IxWannaxBexAxScreamxQueen's Journal

IxWannaxBexAxScreamxQueen's Journal


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7 entries this month


Smut!LevixReader : Be my good girl? (Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin)

23:34 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 247

Descrip: You have been at the Scouting Legion encampment for a while now. Where you have become close friends with Hange and she learns of your crush on Corporal Levi! She tells you that Levi has recently inquired about you. Which sets your mind a buzz. Especially when he invites you to dine with him! That's not where it ends though. Levi hears you are a 'good girl' and he wants to reward you for being such.

Warning: none

Type: Series

Status: Ongoing

Series: Attack On Sexual Gratification



You have been at the Scouting Legion encampment for a few months now. Everything seems to be going great so far. Well, except when it comes to killing to titans. Maybe even mucking out a horse stall or two in the heat of midday. Phewy! What do they feed those animals anyway? All in all they are jobs that must get done. Not much use in complaining about.

'Its all worth it', you think to yourself, as you see your crush walk by. None other than the Corporal Levi and he is walking next to Commander Erwin Smith. The two of them nod in your direction and Erwin is the one who greets you, "Good afternoon (f/n)."

You nod in return and say, "Good afternoon to you as well Commander." A seemingly cheery tone in your voice. You notice that Levi's eyes are lingering on you a little longer than normal. It makes you wonder if you have something on you - subconsciously looking at your outfit and wiping at your face. As fingers run through your hair to make sure its not work matted. Levi smirks at you and turns his attention back to the Commander.

'Oh god! How embarrassing.' The thoughts cross your mind. If nothing was wrong with your appearance. You just made yourself seem like an idiot if you had to check! Hopefully its something he forgets as soon as he sees.

Levi's firm ass starting to go out of view, as Erwin leads him to turn a corner - heading towards where Hange keeps her "precious" experiments. A slight shiver of fear crawls up your spine. Knowing that you are in such proximity of those creatures! At least the World's Strongest is over there. It puts you somewhat at ease.


"This water feels so good!" Hange squeals as she suds up her banging body. Hey! Even if you have your heart set on the Corporal. There is no denying Hange is worth admiration. "Sooo Levi asked after you today (f/n)." Hange tells you as you rinse your hair out. The surprise that he would even do such a thing - makes you almost tilt backward and fall.

"Wha-what did he want to know?" You ask straightening your composure and grab for the conditioner. Its taking all your willpower to come off as nonchalant and you are failing miserably. Hange notices this and gives you a sly smile, knowing what's up.

"Oh. Not *too* much, ya'know. Just was asking what kind of soldier you were." She said turning off the water for her shower head. As you continued to rinse out your hair before doing the same. Once the water is off. Hange hands you a towel and you mumble 'Thanks'. "I told him you were pretty decent and you seem to be reliable. Clearly dedicated. He seemed to like that."

Levi seemed to like hearing about you? Thankfully you hide your face with the towel, as you pretend to aggressively dry your hair. Because you are beyond flushed at this information!

You hear Hange's clothes rustling as she puts them on. They are her casual clothing since you two are off duty.

"So..uhmm...do you happen to like the Corporal? Not that its any of my business (f/n)." She asks after you set the towel down and hurriedly clothe yourself -feeling rather famished and not wanting to miss dinner. But the question seems to make you pause mid dress.

"I..mean...he's alright I guess..." You say trying to play it off some more. Yet you are mentally wincing at how that sounds. Smooth. Totally smooth.

"I knew it! (f/n) likes the Corporal!" Hange begins laughing holding her glasses in place.

"Will you please keep it down! I don't need anyone knowing my business!" You say playfully shoving her. Making her laugh so hard she snorts. And then you're both laughing.


All throughout dinner you sneak glances to a few tables over where Levi is sitting. Erwin, Hange, Petra, Oluo, and Moblit are over at that table as well. You mentally start cursing when Hange sees you catching a peak. She holds up a thumb and winks in your direction. Which makes Levi turn to look at whoever she's signaling to. His steely gaze locks with yours and suddenly he motions with a finger - for you to come over.

Not wanting to disobey an indirect order since you're off duty. And not wanting to anger the source of your affections. Not to mention you are suddenly a nervous wreck! You leave your tray for pick up and head over there immediately.

'Oh my god! What could he possibly want? Is he going to yell at me? Oh no, I can't handle this!' You cry out in your head, every step taking you closer to him. Even when seemingly expressionless. Those eyes are like liquid fire. You just can't take it.

"Corporal Levi." You salute him, the sound of your greeting grabs the other's at the tables attention.

"Relax." The word comes out carefully as he considers his next ones. You hold your breath and do just as you are told. He notices at how quickly you obey. This seems to please him. Though he doesn't smile or even smirk. There is dancing amusement in his eyes. "(f/n) (l/n) I want you to sit with us. You are Hange's friend after all and from what I hear, a decent, *obeying*, model of a Scout." Then there was the smirk.

