Recently I have been fighting with a very close person. They seem to think it's okay to drag others in there mess. I hate seeing people who drag other people down expecially when it would be there own kids. I have been thinking of saying somthing to this person for awhile but i never did because it would start drama..but everyone has a breaking point. It's my sister see,she thinks going out with any random guys with her 4 year old daughter would be okay.. The sad part is she has already gotten her children taken away..they both live with there dads most of the time. Sorry for shpeeling..i just need at least one way to let out some steam!!!
I've been realizing that when someone is confronted about having an issue,they jump to throw someone else at you as being the person in the wrong. I don't see the point in poking fun at someone just because they feel like defending themselves or moving the attention to someone else. Do they not realize that when they are being made fun of and start making fun of someone else just to make themselves not look so bad that now they are hurting the other ones feelings. People should realize other peoples feelings and what there reactions will be to somthing before speaking. I'm not always a nice person,there are people that i don't like and i will let you know. But i still don't see the point in jumping down someones throats only because you made yourself seem stupid. There are times to defend and there are times to back down and realize that you were yes..,wrong. Someone people are more than others but it happens to everyone,we just can't help it.