The forsaken Dark Trinity is his ring name. Yes he is a wrestler. I love him dearly for he is the man that showed me love does not equal abuse and betrayal. He calls me his amazon queen and I call him my little king. He is height challenged compared to me but he is bigger than most guys I know. He is bigger because of his heart and his love. He protects and loves me as though it is his reason for living. He protects and loves my daughter as though she were her own. The mold was broken when he was created because he was filled with so much love and compasion it could not be duplicated.
Ok considering I am a woman I am willing to bet that you think this will be all about how great woman are and how much men suck. WRONG!!! Because BOTH men and woman suck. Neither is better than the other. True men do not suffer menstual pain, child birth, or menopause. But they do have their own little things they suffer. Plus think about it unless a guy is gay with no mother or sisters then in a way they to have to suffer those things. They suffer in the aspect that they have to deal with us when we go through all of that. I know that when I was pregnant and when I am pmsing I am no picnic but my man deals with it. I am one of those horrible woman who get violent and my sweet loving man just tries to do whatever he can to make me happy and to feel better. Now my ex husband on the other hand was a cheater and a wife beater. He cheated on me fourteen times that I caught him. He beat me two or three times a week. But I kept his house clean his food on the table and did my best. He however tainted me and for the longest time ruined me towards men. That is until my current boyfriend came along and showed me that not all men, like not all woman, are alike. You got the good men/woman and you've got the bad ones. It is just a matter of sorting through them and finding the one that is right for you.