You notice that momentarily as Erwin chewed a bite of bread. That he knowingly smirked at the 'obeying' comment. As if he were privy to some sort of private joke pertaining to that singular word. It made you nervous. Not as nervous when you realize that the only seat open - is next to Levi!

Hange gives you a look to to say 'Woot! Go (f/n)!' and you suppress the urge to become flustered. You are next to the very living, breathing reason, why you would be blushing. Levi peers at you out of the corner of his eye. And you can't help but bite your lip and look away from his peaking gaze. Almost as if he were assessing you. But why? What was up with this near special treatment?


It was nearing the end of dinner. You were wiping your eyes as Moblit finished telling a story. About when Oluo had slid off his horse and was carried a several feet hanging by his ankle. The whole time you are having a giggle fit. Even though you don't want to become obnoxious to Levi. Oluo grabbing Petra by the hand (who too is laughing remembering) and proceeded to drag her off. Not wanting to be the spectacle of entertainment any longer.

That also seemed to be the cue for everyone else to call it a night. They were the only ones left in the dining hall. All of the other Scouts had already headed back to their quarters. Hange stood by the doorway as Erwin walked past her. She was waiting on you and you knew it.

Levi still sat there next to you and not wanting to be rude, "Sir..Corporal Levi. Thank you for inviting me to join you all. I had a nice time, but I think Hange is waiting on me." You feel a hand grab your inner thigh and squeeze it firmly - a thumb rubbing before stopping. Firmly holding you in place.

"I will take (f/n) back to her quarters Hang. I want to chat with her a bit, didn't get much of an opportunity to." Levi looked at her with that blank uncaring stare. His hand giving another well placed squeeze on your thigh.

Hange looked at him unsure, "Just go already. (f/n)'s fine." He plainly stated and she looks at you before leaving too.

Alone. You are alone with Corporal Levi in the dining hall. And he's...he's..got a hand intimately on your leg. You stare at it in disbelief. Levi's thumb begins moving back and forth as he continues to hold it there. You look up into those grey eyes, not exactly sure what to do.

"Relax (f/n). You want this don't you?" Levi's voice was smooth. It was measured. "Do you think I am blind to how you react when you see me?"

A small smirk parts his lips and his eyes go half lidded to seductively match them.

'This is a dream! A wonderful, wonderful, excruciatingly amazing dream! It has to be!' Your thoughts tell you over and over. Your heart working over time, your vocal chords twinging to speak. No sound comes out of them. It just makes the vein in your throat pulse visibly.

You stiffen as Levi keeps his hand in place and leans over to kiss it gently. You feel the heat radiating off of him and you can smell him - spicy with a bit of woods. Your pulse quickens as you close your eyes. Levi can feel it with his lips. It makes you involuntary quiver, desperately wondering what he might do next.

The Corporal licks a warm stripe up your neck, stopping at your ear, and letting out a breathy sigh.

"I have a thing for good girls. The kind that..." Levi chuckled, his other hand sliding over the curve of your hip, and up the length of your side. It came to a rest under your heaving - longing chest. "...that take orders without question. It's something to be admired....desired really..." Another smirk that you feel against your ear.

You slowly turn your head to look at him. A breath you were going to exhale stays put inside your lungs. Because his expression is one of sensual dominance. Levi looking like a prowling wolf - majestic in all his glory.

Levi leans in savoring every inch closed between you two. Once a hairs breadth away, he turns his head, tenderly grazing his lips with yours, "Will you be my good girl (f/n)?"

"Yes." You say no longer hesitating and seal the deal with a hungry kiss.


The full work is posted instead of a teaser. But please support my work on AO3:




This is my first attempt at doing any sort of ()XReader. I hope that you enjoy it! This will be a story in a series of others in the SNK universe. All of them focusing on different characters and their relationships with you.

However, I wanted to make a different kind of '()XReader Series'. I think a lot of the other ones are cute and very creative. But they left me hanging. Also kind of annoyed me. They hinted at sexual relations, but never explored them fully. That is what I plan to do with mine. Give you the fulfillment of your fantasy's desire.



07:04 Apr 16 2015

very nice writing. I know of another member on here who has some good writings in their journal on here. VerestaUlfur and her other profile Shalista.


In A World So Cruel (Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin)

23:03 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 252

Descrip: This is an alternate story that occurs right after Eren's trial. Eren goes to a mountain encampment with the Scouting Legion so they can study him. And prove whether he is useful or not. During the course of which many events begin to unfold...

Warning: brutality/gore/non-con/rape

Type: Multi-Chapter

Status: Still Ongoing



Levi stood outside the sun beat down on him harshly. After taking a sip of water from his canteen and wiping his mouth on the inside of his arm. He looked over at Eren as he sat on a patch of dusty ground. His face still swelling and bleeding.

