Why is there Evil?
20:22 Jan 11 2007
Times Read: 753
Either God wants to abolish evil and
can not;
Or, God can, and does not want to;
Or, God cannot, and does not want to;
If God wants to, and cannot, God is impotent!
If God can, and does not want to, God is wicked!
If God neither can, nor wants to,
then God is both powerless and wicked!
So, if God can abolish evil, and wants to,
How come there's evil into the world?
And EVIL is not just what we humans do, it is the diseases, plagues, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, fires, tornados, hurricanes, metors,
A TRULY KIND, ALL POWERFUL GOD would NOT permit those things to happen
to he/she/its children.
Neil C. Reinhardt
"The Christian god is cruel, capacious.
vindictive and unjust."
Thomas Jefferson