Isis101's Journal

Isis101's Journal


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7 entries this month


20:17 Mar 28 2015
Times Read: 636

I need a biohazard suit for work. All of us do.

In just the past week, I've faced:

* A urine-soaked homeless guy getting up close and personal while asking me for directions in the student center.

* An old man coughing AND sneezing, spraying his tobacco-brown spit everywhere. He almost got ganged up on by others for not covering his mouth. I would have gladly joined in his ass beating, especially as I had to close my station and disinfect everything.

* Speaking of disinfecting, our lil' room for counting our tills had to be cleaned out with bleach by one of the janitorial staff, thanks to Big Momma's edema, from her left foot, and God only knows where else. She leaked 'water'...body fluids as sections of her skin are now opening up and oozing 'water' everywhere.

On Wednesday, I actually saw a stream of 'water' coming from her foot onto the floor in her station. I almost threw up. She had the nerve to say "It's only water. Do you see a towel anywhere?"

I'm thinking - Are you fuckin' kiddin' me?

"No - I see no towel. Your area needs to be sanitized...ugh!"

(I told the bosses, and didn't want to alarm the other cashiers. The office was cleaned, but I don't think the cashier station was done yet. I need to remind Stan to get it done, as it's a shared space. Everyone knows that I don't allow Big Momma in my area at all).

Like - no one wants another person's body waste...even if it's only 'water'...Hell. piss is water too.

Okay. I'm dry-heaving now.



22:09 Mar 28 2015

Why? Why is she still employed there? She really has to have something over on her employers. Like they would get sued for a huge sum if they terminated her employment. That or she's sleeping with someone. LMAO!!!

02:57 Mar 29 2015

This sounds like my worst nightmare; all three of those scenarios sound terrifying.

08:01 Mar 29 2015

From what little I understand, it's hard to get rid of people when they are in a union. Besides Big Momma, there is a rather slow, lazy dishwasher who hardly works, who they can't get rid of either (He's been employed with the college for over 20 years).

I'm now in the same union, and I don't see why. I'm not permanent, but they are taking $ from each check. Sucks!

I miss working in the private sector.


It sucks.

20:05 Mar 28 2015
Times Read: 640

Feast of famine...that's how my life rolls.

No matter how well I save and do without to stretch out the dollars for the famine times, I always end up with zilch. Nada. It's not like I go on shopping binges...haven't done that in years (I think I've treated myself to a couple of books and some tunes on my iPod. That's it). The monies I've received in the past - from mom - went a long way, don't get me wrong. Some of the things I bought were expensive, but necessary (like a computer and a mattress pad, and vet visits for the cats). Most of that money went to bills, and to cover the rent during the holiday and summer seasons from work. I actually made those thousands last for almost a year!

Anyway - no holiday money this year...lol. Being really sick and out for a week last month doesn't help matters. Neither does this upcoming spring break week (no work).

So...the famine begins.


I'm going to bury my head in my writing...which means that I better get that utility bill paid, or no computer. lol.




I don't even know what to call this...

00:25 Mar 21 2015
Times Read: 664


At work, we have to be on the lookout for a seriously maladjusted student, for our boss's sake.

I still don't know what the guy looks like; being told that he was young and white is too vague. There are hundreds of young white male students on campus. I guess I should be looking for a crazy gleam in his eyes or something. Well - I should scratch that, as there are plenty of students with cray-cray gleams in their eyes.

Anyway...apparently, this guy saw Stan - the boss - sometime last semester, asking for a job. Stan told him he didn't need anyone else, but was kind enough to explain what to do, via applying for a job on campus.

Around 2- 3 weeks ago, the boss sees the guy charging up a ramp, crouching like a wild animal. He gives the student a wide berth, and keeps on walking. A few days later, our boss - Stan - gets the news that there was a sexual harassment charge filed against him - by the student who was asking for a job. The dude said that Stan CORNERED HIM AND DRY-HUMPED HIM.

No one - not the admin, campus police, etc, believe the student, but they still have to follow protocol in filing his psychotic shit.

So - if/when the crazy (I know - not a clinical term, but WTF) comes into the student center, Stan will disappear into the office. (He's usually at his other office more than the student center one anyway).

Is this some fucked up shit or what?



01:11 Mar 21 2015

Why do you mean by filing his psychotic shit? Yeah that's fucked up, but anyone can claim anything without proof these days. However, if it can't be proven, then it's unsubstantiated.

21:29 Mar 21 2015

True. But on campus, they take all accusations seriously. Plus - it's good to keep track of the craziness, to see if it is or will become a pattern.


20:52 Mar 14 2015
Times Read: 682

I don't even know how to fuckin' start...

On a positive note - when the apartment manager's wife came by yesterday to borrow my cell (?) she fell in love with one of my paintings.




Boys and girls, today's letter is the letter D.

04:08 Mar 03 2015
Times Read: 704

And D is for dumb.

(This also covers the letter C for crude, but anyway)...

* I'm having lunch in an area that is for employees only. A young black female culinary student - off duty - barges into the room and starts using the sink (wtf)? I politely tell her that she is not allowed in the area...before I finished my sentence, she snaps "Thank you" and storms out. Note that this is the same stupid bitch that I caught only 10 minutes earlier scraping ice from a Good Humor Man freezer.

She pissed me off so much that I followed her out.

I said "By the way - the 'ice' you were scraping is not made of water, but Freon - a toxic substance." The look on her face was priceless. As she stood there with her mouth hanging open, I then said "As a culinary student, you should know that. But anyway...you're welcome!"

* An Asian student comes in and attempts to grab a handful of forks. We charge for cutlery if a person brings their own food in (We didn't use to, but you know how people abuse any system they can). Anyway, when my supervisor told her the stuff was 10 cents each, she balked. We later saw her eating her food, using one of her chicken bones as a utensil...we laughed our asses off.

* It's funny how a fellow employee (Cee) acts like a spoiled brat at times. She got her panties in a wad due to the fact that the boss got on her and Lana for standing around talking (They do this shit a lot). While she was slamming packages of juice around, she slammed a bottle of Minute Maid on top of the fridge. While she was bent over, the bottle rolled off and conked her - hard - on the top of her head. I had to turn around so she wouldn't see me cracking up.

And today is only Monday. I wonder about the other letters of the alphabet...




Priest of the Month.

19:37 Mar 01 2015
Times Read: 717

March 2015

 photo 50a27fb8-7d3d-4f19-86ec-7d021e031a6f_zpsgqxb4iy3.jpg



07:36 Mar 02 2015




00:56 Mar 01 2015
Times Read: 667


It's raining pretty hard right now.

And there is thunder and lightning.

And the sun is out in all its glory.

I better log off now.



10:07 Mar 01 2015

I hope you're doing well! *hugz*

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