He bent over and looked at Eren as if he were a foreign specimen, "Next time don't go caterwauling like an imbecile like that. It will serve you no good."

Levi tugged behind Eren to make sure the ropes bonding his hands were still secure.

Eren nodded. "Yes, Captain." He didn't struggle against the restraints--there was no point. He'd resolved to just doing what he was told for the time being (he at least owed that much considering Levi, Erwin, and the rest of the scouting legion had just saved him from the death sentence the court would certainly have given him otherwise.

He wondered where they would go from here. On the bright side (if you could call anything "bright" at this point), he was a scout now. Not exactly the way he'd planned to get here, but whatever worked.

Levi gave him another once over and instantly seemed bored with this situation. The captain helped him to his feet and then shoved him forward and away from him. As if he didn't want to physically be near him more than he had to.

"We have been ordered to take you to a holding cell in the capital. But I somehow managed to sweet talk them into you being supervised at my encampment." Levi looked at him hard still scrutinizing. "If you so much as a wiggle a toe over the boundary line where the encampment ends. I will shove you headfirst into a bear trap. Is that understood?"

"Understood." He didn't have any intention of disobeying, though he did wonder if he would ever be able to "redeem himself", so to say and get the others to trust him. He wouldn't trust himself either if he were them, but still...

"Levi." Another voice--Commander Erwin. "The horses are here. Eren can ride in one of the carts, since he won't be able to properly ride given the circumstances. Your orders are clear--keep a watch over Eren. ...And try not to let Hange get too carried away."

"Did someone mention little ol'me?!" Hange asked perkily. "Don't worry. I wouldn't destroy such a fine piece of study."

It seemed like Erwin and Levi let out barely audible sighs of relief. Until she finished her last train of thought.

"No. My skills with a scalpel are flawless." She beamed inspecting Eren.

Eren wondered briefly if he would have been better off either dying by the court's hands or fleeing into titan territory, but didn't vocalize those thoughts, though he did wonder if she was serious--if they would let her experiment on him.

"Good luck." Erwin said, though it couldn't be sure to whom he was speaking.

Levi had began to walk off in the general direction of the small caravan.

"I don't hear any footsteps. Please tell me you don't expect me to wait." The captain said and soon he heard shuffling feet. It was accompanied by Hange's incessant babbling.

"R-Right! Yes sir!" Eren stood as quickly and carefully as he could, being that if he fell, he would not be able to catch himself..


Levi did not like babysitting. It didn't matter if it was a royal brat or a pile of gold. It bored him. Immensely. A bored Levi was not a very happy or a very productive one. He knew that Eren was important, but it didn't mean he had to like him. Nor did it make watching him interesting. Though watching his neck being snuggly hugged by a bear trap seemed to be.

The captain marched on and made sure the transport was running smoothly out of his peripheral. Which so far so good.

The next thing he had to worry about - not catching the attention of titans as they traveled. Even though Hange was probably itching for the chance at a new project.

Oluo could be heard lecturing Eren, while Petra rolled her eyes. They'd made it about half-way to the encampment when Petra spotted a titan. It hadn't seemed to notice the group--it was a fair distance away, but still...

She rode up next to Levi, speaking low so Hange wouldn't hear, pointing out the titan's location.

Levi steered his horse further into the treeline, causing the caravan to make an arc as everyone turned his way. And followed his direction.

He would fight if he had to. He just didn't want to have to. Levi made a subtle signal with his hand, so that Hange was flanked on either side. Just in case she saw it, she would be deterred and possibly prevented from going after it.

Hange wasn't stupid, and she knew Levi knew that she wasn't. So why play these games with her? And to think she would be dumb enough to pursue the titan. Their party wasn't properly equipped. That would be ludicrous. A warranted death wish.

As if reading her thoughts, Levi spoke quietly and quickly, "I trust you with my life Hange, but I don't care to die if you get carried away."

"Relax," she responded. "catching titans is only fun when everyone's prepared. Next time, we will be." She gave him a wink.

There was some muffled screaming in the back. Oluo's horse had gone over a small rise in the ground and he bit his tongue as a result. Petra rolled her eyes, and Eren looked very uncomfortable, not knowing that this was a common occurrence.

There was a primitive grumbling sound coming from the direction of the titan. Followed by the sound of a deafening snap and the air suddenly vibrated. As a massive object flew over the caravan's heads. No one knew what it was til it hit the ground in front of them.

It was a tree. The titan had thrown it like a spear. Hange's head was reeling in slight admiration of the creature. Even though the mood went from tense to survival in a flash.

Levi's horse bucked on its back legs. Its front legs flailing in the air.

In that moment everyone knew. If the tree wasn't an indicator of being spotted. Then the horse whinnying surely was.

