Well today is rife with thunderstorms. Poor Lotus is about out of her mind.
I eeked through Comp I and Math. Thank Divinity I passed. Was not in the mood to repeat those two courses. Next session is Comp II and Quantitive Literacy. With the way Comp I went, really not looking forward to Comp II. Whoever wrote the 6th edition for APA style writing needs to have their heads examined. They made it more confusing than what it is worth and quite simply probably cost some folks a few points on their grades. When the manual has spelling and grammatical errors, that does lend one to question things.
Well am off here before the weather shuts me down.
Merry Ye Meet, Merry Ye Part, Until we meet again.
Bright Blessings.
Lady Jade
Took my Math Final today. Ugh, am glad that is over with. Dreaded that class to no end. Learned a lot but still glad it is over.
Next session is Comp II and Quantitive Literacy. Kinda dreading both of those too, but once they are over no more of those classes. Comp am ok in but would rather do a creative writing class instead. Oh well, once comp is over, then I do not have any more comp classes.
Sunday starts Spring Break!!!! Whoot!!!! Maybe I'll go to Florida for Spring Break... Oh wait I live here... cool.
Ok, so Easter weekend, I transplanted my daughter, dog, two cats and myself from Northeastern Indiana to the Panhandle of Florida.
For the record, it is nice here and I am loving every minute of it. Even had a duh moment for a few in the fact that I though about taking Spring Break from college in Florida, only to take a good look around and say well hell whats the point, already live here. Yes, occasionally, I like everyone else, whether they choose to admit it or not have those moments.
To get on with the story and huge discontentment of the moment... In moving, we find ourselves severely restricted with internet connections. We do not have Comcast capabilities, and DSL looks to be not in the near future. Therefore, we are left with Hugh's Net dish internet connection. Which every time it clouds up enough or rains we lose connection entirely.
This has left me in a precarious situation in the finishing of my profile. Get it going good, and wham rain from Hades, blipping out the connection until the skies clear. In turn not allowing me to finish my profile in the time I had allotted, or make the adjustments I had planned to make prior to the outage.
I sincerely hope we can manage to get another connection in the very near future. This on again off again stuff gets very old and is frustrating to no end.
Merry Ye Meet, Merry Ye Part, Until We Meet Again.
Bright Blessings
Lady Jade
It is a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, clouds are whispy, it is cool but not to much so. So why do I find myself in this mood of discontent. To much yet to do perhaps? We shall see.