females during their 30s, especially at their sexual peek.
Constant thirst - not necessarily a dry mouth, but never without a drink in your hand and you stay thirsty every waking minute of the day, regardless of how much you’ve had to drink Regardless of the symptoms, do you test negative for diabetis and you are not dehydrated?
A feeling of unexplained emptiness. Suddenly there is a feeling that something is missing in your like and it’s not the same kind of “empty” feeling that sad little zoloft pill has on tv - you have “larger feelings of changes going on” and you can’t understand why you haven’t noticed it before.
A strong sense of sharing or mimicking the emotions of those around you.
Do people around you feel tired or moody for no real reason?
You start looking at places and people and situations with a elitest attitude, almost feeling sorry for people that you had always considered your friends.
Beginning to be interested in the possibility of real vampires without former interests in fictional vampires, horror movies, or garish entertainment. Starting to research the possibility of vampires being more than fictional, often finding interests in paranormal activity and psionics. For some people, the research for seperating fact from fiction becomes obsessive and that is not unheard of.
Psychic projection is a vampiric trait. Have you sat and thought about an idea, subject or suggestion until someone in your immediate company announces your thoughts exact thoughts - and this happens 3 or 4 times a day? This means that you are basically projecting ideas into other’s minds, who then believe it is their own thoughts.
In High School, could you be described as a loner, regardless of choice. Did you tend to keep only one or two of the same friends throughout school and possibly into your adult life?
Likewise, you could not fit in with the “right crowd” no matter how hard you tried, how much money your parents made, or how nice and polite and giving you were to these people. Basically, it was like you had “real life cooties”!!
Also, each school year - did you tend to have a new set of friends with little remorse or allegiance for the friends of the former year?
Are children, approximately toddler age, either completely afraid of you or attracted to you?
Have you had as many as three physiological, medial/health problems that caused you discomfort but can not be medically diagnosed?
When you were a child, did the eyes of portraits, paintings, and pictures follow you around the room? Did you sense a deeper meaning in paintings that adults did not seem to understand, expressly deep sorrow or fear?
Did you suffer any period of depression prior to your awakening that was not correctable by seratonin-based drugs?
Does you body tend to have problems of extremes with drugs? Either an un-natural and almost “inhumanly danger” high tolerance to drugs or an extremely un-natural over reaction to medicines? i.e. Can you take 7 xanax without noticing any euphoria or drowsiness or can you take 1 aspirin and pass out?
Has your body’s natural clock changed at a steady pace from diurnal to nocturnal?
Is it hard to stay awake during the work or school day, but by 9:00 PM each day, you are again wide awake?
Does your natural sleep cycle begin at 3:00 AM till dawn?
Real human vampirism usually denotes an affinity for nighttime schedules. The average vampiric person has reversed circadian rhythms. Many have serious problems adjusting to daytime schedules and have trouble staying awake during the day, suffering fatique daily at work and school. It is common for the average vampiric person to endure lithargic days and insomnia filled night. While it is not HSM’s advocation, many tend to self-medicate with large doses of over the counter stimulants such as Stackers or ephedrine products, as well as various controlled substances. Vampiric persons tend to spend years trying to adjust to a “normal schedule”and usually work nights.
Originally found on this site.
You Think You Might Be a Vampire?