Eren's eyes widened in panic as he watched the others prepare to fight. What the hell was he supposed to do? Even if his arms weren't bound behind his back, he had no ODM gear, Shit!

"What are your orders captain?" Petra asked.

"The only thing we can do is engage the thing." Moblit pointed out.

"And what about Eren?" Petra was watching Levi.

"Untie him quickly and we will use him as a last resort." Everyone stared at him quizzically at the last part 'last resort'. Levi ran an annoyed hand through his hair and exhaled, "If we fail in engagement. Eren will go into titan mode. Simple." He could tell that his men despised that idea.

They didn't have time to refute it. Because the ground trembled with large thudding footsteps.

The others nodded and Oluo cut the ropes binding Eren's hands together as Petra, Hange, Gunther, and Moblit shot upward into the trees, waiting for the titan to come into view.

"And up we go." Oluo said as he pulled Eren over his shoulder and got them both up another tree for Eren to sit and wait for the others.

The second the titan came into view, Hange grinned, letting out a small laugh.

The titan was upon them. Sniffing the air as it tried to catch its breath. Hange marveled at its ability to do so. If it had been a normal human doing such a feat, that would burn their throat, and cause them to struggle even more for breath. Oh how she wished for a new specimen.


Mikasa had been slinking through the woods with Armin. They had followed the caravan after the capital's decision. Armin not exactly comfortable with disobeying orders. They were suppose to stay behind for at least a few days. Until they could be transferred to Levi's platoon. She just had to make sure that Eren was going to be alright. Besides Armin he was all that she had left. As they sat under the underbrush. Armin tried to hold back a sneeze, but he seemed unable to. Mikasa cursed to herself as he did. The titan's head snapped their way and a hand shot for their thicket.

Levi hadn't seen them before, but once Armin had sneezed. They were immediately given away. So he acted on instinct and used his ODM gear. It was simple once he was close enough to it - he dispatched its death. The titan crumpled in on itself on the ground.

"Are you mad?!" Levi shouted and grabbed Mikasa out by her hair. He did this more to scare her than to her harm her. Once she was out in the open he instantly let go. "You two were specifically instructed to wait at the capital. Until the arrangements could be properly made! If you can't follow their orders, then how can I expect you to follow mine?!"

Eren gasped, seeing Mikasa pulled out of the brush, and was even more shocked to see Armin climb out of it as well.

Armin knew they shouldn't have gone through with this plan. He knew, but when Mikasa was determined, there was no stopping. her, and he wouldn't let her go alone. Still, that wouldn't be what he should say, so he simply apologized.

"You're right. It's inexcusable." The blonde said, figuring it was best to be honest than to try and come up with any sort of fabrication. "We're sorry.. But..." he looked to Mikasa in hopes that she could explain--it was her idea, after all.

The other scouts lowered themselves, and approached. Eren was lowered with Oluo, and they, too, approached.

"I had to make sure that he was going to be okay. Your group doesn't exactly scream 'we love titan shifting boys'." Mikasa said as she looked toward Eren. Armin looking almost petrified at her brashness.

"So you don't trust us?" Levi asked still pretty annoyed.

Before Mikasa could answer and dig herself into an even bigger hole. Hange stepped between them and laughed nervously, "Why don't we settle such minor disputes over a drink, huh?"

Petra muttered under her breath, "She loves drinking just as much as she loves those titans."

"Still, it's for the best at least that we get the hell out of here." Oluo pointed out.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Gunther agreed.

They were silent as the went to the encampment, no one wanting to piss Levi off any more than he already was. Mikasa and Armin walked next to the cart in which Eren rode, though his arms had been rebound. Eren was full of mixed emotions. On the one hand, he was glad to see Mikasa and Armin. On the other hand, they were clearly in a lot of trouble.


Read the rest here:





The Things That No One Talks About (Free!)

23:02 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 253

Descrip: Kou goes through the process of grieving when Rin goes to Australia. Because he cuts off contact with her. When she finds out that he is coming home. Kou doesn't know how to feel because she has entered the last stage of grief: acceptance. After seeing each other again following their estrangement. They both have feelings that siblings should never have. Yet will they keep up a torrid secret or will things fall apart?

Warning: underage/incest

Type: Multi-Chapter

Status: Still Ongoing




It had been a very long time since Kou had seen her brother Rin. She had felt like a piece of herself had went with him to Australia. Nothing ever felt right since then and she just didn't know what to do. How did she keep from breaking? How did she keep going on? Rin had been one of her best friends. Not to mention her older brother. When he had left to go to Australia, he left their relationship alone with her.

All of her attempts at contact had been ignored. The only time she ever saw him was at New Year's, for the past five years of his absence. The communication always being minimal at best. Usually consisting of obligated pleasantries to make them seem familial. And well....not estranged. Even though the body language alone was awkward. Not counting the inflections or lack thereof of their tones when speaking.

