laundry is drying, then going out. i haven't spent a lot of time online at all. and this is why: i sit around and surf to a few sites, type away at a few things, and then get really fucking bored. very quickly.
Not a lot of time. Finally got a few minutes to get on VR and post in my neglected journal. Bored and sitting for a break. Yay.
hehe. what a day. am tired. want to go home. weirdness.
every year i seem to go through this weird cycle shift as the seasons progress. and it's becoming more pronounced. the nights are growing longer again, and with the lengthening nights, the more exposed to the moonlight i am. and the more moonlight, the more my darker tendencies seem to come out to play.
like this moonstruck madness with my former boss. i'm crushing in a hard, dangerous way.
with the strengthening of night, my spellcasting returns in full force. i usually only cast for one thing per year, and its usually a doozy. last year it was the promotion at work, which oddly enough occurred during the summer months.
it's strange to me, and yet not strange that my cycle takes the opposite of the earth. while the land dies and the sun loses its strength, i gain in intuition and power. my life cycle by the year waxes as that of the rest of the world wanes.
i welcome the colder months as a darkling would: with open arms and a brutal smile that takes the world often by surprise. i love the night and the cold. as the sun loses strength, the brightly burning star that is my ruling astrological body, another side of me awakens... the part of me i consider vampiric perhaps. maybe it's because my time with the night goddess grows longer that all of a sudden i feel sharply in focus, much more in focus than at any other time of the year.
this next evening is the full moon. and in 6 short days is the day that the world calls the equinox as day and night are the same length and the darkness begins to take sway. welcome back the lord of night. by tradition he is the holly king and the great horned god, protector of the spirit in winter. as the world dies, his domain enters the realm of protector in preparation for his eventual rebirth.
oh, it should be mentioned that my book of shadows has new entry in it.
i find that i have a remarkable ability to learn from the previous experience and perform remarkably towards the opposite; often to yield positive results..
how come the same is not true with matters of the heart?
I'm tired and bored. I want to go home. Ready for sleep. Want to go home and not deal with people.
I sit in a massage chair at the nail salon waiting for a pedicure before going to the pool hall. I listen to my ipod through my kick ass new Bose earbuds, am amazed at the sound quality, and realize that life is indeed about the small stuff.
I work fucking hard. I didn't realize how work-related things were til I nearly crashed from exhaustion. My previously abundant Internet time came when I was on the phones and bored to death with my job. Now its busy as shit. No time to think, much less post.
So a treat for me; I sit with my ipod, Starbucks, and my Blackberry. Fuck man, I work too hard to not enjoy the little things. I live in constant fear of dropping my phone into my footbath. Mankind has come far and yet we can't figure out how to be happy? Suit yourselves. I'm pretty fucking happy with my little corner of the world.