So You Think You Might Be a Vampire… How does a person become a vampire? A vampire is turned or “sired” when another vampire drinks a human’s blood until he or she is near death. Then, the human drinks some of the vampire’s blood. The human body then dies and rises again as a vampire. How long does it take for a person who has been turned to rise again as a vampire? The vampire “pupal” stage can vary in duration. An estimated 2-7 days can generally be expected. Though some early risers awaken in a matter of hours. Can you become a vampire just by being bitten by one? No. This is a myth. A human must drink some of the vampire’s blood while near death in order to be turned. Though merely having a vampire drink from you is relatively harmless, some have been known to become addicted to the “rush” it gives them. Because of this and the unpredictable nature of the vampire, it is inadvisable for humans to share blood with vampires. How quickly can a vampire drain a victim of their blood? The human body can be drained of blood in 8.6 seconds, given adequate vacuuming systems. Vampires are capable of consuming 4-6 quarts of blood very rapidly—remember, they don’t need to come up for air! Since unconsciousness occurs in the victim within a few seconds, a vampire must act quickly if he or she chooses to turn their victim. Do vampires eat or drink anything other than blood? The vampire digestive system is less complicated than that of a human. Because they are able to derive all of the nutrients they need from the blood they drink, their digestive processes are adapted for a liquid diet. Because vampires are still capable of taking in food orally, a minimal amount of digestion still takes place. They no longer possess many of the enzymes and acids necessary to break down large food molecules so most food “goes right through them” and is expelled as waste. Vampires must chew solid food carefully to avoid discomfort. For this reason, few vampires bother with human foods. Some liquids other than blood can be digested by vampires, but generally hold little if any nutritional value. Vampire digestion takes place primarily in the small intestine, where the blood is absorbed through the intestinal walls. If the blood contains foreign substances, or if a vampire consumes alcohol or certain drugs, he or she can be affected since many of these chemicals can still be absorbed into the vampire’s system. Vampire Sense of Taste (fashion notwithstanding) The vampire sense of taste adapts to suit their new palate. Vampires can of course still smell human foods, but most quickly lose their taste for it. Literally. The range of flavors that a vampire can actually taste is very small and their ability to taste most human foods is muted. Only the strongest or spiciest of foods have much of a taste at all. Vampires with a very well-developed vomeronasal organ (discussed later in this pamphlet) have claimed to be able to taste foods more so than vampires in whom the vomeronasal organ is less developed. Vampires can taste an amazing range of qualities in the blood they drink. They may not know how the human food tastes, but they know what the human they feed on ate based on how the blood tastes. If vampires have no heartbeat, how do they bleed? Even though they don’t have a beating heart, vampires do have a circulatory system of sorts. Consider: If vampire blood did not circulate throughout their bodies, how could their victims drink from them during the siring process? During the period before a vampire rises, the body goes through a series of changes. Among these changes is a “streamlining” of the circulatory system. Blood flow to nonessential systems, such as the digestive system and lungs is reduced. The flow of blood elsewhere is minimal, yet steady. When a vampire is injured, the blood will appear to “leak” from the wound. With no heartbeat, there is no pulse and blood does not “spurt” as it does with humans. No one is certain just how exactly blood circulates, but as with many aspects of the vampire, there are a great many theories. Perhaps it is simply part of that mysterious metaphysical aspect of the demon-infected blood that a vampire initially consumes at the time of his or her turning that acts as a catalyst to disperse blood throughout the body as needed. It is when a vampire’s ability to circulate this blood to the brain is disrupted that a vampire is susceptible to being destroyed. I heard that boy vampires can only turn girls and girl vampires can only turn boys. Is this true? Certainly not! Vampires are equal opportunity biters. Some may prefer to turn one or the other, but they are capable of turning a human of either gender. Will being a vampire affect my sex life? Not at all! Although it is nearly impossible for vampires to reproduce (there is only one known case of a vampire actually giving birth) they are still fully able to perform sexual interourse. The vampire circulatory system (discussed in this pamphlet) enables male vampires to become erect and female vampire genitalia to experience arousal. Mucuous membranes still function on a limited basis for vampires. In the sinuses, for example, it aids in the sense of smell by keeping the sinuses lubricated. It is the same for the production of vaginal lubricant in vampires. Due to fact that vampire bodies contain less water than humans, it may be necessary to use additional lubrication. Female vampires do not produce eggs or experience a menstrual cycle. The male vampire does not undergo spermatogenesis within the testicles. Sperm is the component that is missing from vampire semen. The seminal vesicles continue to excrete a thick liquid (which