What had happened to cause this rift? Kou just didn't understand! She could understand him turning his back on other people. All of his friends and those from the swim team. But why her?! It made her angry. Sometimes it made her cry. Most times she tried to pretend like she was an only child. That she didn't have a brother. It made her hurt even more, more times than none.

During the course of the fifth year without him. The resentment and anger melted away. Into nothing. How could you feel something for someone you no longer knew? It made no sense. Almost akin to grieving over a stranger you walked next to down the street, to see them get hit and killed by a car. You just didn't. Of course the event would be mortifying. Yet you would remember they were a stranger and nothing more. Feeling nothing for them. Except maybe pity.

When her family told her that Rin was coming home for good. That Rin was retiring from competitive swimming and enrolling into a local school. Kou just could not believe it! It made her feel a dull throb in her chest. As if she should be elated at his return, at the same time apprehensive. Kou had spent so much time going through the stages of grief and the stages of loss. Finally getting to the point of acceptance. The final stage. She didn't know how to exactly feel. Instead of the comforting nothingness. Viewing him as a stranger. Something new was welling up...anxiety.

Kou learned more from her family about his arrival. Rin would not be living with them. He would be attending Samezuka Academy, living in the dorms, and that they were highly praised for their swim team. But until further arrangements could be made on the academy's end. Rin would be staying with them for a week.

'A week isn't long enough...to reconnect with someone.' Kou silently thought as her family continued speaking.



Australia had seemed as good a place as any to go to school. Not to mention the surf, the waves, and many swimming opportunities that had awaited a young eager person. Of course it meant leaving behind everything and everyone that he had ever known. School. Friends. Family. That was to be expected. It came with the territory. Right? And if he wanted to be anything like his father. Well, it was the best place to start. It also meant escaping odd feelings, that he had began developing for Kou - his little sister.

The both of them had just started going through the stages of puberty. When he had left the country. Rin would feel a confused stirring when she looked at him, when she laughed, smiled, cried, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, the list was endless....The bizarre feelings were only heightened when she touched him. Something as simple as a hug, poking him in the side, tapping his shoulder, or playfully ribbing him. Would make what he felt stronger.

And Rin knew even then. What he had felt for Kou was wrong.

Even the feelings went so deep as to jealousy. When a boy at school looked or even talked to her in a special way. A way that said they liked her more than a friend. It had made his blood boil. Why? He remembered acting like a total dick towards Makoto. Makoto giving Kou a rose on White Day. Saying it was because he thought she deserved it. For being nice to everyone. For being Kou. Rin had played it off as an overprotective brother, but that hadn't been the case at all.

Rin was sick. He had the hots for his kid sister.

Australia's distance from home made cutting her off simpler. Easier. Except for the times that she called leaving voice mails, emails, and even going so far as to sending letters. Who even sent air mail anymore? Even though he had found the thought cute. And had to mentally be disgusted with himself for that. Three times a year his family sent pictures to him. During the spring, the summer, and the winter holidays.

Rin would occasionally look at them. Seeing how everyone was doing, but mostly how Kou was growing up. Kou now had long red hair, with accentuating eyes, a compassionate smile, and a developed body. Rin noticed a partial emptiness in her eyes in the photos. It made him briefly wonder if that sadness had been caused by him.

Better sadness. Than an outright disgust about his feelings.

When Kou had started maturing and looking more like a young woman. The family reunions at New Years were unbearable. Kou would try to entertain him with conversation. But the sound of her voice made him think incoherently. One time his family went to an indoor pool just to see him swim again. So he decided to amuse them against his best wishes. He wanted to drown himself to keep from seeing Kou in that bathing suit. Rin wanted to drag her in the water and do unmentionable things with her.

The third year of coming back to Australia after New Year's. He started hooking up with girls and with guys he found attractive. Rin had always been the experimental, go with the flow type, when he wanted to be. He did this in an effort to stop thinking about Kou. At least in that wrong, you're not suppose to, sort of way. But afterwards he would feel guilty. Rin would feel guilty for using that person, and he felt like he was somehow betraying Kou. It was far from maddening.

The fifth year of his absence however. After about two weeks of being back in Australia, he usually started getting contacted by his sister. But nothing happened. No phone calls, no texts, no social media messages, no emails, or written letters sent by air mail. Nothing at all after his New Year's visitation.

A couple of weeks turned into months. Those months turned into a year. Suddenly Rin was going back home and with Kou not trying to contact him anymore. He didn't know what he was expecting to walk into. Samezuka Academy offered him a dorm room and he had promptly taken it. They had offered him an automatic place on the swim team, already knowing his record, and he had refused it. His family didn't need to know that part though.

Only that he was coming home and going to further his education at a prestigious facility. Which seemed to satisfy them enough to overlook things like that. That was what he told himself, but when they did ask. Which eventually they would, he would just have to tell them something convincing.

