JadedBySociety's Journal

JadedBySociety's Journal


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6 entries this month

rumer mills and a stab in the back...

00:23 Mar 21 2008
Times Read: 560

why is it that just about every time i find someone i feel i can open up to about things, they stab me in the back? i will call the people in the following example by numbers to keep names out of it, for privacy's sake...

i am poly. not a big deal. my primary is fine with it, but hes stressed about other things not having anything to do with me being poly and becuz of this its a little hard for him to adjust, but we are ok... right now, my primary, my secondary and i all live together.

person number 1 used to live here as well, but is now moving in with her boyfreind... as far as i was aware, she doesnt even know im poly, of me, my primary, and my secondary, none of us told her.

person number 2 i someone i THOUGHT was a good freind of mine, i THOUGHT i could be open with him. i told him im poly, and introduced him to vr and let him look at my profile, journal, and portfolio. in said protfolio there are pictures of my secondary and i.

person number 3 is a woman i used to concider a freind, but have not trusted for a few months now and dont really concider a freind anymore. but my primary does, and he vented to her about his stresses, money, shitty job, etc... during which he mentioned briefly that he was haveing a little trouble adjusting but that he is fine with me being poly and our relationship is not suffering. he also told her it was not to go any further than her.

person number 4 i do not know. ive been told ive met her once at SCA but i dont remember. she is my secondarys friend. she told him that she heard from a freind that my primary was very upset and hurt and didnt appreciate it in the least. damn rumer mill...

person number 2 and person number3 used to date. they are still close and still talke about stuff and hang out alot...

what ive peiced together knowing the above people as i do:

persons 2 and 3 probably shared the info they each had. they are both in SCA together, so they probably started blabbing there. it then spread to the rest of the group and snowballed the further it went. i dont know how person 1 found out. i dont know if shes connected with SCA but i dont think so... this whole thing makes my braind want to explode!

we will be going out for coffee as soon as possible and sorting this all out. ill update on the situation then.



01:58 Apr 10 2008

writting it out is a good start.If only all parties did that.


makes me laugh at 4 in the morning...

09:15 Mar 20 2008
Times Read: 561

what makes me laugh at 4 in the morning? well i just laughed so i guess going on a smoke break and then listening to Gnarls Barkley... "come on now, who do you... who do you, who do you, who do you think you are? Ha ha ha, bless your soul... you really think you're in control? well, i think you're crazy! i think you're crazy! i think you're crazy just like me......" i love it! ^_^




interesting quizes

06:29 Mar 14 2008
Times Read: 575

at the suggestion of another member (which makes a lot more sence the more i think about it)

I'm moving my quizes into my journal. so here they are:

What house of 1000 corpses character are you?
This sexy blonde is just like her mother, Mother Firefly. She is cute, funny, and evil. She seems to be "murder buddies" with Otis. Oh and, her favorite movie star isn't Marilyn Monroe.

whats your weapon?
Your Result: sword

Your chosen weapon is a sword. Can be long, short, whatever! You cut, stab, slice, all that stuff! One career you can have is to be a knight! Just remember to cut, cut ,cut!!!

reaper's scythe
machine gun
sniper rifle

Your clan is a dysfunctional one. That is because you are a Malkavian. Something is poisonous about this clan's blood that drives all those embraced to madness. However, in this madness, you tend to have great insight. Unfortunately, people just take it as senseless ramblings. In every family there is an insane one. You're it.

What type of woman are you attracted to?


Your ideal woman is like the seductress. She is sensual and alluring. You are attracted to enchantment and intrigue. Your woman is beautiful, sexual and mystifying.

What Type Of Vampire Are You?

The Sensual Vampire




Her name was Lola, she was a kitty...

00:05 Mar 13 2008
Times Read: 584

so Ive finally got my kitty back... again... poor thing shes been moved so many times. her name is Lola and shes a 4 years old russian blue. Ive had her for over 2 years now and i love her as tho she were my own child. and now ive finally got her back again. only problem? rather than sleeping with me, she insisted on sleeping next to Ed's bedroom door, which was closed! damn his animal magnetism! lol... anyway even now shes begging him to let her in, only he doesnt know becuz she hardly ever meows, and shes giving his door "the look" but its still closed so he cant see it... now he promised to spend time with Hanna when he woke up, and i know hes awake becuz hes on the phone, i can hear him, so now shes sad all over again... damn it... im beginning to wonder if hes just gonna spend the whole damn day in there... and if so then i at least know we cant trust his promises, which will make things all the more difficult than they already are and at that point i dont think i could even keep trying... lovers... you cant live with them, and your miserable without them...




oh, miss dragonfly, what beautiful wings you have...

23:13 Mar 10 2008
Times Read: 590

i finally got that tattoo on saturday, and it was heaven... Ed, Joe, and yes, even Paul, my tattoo artist, all 3 seperatly said something to the effect of "fucking masochist"... it was funny... it hurt like a bitch, which was wonderful, and when the endorphines kicked in, half hour after it was done, it went from sharp pain to a soothing warmth with pain just lacing the edges of said warmth... i ended up riding the endorphines high for the rest of the day in the end, passed out at 1:30 am rather than my normal 6 or 7 am, and got some much needed sleep. i also had Paul touch up my heart tattoo from a year and a half b4. I am posting pictures of my dragonfly today, and will be posting one more of it when its healed, as well as one of my heart tattoo later on. thats all for now, may write more later, dunno yet...




finding hope in pain...

05:29 Mar 06 2008
Times Read: 595

I'm still feeling like shit... it's gona take quite a while to shake this, but hopefully when I go get ink on Saturday, the pain and beauty of it will help raise my spirits. also I set and completed 2 goals/projects today, so that helped some. If I can, I'll post a picture of my dragonfly once i get it. I think I might also add a picture of my other tattoo at the same time... i guess thats all for now.....



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