is primarily fructose in humans, but sugar levels can vary in vampires depending on whom they have eaten), this liquid combines with an alkaline secretion from the prostate to form the vampire version of semen. Vampire males even secrete the lubricant that readies the urethra to expel semen— commonly known as “pre-cum.” When aroused sufficiently, vampire males are capable of repeated ejaculation, though they are susceptible to dehydration and may need to drink very soon after or supplement their diet with water. Both male and female vampires take great pleasure in sex, despite being “sterile” (except for the atypical case mentioned above). Sex also serves as a convenient lure for human victims. Demons seem to enjoy sex as much as humans and a hybrid of the two creatures would logically continue to find it pleasurable. Do vampires sweat? The composition of a vampire body contains far less water than a human body and they use it sparingly. Though they can drink water, they have no real need to do so. Plasma from blood is 96% water and provides vampires with all that they need. Vampires are still capable of sweating, but will gnerally only sweat under extreme circumstances (severe stress, as a reaction to certain poisons, etc.) or, if needed, as camouflage to help blend with humans while hunting. They do not need to sweat to keep cool as humans do. They can also cry—a tactic many employ to great effect while hunting. Is it true that vampires need to sleep in a coffin? No. Vampires don’t need to be buried at all when turned. Many vampires do choose to bury their new offspring as a nod to traditionalism. Some merely dump theirs in parking lots. Likewise for sleeping in coffins — though not necessary, some vampires prefer to be more traditional or may be pressured into it in order to keep up appearances among their peers. What’s happening to my face? Newly turned vampires in particular have found that at times—for some, all the time— they no longer appear human. This is because the bones and cartilage that shape the front of the vampire skull is actually malleable. The body of a vampire may begin, essentially, as a human corpse, but once risen, the transformation is complete and it is a demon/human hybrid. Vampires usually rise with their “demon face” showing prominently. Savvy vampires soon realize that hunting is easier if they can pass as human. Once a vampire masters the ability to control the transformation of its facial structure he or she will find that the change still occurs under certain circumstances. It is necessary to use the demon face when feeding—blunt human teeth may charm that man or woman into the alley, but the demon’s razor-sharp canines are needed to rip open the victim’s throat. Sharp vampire senses are also heightened significantly when in demon face. When faced with a dangerous situation, allowing the demon senses and instincts to take complete control will increase a vampire’s chances of survival. It is also far more effective when intimidating enemies or minions. Remember: not all vampires are capable of controlling this change. It may become possible with practice, but many vampires are never able to appear human. Do vampires age? Vampires do not age in the same way that humans do. Since the span of existence for a vampire is much longer than that of a human, the aging process takes much longer. It can take centuries before any signs of aging appear. Instead of the body weakening and breaking down, as it does in humans, vampires actually become stronger as they age. The demonic traits from their “mixed heritage” become more and more dominant and they will appear less and less human as the process continues. Very few vampires have actually reached such an advanced age. Studies of vampire population growth over the centuries, however, indicate that the presence of vampires has steadily increased over time. Therefore, we can expect to see more and more of these “master” vampires in the future. Do vampires have special powers? That depends on your perspective. Since vampires are predators, their senses are adapted to be extremely sensitive as a tool for acquiring food. Most of their abilities are not supernatural but are certainly superior to those of a human. They are nocturnal, and have keen night vision. However, as with cats, vampires cannot see in total darkness. Their sense of hearing is equivalent to a dog’s. Vampires can hear a far wider range of sounds and from more that four times as far away as a human could. The vampire sense of smell is also somewhat better than that of a dog. A vampire has about 35 times more olfactory receptors than humans. Like dogs, vampires can detect a single drop of blood in several quarts of water. In addition, vampires possess a vomeronasal organ—a somewhat mysterious sensory organ located in the roof of the mouth, behind the front teeth. This organ can be found in a wide range of demonic and non-demonic animals including snakes and cats and allows them to “taste” certain smells and chemical signatures. While snakes utilize this organ by flicking their tongue in and out to bring in scents, vampires seem to react similarly to cats by performing a more subtle version of the flehmen response. If you’ve ever seen a cat make “that weird face” then you have seen the flehmen response. It involves opening the mouth into a sneer or grimace, inhaling and touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth directly behind the front teeth. Scientists believe that the vomeronasal organ is used by vampires for primarily the same reasons as by cats: for sex. This organ is fine-tuned to detect sexual pheromones. This comes in handy for a