Rin was more concerned about handling the week under a roof with Kou. His little sister and the epicenter of his unnatural fixations.


Read the rest here:





Victimized (Attack On Titan/Shingeki No Kyojin)

23:01 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 254

Descrip: Mina is drugged, raped, and tortured by Military Police. Who had previously sexually harassed her. She just can't seem to live with what happened to her.

Warning: brutality/rape/non-con/suicide/major character death

Type: One Shot

Status: Completed



"They were just being guys. There is no need to be so upset." Hitch patted Mina on her shoulder, as a group of military officers walked away laughing.

The men slapping each other on the backs believing they had been clever. Mina just stared on after them, trying to put her pigtails back in place, and trying not to cry.

Mina had been minding her own business while looking over fruit stalls in the town square. Making sure that nobody tried pocketing any of it. When they had walked up to her and tried to flirt with her. In a most sleezy way.

"Oh look at that babydoll face!" One of them had said as he pinched her cheek. Mina jerked away from him.

Just to be grabbed by another rough hand, this one squeezed her jaw, making her lips pucker, "Not to mention those full beauties. I bet they feel wonderful...Know what I mean men?"

There was a hearty chuckle among them as they continued. All of their eyes leering. Probably undressing her with them.

"I-I really need to get back to work. I am on duty." Mina had tried to tell them. She conveyed to them with body language that they weren't welcome to touch her. But they didn't care.

"These are adorable..." The third one grabbed at her pigtails from behind, playfully moving like horse reins, and then roughly yanking them as his crotch rutted her ass.

That is when Hitch had walked over and told the men to stop 'goofing' around. Mina thought about how the guys in the 104th never 'played' around like that. They may say pervy things, but they would never...

The men just looked at Mina while rolling their eyes at Hitch. Before they walked off, presumably to annoy the next person they came across.

A hand was on Mina's shoulder patting it, "They were just being guys. There is no need to be so upset."

"I have seen guys being guys. They don't act like that. That was harassment..." Mina sniffled before stiffening her upper lip. No longer dwelling on what happened. What she was trained to do.

"To each their own I guess!" Hitch said over her shoulder at Mina. She was going to catch up with those men. Like they were her friends.


Read the rest here:





Divulging Pleasures (Hetalia)

22:59 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 255

Descrip: Spain has called seven of his friends, to join him for a relaxing afternoon. During which while sipping wine. They share the stories of how they bedded their young lovers. And they hold nothing back. Knowing they are among trusted friends, and relishing in the details.

Warning: shota/loli/underage

Type: Multi-Chapter

Status: Still Ongoing



"More wine?" France asked as the bottle hovered over England's glass. This had to have been the group's third bottle so far. Yet none of the men seemed to mind. Since it was France and Spain supplying the sweet alcoholic liquid.

"Yes please." England smiled as he filled his sparkling glass. "I am glad that we could all get together like this." Spain smiled pleasantly as he swirled his glass. Then took a sip.

There were eight of them lounging together on Spain's veranda. Overlooking the beach as the ocean waves crashed and each of them watched their younger counterparts playing in the sand. Or splashing in the water squealing.

Spain lived at the villa with Romano. France had brought Canada with him. England had brought a hyper America. Germany had arrived with a chatty Italy. Switzerland had grouchily been in tow with Austria. Prussia didn't need to convince Hungary, who was ecstatic to buy a new swimsuit. And Belgium had tagged along just as excited, coming to Spain's with the Netherlands. Sweden had to usher in a super bashful Finland.

As the children ran around wildly in the sun. The adults continued to drink and unwind a bit more.

Prussia ribbed Sweden with his elbow, "You okay meatball? You seem close to hemorrhaging looking at that boy of yours."

Sweden's face blushed crimson. Knowing that he couldn't deny it. But choosing to say nothing as he gulped down the rest of his wine and thrusted the glass at France indicating that he wanted more. Which the Frenchman graciously complied.

"That's why we're here right?" Netherlands said pulling his lips on his pipe. Then releasing a plume of opium smoke into the air. "So we can discuss our lewd perversions."

Austria's face seemed to contort uncomfortably. He still was a bit uptight and prudish when it came to talking about his sex life. Even though everyone on the veranda had fucked at some point.

"West, check out, Specs. Look at how tense he is! No need to be. You're among friends!" Prussia exclaimed. "If you need help relaxing. I can reintroduce you to my awesomeness!" He said grabbing at his crotch.

Austria huffed and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. But was soon moaning desperately, when Spain licked his mole.

"Or the Bad Touch Trio can just gang up on you again. We are all assembled and aiming to please", the Spaniard groaned huskily.

He was interrupted when Germany cleared his throat. " So who is going to go first?" Germany said looking like his usual stern self.

