always brush your teeth
always help people when you can
always let your boyfriend hang around with his m8s
always let yourself hang around with your m8s
always to be never shy
always tease people its the best
always play an instrument
always be kind exception to chavs
always do what suits you best
always respect yourself
always check your emails, myspace, phone w.e else you have
always find something to do
always go out on a regular basis
always go and see your best m8s evenly
NEVER chat shit about people
NEVER get stuck to one person they dont last
NEVER think badly
NEVER get yourself into a situation that you can't get out of
NEVER hurt people unless for a stated reason
NEVER do something spitefully
NEVER try get a man when hes going out with someone
NEVER just sit there and wait for things to happen
NEVER just experience one life
NEVER forget to brush your teeth
NEVER just sit and roam in the house all day
NEVER get bored and complain
10:58 May 19 2011
How Very Intellegent of you