vampire on the hunt to detect if a potential victim is aroused enough by them to willingly accompany them to a dark alley. The organ is also sensitive to other subtle information that is beyond the human ability to perceive. Some even theorize that creatures with this organ can use it to predict disasters such as earthquakes or impending apocalypse. Humans once had this organ themselves, but evolution apparently deemed it unnecessary. Knowing all this, one can assume that if a vampire sneers at you, he or she may actually be sensing that you are sexually aroused! Scientists from the Demon Research Initiative report that vampire tissue contains high levels of retinoic acid in areas where rapid healing has taken place. This material has been linked to limb regeneration in certain amphibians and could account for the vampire’s impressive healing ability. Vampires can survive—and eventually heal from—nearly any injury (not counting the “fatal” injuries described in this pamphlet). Even seriously debilitating injuries such as paralysis will eventually heal in time. Scarring can sometimes occur with injuries. Especially if the injuries are inflicted with a sacred or charmed weapon. Something as major as a severed limb could take a very long time—decades, possibly even centuries depending on the vampire’s constitution. Strength and speed can vary greatly between vampires. Typically, these abilities can be attributed to the age of the vampire, the vampire’s “bloodline,” and how recently the vampire has fed. A vampire with a century or two under his or her belt who has recently fed will be much stronger than a vampire fresh from the grave who hasn’t had a meal yet. Vampires are incredibly strong, though on average, their muscle mass is no greater than that of a human. This increased strength could be partially attributed to the increased efficiency of the vampire body, which is adapted for fighting and hunting. It takes a great deal of force to break the bones of a vampire. It takes very little effort for a vampire to break the bones of a human. Though vampires cannot fly, their leg muscles are strong enough to enable them to leap great distances. Vampires can move very quickly, as well, though very rarely will they use this ability. What kinds of things will harm a vampire? Because vampires have such accelerated healing powers, it is very difficult to cause them any permanent harm. There are certain things that they do need to watch out for: Garlic— Long thought to be a repellent to vampires, there is still no definitive evidence that garlic can actually harm or deter a vampire. Still, it’s better to be safe than sorry! Holy Water & Certain Religious Symbols— For some vampires these items have been known to cause severe burns when a vampire comes into contact with them. If such contact lasts long enough or is extensive, it may result in full combustion and “death” for the vampire. No studies have yet uncovered why these items cause such damage. One important factor to note is the predominance of Christian symbols as those that are most commonly harmful to a vampire. While some believe that this is due to the power of “good” in these symbols counter-acting the “evil” nature of the vampire, others point to the curious fact that the symbols that are repellent to vampires are those from a religion based upon belief in a figure who rose from the dead, and whose followers routinely partake in the ritual drinking of his “blood,” which leads one to suspect some sort of connection. Whatever the reason, science has not yet been able to explain this phenomenon. Sunlight— Direct exposure to sunlight will cause a vampire to combust and burn rapidly. There are many possible reasons for such a severe reaction. Most likely, this condition is an extremely acute variant of any number of rare photosensitivities that occur in humans. Polymorphic light eruption, actinic prurigo, solar urticaria, chronic photosensitivity dermatitis, xeroderma pigmentosum and porphyria (a collective name for several similar diseases) are all conditions found in humans that cause sensitivity to sunlight. Of these conditions, a form of porphyria, seems to be the most likely culprit, due to the fact that this disease also affects the blood. It is also possible that this photosensitivity is simply a by-product of a chemical reaction that may take place during the siring process. As the demon blood mingles with the blood of the human victim, it may affect the body chemistry, causing a sensitivity to sunlight much as some diuretics, antibiotics (such as tetracycline) and anti-inflammatory medications do in humans. Vampires can survive sunlight for very brief periods of time as long as they are fully covered from direct exposure. Moving about in heavily shaded areas is extremely risky, and may cause weakness, dehydration and skin irritation in vampires. This is true even at twilight or pre-dawn morning. Fire—Will also cause a vampire to combust and burn rapidly. Burning in general does not bode well for vampires. “Staking” through the heart—Though it doesn’t beat, a vampire’s heart is still a necessary organ. It is somehow integral to the mysterious vampire circulatory system. The device for impalement must be wood. The vampire’s accelerated healing abilities are able to compensate for most damage the heart may suffer otherwise, but some unknown quality inherent in wood will cause such immediate and catastrophic damage that the vampire “dies.” Removal of the heart—(see above) A vampire can continue to function for approximately six hours after the heart has been removed. At that point, he or she loses the ability to process blood and will