"Yes. Who should go first indeed.." England muttered. Wishing to avoid watching them going at it like animals.

"I just can't wait to hear the delicious stories. I bet they are yummy." France beamed with a devilish grin.

"I say, that the host goes first." Netherlands offered. "Then we go clockwise. Leave nothing out. This is a den of lechers after all."

"I will have you know. That besides this. I do not partake in such things." Austria said finally steeling his nerves. "But for a pedophile such as yourself. This must be like daily morning coffee conversation for you."

Sweden just nodded in silent agreement with him.

"Oh! Austria still has bite I see!" Prussia chuckled.

Spain leaned forward, elbows on his thighs, and wine glass clutched in his hands, between his legs. "I will go and tell about my first time, with my tomato faced Rono."


Read the rest here:





Follow The Voices Inside (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)

22:57 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 256

Descrip: Ciel is being plagued at night by voices that tell him to do horrible things. When he refuses they torture him mentally for disobeying. Except this time things maybe different and have spiraled out of his control. Or maybe they haven't.

Warnings: underage/non-con/rape/character deaths

Type: One Shot

Status: Completed



'Ciel...Ciel...are you there?'

It was the voices again. They had been coming to him lately in his dreams. The young earl agitatedly turned in his sleep and pulled the covers up about himself. As if he could shake the mental chill off in his sleep.

No longer did he dream about his ruthless captors. No longer did he dream about the dark angel with raven's wings. Advancing to his rescue. Instead he dreamed of being drenched in blood. Yet not his own. And delighting in it.

'They don't really love you....No one does....End them...The lies....The deceit.....'

He yanked the comforter over his head. The darkness in the room still felt alive. As if taking shape, tendrils like reaching smoke, hovering over him. Faces. All of their cheerful, loving, adoring faces - came to him in flashes. Ciel loved them. All of them.

But why did his heart hurt thinking about them? Why did the voices seem so sincere? He couldn't hurt them. All they ever did was live to serve him. But the voices wouldn't stop.

If he ignored them for too long. They would find ways to hurt him. It could be as simple as, bringing his regularly occurring nightmares back. Or of being abandoned. Sebastian somehow dying or telling the boy he meant nothing.

And how he cried out! When the voices chose to torment him. They would cackle and coo mocking words at him. Sebastian would come running to him. But unlike the normal nightmares. The voices wouldn't fade away. Sometimes they became louder. Even more amplified.

The demon could hold him close. So tight. He could kiss Ciel's lips til they were swollen. Sebastian could even physically try to console him in a lustful sort of way....

They were still there. Whispering. Laughing. Screaming. Mocking. Always mocking the young Phantomhive Earl.

'It will stop....Just kill them....All will be quiet.'

It was maddening! He shouted in his head, as he sat up straight, throwing the comforter off of him.

The binded eye glowing like a spirit orb as it gazed about his room. Even when he looked into the shadows of his chambers. Nothing. There was nothing. Not even Sebastian. If someone...If something was there. Surely the demon would sense it.

"Tch. What childish rubbish." Ciel said with absolute disdain. After a moment of reigning in his emotions. He laid back down and closed his eyes.

In a few moments fatigue claimed his young body. But it was all for naught, when his door creaked open, and someone stepped inside.

Ciel shot out of bed thinking it might be Sebastian. Possibly even his steward Tanaka. If it wasn't. Then he would call for his beautiful hellhound to attack..

What he saw. He did not expect. And though he opened his mouth to cry for help. The sound wouldn't come. So he shut his lips and pursed them. Trying to understand what he was seeing.....


It was a mirror image of Ciel. Two bi colored eyes looked into his. The other Ciel's hair was sleep moussed like his probably was. And he wore an identical white night shirt. Except on his face was a mischievous grin.

Ciel reached out a hand, to do what, he didn't know. He was in too much disbelief. As his reflection slipped from the doorway and into the hall.

Of course he followed after him. He needed to know what was transpiring in his home. Why there was a second him.

As he stumbled through the doorway. The other Ciel was walking down the staircase and was midway down when he looked up at him. Ciel bounded down the steps two at a time.

"Who are you?! Why are you in my house?!" The earl demanded. No longer caring if he woke anyone else up. He was the master of the house. He had a right to know!

The other Ciel didn't answer and he was just about to call for his butler. When the man appeared before the other.

"Are you sure about this master? Once its done. There is no turning back." Sebastian said.

"Oh. I know. But this seems right...like cutting dead branches off of a plant." The other smiled at him. "Do you have what I asked for?"

"What did he ask you for?! Sebastian?!" The earl demanded of his servant.

Sebastian didn't acknowledge him. Instead continued the exchange. And handed the other Ciel a butcher knife.

"Yes." The other touched the tip and barely pressed. Blood blossomed on his index finger. "You did a lovely job sharpening it."


