Sometimes I have big dreams. And these dreams matter. And I know I'm not the only one who dreams these dreams. But it seems like none of us bother to achieve them. One person alone cannot make a difference. But one person who can inspire many can. I fear that we will soon have greater need than to simply awaken ourselves from apathy for a true leader.
So I kinda rambled about this when rewriting my profile. Seems more appropriate in a journal.
I feel like I have had no impact whatsoever on another person's life.
And that is what I want. I want to help someone, hurt someone, change someone.
I want to know that because of me, someone is different.
And I know that if I ever mean enough to change a life, I will be worthwhile.
most the time we won't know how or if we changed someone's life. a smile from you to someone could completely change someone's day. something you've said could get them to think about themselves and change. unless they are your close friends, most the time someone is not going to tell you that you made an impact. but sometimes the people that just go in passing through our lives are the ones that are the most important in retrospect.
I'm ranting again.......I need some sort of motivation. I spend so much of my time dreaming about what I want, but I never actually go after it. I want to start composing some musical pieces, but I haven't touched my cello in months. I want to start painting the images I see, but I can't get anything on paper. I want to lose weight, but I can't get off my ass and do something. I want to learn more about the many things that interest me, but I lack the confidence to pursue it...
And isn't it silly how I'm afraid that people will think I'm a fool if I do any of those?
I need to stop whining. And actually suck it up and do something about my life.
if u try hard enough u will be able to do anything u want, whatever that may be. and who care's wat other ppl think. its ur life all that matters is that u r happy. just keep trying to accomplish the goals u set, start with small ones then expand them eventually everything will work out i promise :)