weaken and “die.” Decapitation— Although brain function for a vampire is not detectable by standard equipment, it obviously takes place. The heart may be essential for the “life-giving” blood to flow throughout the body, but the brain is also necessary to direct the body’s functions. Not only does decapitation sever the brain’s connection to the body it controls, it severs the connection that allows the blood to flow to the brain. One cannot survive without the other. Why do vampires turn to dust when they are destroyed? No one is certain why vampires turn to dust upon being destroyed. There are many interesting theories as to the cause. One hypothesis states that when a vampire is destroyed, the demon “essence” that animates the body, recognizing that the end is near, attempts to either escape the body or retreat deeper inside of it, desiccating the body in the process. Since certain inanimate objects (such as clothing) trapped within a vampire’s aura take on the demon essence, they too are destroyed. Another theory refers to a delicate balance at the cellular level of the vampire’s unique chemistry. When certain catastrophic events occur, that balance is disrupted and the cells that make up the vampire implode instantaneously. |
* You have a strong desire for and/or Stimulation by blood (sexual, revitalizing or otherwise)
* You have a nameless craving that can never quite be fulfilled
* People you get close to tend to become tired, weary and upset a lot around you
* People tend to find you interesting at first, then begin to avoid you
* Even when surrounded by others, you always feel alone
* Sunlight/bright light in general hurts your eyes (but you can go out in it, even so)
* You tend to be a night person by nature (because you may feel more comfortable and "alive" at this time)
* You have had a strong interest in vampires(in any aspect of the genre) probably since puberty onwards
* You have had a strong interest in vampires since a traumatic event occured in your life
* You don't get sick often, or if you do, the maladies are often strange or severe
* You are a fast healer
* Sex tends to leave you feeling revitalized and full of energy
* You have drank blood before or would like to, if you could
* You enjoy imbibing sexual fluids because of the vitality they contain
* Electrical appliances and you don't generally tend to get along well (watches stop often, computers malfunction for no reason, microwaves start up by themselves, etc)
* You prefer rich fabrics, tastes, scents etc.
* You are very sensitive to sensory extremes (strong scents, rough textures, spicey foods, etc)
* You feel totally different on some elemental, intuitive level to most other human beings
* You feel you don't belong in this century, maybe even this world
* You might or might not believe in reincarnation but may have had past life visions
* Your dreams are often extremely vivid and sometimes result in cases of deja vu
* You easily "trance out" or find yourself detached from the world
* You posess an ability similar to ESP (or are highly intuitive in general)
* People often find you very empathetic to how they feel.
* People often either trust you completely or think you are very dangerous.
* Your style of clothing tends to be more on the dramatic side
* Your relationships tend to be very rocky and emotionally unstable
* Your relationships that work tend to be very intense and passionate.
* People tell you that you are too intense / an "enigma" / a "dark hole" / add similar phrase here.
* You look younger than you are (when you're beyond twenty years of age) or look older than you are (when you are younger than 20 yrs of age)
* You can see and/or read auras
* Animals tend to get along well with you
* You have good, natural "magical" abilities (if you do spells, etc, usually they work)
* You have only one or two friends or lovers who really understand you and whom you get along with.
* When you will things to happen, they usually do.
* You can often easily tell how other people are feeling.
* You feel your skin tingling or almost burning when the sun is shining on you.
* You're a woman and your period starts late in the day and your cycle is usually timed to the full moon.
* You have really good night-vision.
* Your reflexes are amazingly quick.
FRUITS:(all fruits have been pre-peeled)
4 apples
1 kiwi fruit
1 banana
1 pineapple
1 mango
Green Tea
Blue-Green Algæ
Barley Grass
Wheat Grass
VITAMINES / MINERALS: (% daily value per bottle)
Vitamine A = 360%
Vitamine C = 200%
Calcium = 8%
Iron = 60%
Thiamin = 24%
Riboflavin = 16%
Vitamine B6 = 16%
Vitamine B12 = 120%
Magnesium = 16%
Zinc = 480%
Sugar = 100g (all of it naturally found in the fruit)
Dietary Fibre = 4g
Carbs = 128g
Potassium = 1760mg
Sodium = 60mg
Cholesterol = 0mg
Trans Fat = 0g
Sat Fat = 0g
Calories = 520
Servings per bottle = 4
100% juice, no sugar added, no artificial flavours... it's the real deal...
It costs $6.75 here for two containers. That's just over $3.00 per bottle, but you drink ONE QUARTER of the bottle per day. So in two weeks you drink three bottles. So the $6.75 lasts almost two weeks per person. :)
I feel totally rejuvenated every day I drink this stuff... I feel 25, am 38 (work my body hard) and can do this again and again... I highly recommend this stuff
Check out their website... there are more flavours:
[link opens in a new window]
03:45 Jan 28 2008
Working in retail, I actually understand a lot of what you were talking about here! LOL Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing tho, hmm...
Just wanted to return the favor of leaving a journal comment for ya, and wanted to say thank you for the one you left for me. :)