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Cherry Picking (DRAMAtical Murder)

22:55 Apr 10 2015
Times Read: 257

Descrip: Trip and Virus 'rescue' a girl from a local shop. After they find her unconscious in their territory. She has forcefully ingested a new drug called 'static'. They decide to take her home and play with her. Whether she wants to or not.

Warnings: rape/underage/non-con

Type: Multi-Chapter

Status: Completed



It was a warm summer night in the city as Trip and Virus patrolled their territory. Not too long ago a little bakery had popped up. The establishment was run by a married couple and they had a daughter who helped out. She was only fifteen years old, with soft brown hair, and big violet eyes. Not to mention the developed figure she had for her age...was something to be admired...

"Get away from me you creeps! I just want to go home. I thought you all were cool. But you're nothing, but a bunch of losers!" Katelyn screamed at them. Using her purse as a whirling weapon, to smack at them, without getting too close.

In the end it was futile when the group of high school guys calling themselves 'Nitro Electrode'. That she somehow had fallen in with. After crushing on their leader. Who wasn't so cute anymore. Grabbed her purse and used it to yank her to him.

"Let go of me you piece of shit!" Katelyn said through gritted teeth as she tried kneeing him.

"Awhh Katy Cat, don't be like that. We just want to have some fun is all." The boy called Fusion laughed in her ear. "Don't you want to have some fun? Don't you want to feel good too?"

One of the other boys pulled out a vial of glowing blue liquid. It was a drug their team made and tried to push on others. It was called 'static'. It made you hallucinate by messing with the synapses in your brain. A few other kids had tried it and ended up in the hospital.

"Look. Here. I'll even try some. Even though its going against like a law or some bullshit. 'Don't get high on your own supply'. But whatever!" Fusion uncorked it and drank half. Then waited a few minutes. "See! Quit being such a bitch Katy Cat."

When Katelyn refused to take even a sip. He had one of the boys hold her nose until her mouth popped open and soon she was choking on the nasty neon blue liquid. Fusion shoved her away and watched her with dilated eyes.

It was obvious he was beginning to experience whatever there was to experience. They all stared at her for a few moments, but soon she felt weird. The last thing she heard was Fusion say, "Shit. Let's get out of here." Then the sound of feet pounding off into the distance.

"Is she dead?" Virus asked as Trip nudged her with the tip of his shoe.

"I don't think so..she looks sort of familiar though." Trip said as he kneeled and began checking her for a pulse. Then nodded to Virus when he found one. "Ah! That's it. Her parents own Sweetvana. That new bakery."

"You can remember a bakery, but you can't remember what you had for lunch two days ago..." Virus said examining the area. Seeing the emptied vial on the ground with a few tiny neon blue specs staining the glass. "Static. That's it. We are going to have to pay Nitro Electrode a visit. Peddling in our territory. Again. Nasty slobs."

"Do you think that's what happened to her? A bad reaction?" Trip asked of Virus as he looked her over. Every time she breathed since rolled on her side. Her breasts nearly popped out of her low cut shirt and her cut off blue jean shorts hugged her ample ass.

"Possibly. She is rather cute isn't she?" Virus laughed as he stepped beside Trip. "Too bad she's jail bait and probably a virgin..." he continued to muse.

"Since when has that ever stopped us? Plus I have never seen a virgin dress like that. She's begging for attention." Trip smiled at the older blond.

"True. And the packaging rarely advertises the true integrity of the product." Virus looked at his watch. "I don't know what to do with her. I know we can't leave her here. We can, but you know, some skeez may come along."

Trip was busy playing with silky strands of her hair, running his fingers through them. When Katelyn's eyes flitted open, they half liddedly observed the two men.

But to her they looked like angels. The ambient light of the city culminating around them. Making them glow like mystical beings. The drug making parts of the refracting light look like wings. Static also enhanced the color of things. It made their eyes illuminate like colored fire and their hair shine like halos.

"You two are beautiful. I must be dead...." Katelyn spaced out. "Why else would heavenly hosts be consorting with me..."

Virus turned away and held a hand up to cover his face. As he hysterically snorted. Beautiful he had been called many times. Heavenly host? Never. That was great. Best joke he ever heard.

Trip just smirked at her, "Do you know where home is?"

Katelyn shook her head 'no', "I don't remember. Everything is so wired. Almost like too much info at once. My senses are going ballistic."

"That's how static works." Virus looked at Trip and the girl making a decision, "Would you be uncomfortable going home with us?"

"I don't know." She said woozily trying to sit, but when she tried the world blurred together. "That was gross. I think I will stay here."

Trip didn't bother asking a second time and just picked her up. Bringing her body to his chest. The girl's skin was baby soft as well as supple and she smelled sweetly of strawberry shampoo.

"If you feel too overloaded. I suggest you close your eyes." Virus advised her.


Read the rest here:




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